• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

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Equestria: The shining beacon of peace and harmony in a world torn by war. The citizens are safe and secure within the borders.

However, a darkness is coming. Sunset Shimmer, daughter of Celestia, fears the return of the goddess of the night herself: Nightmare Moon. A mare who wishes nothing more than the destruction of everything good. Sunset will do anything to stop her.....
...Even if that means hanging out with other ponies.
I know you all have seen your fair shair of Alt-universes, starring a different main six. I know this, but I couldn't get the thought of trying my own hand in the concept.
{I'm also hoping I live up to the standard set by my predecessors.}
I shall call my 'verse, "The Shimmerverse"....Genius!

(Edited by The Albinocorn. Thanks for the assistance.)
Coverart by F-NAR
I hope I did well and you enjoy it.
Please leave a comment.

Chapters (23)

After Twilight and her friends blasted Sunset Shimmer with The Elements of Harmony, they did not expect this side effect. Sunset Shimmer was found unconscious at the bottom of the crater. What’s even more peculiar is that she is now a child. She does not remember anything before her current age, nor why she has scaring on her back.

Twilight now has to unlock the mystery to why the former bully was converted to that age, and why there seems to be painful black veins branching across her back.

This story is inspired by fmriver’s story: Sunset’s Second Round of Childhood

Cover artist: girasol


Chapters (24)

Spike wakes up to find Twilight has become a zombie. Can he fix things before being eaten by his best friend?

Chapters (1)

Luna works tirelessly to create lovely nights for Equestria, but even after she came back from the moon, she finds that they still don't appreciate the night as much as she would like, and protecting their dreams is a thankless job. With all these factors piling up around her, Luna regrets being "saved" from Nightmare Moon, and sets out to take revenge.

Chapters (7)

(Book one of the Anon-a-Miss trilogy)

Sunset has had enough. After one last attempt to reason with her friends -- which failed miserably in her face, she ends everything with a literal bang. Unbeknownst to her, her deed would affect Canterlot High School forever. The very next day, the CMC, the true culprits behind Anon-a-Miss, confess and are finally brought to justice. But it's too late to make any amends. And now everyone, completely unable to live with a guilty conscience, falls into a deep depression, not knowing how to move on. Until one day...

Rated T for profanity, violence, blood, and mature topics such as suicide, alcoholism, and eating disorders.

Chapters (7)

Set in the painfully adorable Youngverse.

Our favorite little Princesses Celestia and Luna play an innocent game of Truth or Dare with Cadence, Chrysalis, and Discord. But, when Luna is dared to threaten the destruction of the universe, things go haywire. And, of course, it was all Luna's fault.

**Edited and Proofread by the amazing flyinggirl!**

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash loves flying, and wonders if she can go faster. She tries to fly faster than ever before. Once a storm starts brewing below her, she decides it's time to stop and head back, but wait... where is she? She flies through the clouds, hoping to get a better guess as to where she is, until she finds herself stuck, in a place nopony wants to stay long.

Amazing help from Reece and Fantasia!

Chapters (26)

This story takes the events of 28 Pranks Later, which states that Rainbow Dash feels heartbroken and betrayed from her friends for making such prank on her.

If anyone has a better title story to it, please do inform me! :)

Chapters (3)

Alternate ending to the episode 28 Pranks Later. When Rainbow Dash realizes that she had just killed and zombified everypony she ever loved, there is only one way to redeem herself...

Chapters (2)