• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Dark 648 stories
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Estimated Reading: 10 weeks



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King Sombra has returned, conquered the Crystal Empire and has Twilight at his mercy. Now, Twilight needs to do everything to get out of the place she is trapped and save the Crystal Empire of Sombra. But when King Sombra confronts Twilight, he ends up finding in the mare that tried to stop him a queen to rule the Crystal Empire with him.

Chapters (1)

A horrible Cataclysm has turned all of Equestria into a Wasteland of barren ash and twilight desolation. The Sun and the Moon have been destroyed. Everypony has died--including Princesses Luna and Celestia. But one pony miraculously survives; she is a lone wanderer, the last of her kind, surrounded by menacing creatures that hate her. She navigates the Wastes in an airship and scavenges off the blighted landscape to keep herself alive.

Then one day she meets an old companion who grants her a gift, the chance to go back in time to the warm and sunny days of Ponyville, where her dead friends live in happiness. How far will the last pony venture into this joyous age of Equestria, even if she fully knows that there is no way to change the horrible fate of everypony she loves?

2013 Edition: Smaller Chapters, Better Grammar, and a Few New Scenes

(A shout-out to Vimbert, pre-reader and gentlecolt)

Chapters (52)

Shining Armor takes a job as a caretaker at the royal sister's holiday house during winter, accompanied by his wife Cadance, his sister Twilight and his sister's assistant Spike. But the absence of his favorite things will send him insane and a particular family will tell him to do the unthinkable in order to get them. Meanwhile his own family, isolated by the snow and without communication form, will know this is going to be a long winter. Based on 'The Shining' and 'The Shinning.'

Warning: includes some mild language and gore

Chapters (1)

when Ponyville is attacked by Beowolves. it is up to Ruby to save the residents of the town.
Crossover with My Little Pony and RWBY.
rated Teen for Violence, Gore, and Death.
now can be seen on Fimfiction main page in "Latest Stories"!, Thanks Mystic! :D

Chapters (4)

Princess Twilight Sparkle gets flung towards Equestria High by a powerful demon called the Time Bastard. With help from her human counterpart, Twi corrects a tear in spacetime.

Chapters (1)

After Captain Celeano's airship passed through a storm, the team found themselves not in Equestria anymore. It's only the matter of time before they found out that this world is at war. They're on board of the American USS Enterprise aircraft carrier. Can they get use to the violence of war and survive it? An epic adventure takes flight.

Chapters (3)

With you having a obvious crush on Sonata but with her being in an abusive relationship with Dusk Shine, will you be able to help her and confess your feelings to her???

Chapters (24)

New Cover Coming Soon.

When an Evil Pony Resurfaces with an Army, Four Strangers try too join The Royal Guard, and keep The Princess of The Night safe from This Evil. (This is an AU Story, and a Spin-Off that takes place during Season 6.) (This is The Only MLP Fanfiction I'm doing, I Hope you Like it.)

Link to The Soundtrack Playlist on Spotify. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/53Vw4xnf5FubaHPd0QWGCL?si=SL7a2FfgRUu9quPuRY_pPQ&utm_source=copy-link

Chapters (2)

A heated confrontation with Celestia over her portrayal as Nightmare Moon and her sister's authoritarianism leads Luna to search for answers about the past, unwittingly tangling Twilight and her friends into a cosmic struggle between order and liberty. The tragedy of the past bleeds into the present as the Royal Guard, led by the (in)famous Captain Braveheart, pursues the moon goddess as if the fate of the world depended on it. A tale dedicated to the history and government of Equestria, the psychology and political/moral philosophy of the characters, and especially that amorphous and mysterious force that so many seek yet so few gain: power. What is its nature, what drives us to pursue it and keep it? What does it mean to be a leader, a princess, or a goddess at that matter? These are but a few of the questions the characters must struggle with in order to restore harmony to Equestria. This story tries to bring an edge of realism to the political organization and history of Equestria. If you're seeking utopia or dystopia or extremes of any sort, it's not here. .

Chapters (14)

Rainbow Dash is trapped in an alternate dimension.

Proof read by: Manaphy
Originally written for The WriteOff Association's Distant Shores contest.

Chapters (8)