• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

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This is my opinion on what could have happened in the episode '28 pranks later '... (this is my very first story so there might be some mistakes)

Rainbow Dash has turned the entire town into cookie-eating zombies who want to teach her a lesson. Rainbow can't help but feel guilty, she basically killed everypony. But the problem is, she pays for a tragedy that didn't even happen...

Note: rated teen for Death only. And if you don't like character deaths, please don't read it.

Chapters (1)

The Crystal War is getting more dangerous day by day, the fights becoming bloodier and more fierce. Rainbow isn't one to give up, even in the most hopeless situations, but she doesn't know, the world is about to crumble down on her.

Inspired by the cover art and written for Dragonfoxgirl's SoarinDash/QuibbleDash Contest

Chapters (1)

Many fall into darkness, from fear, from anger, from the the darkest emotions that can be experienced in a being's soul. In this case, what can make a good girl turn away from the light and back into the dark?

00000 ----- 00000

Second one on the second day WITH cover art I made. Damn, I can't stop all the pent up fanfiction man. :twilightblush:

But yeah, this is a concept for Sunset Shimmer I wanted to explore and as far as I know I haven't quite seen it broached in this way here. It can open up to bigger things maybe but for now I'mma just leave this here and I hope y'all enjoy my second fanfiction ever made and I hope it's up to snuff after my first one.

Chapters (5)

Twilight Sparkle had climbed to her peak. She had ascended to godhood, seized reign of Equestria.

And she had never felt so alone.

Desperate to escape her isolation, Twilight unsealed her vault and pressed a certain book back into its slot in a well-guarded mirror.

She hadn't stopped to think that after she left, the human world kept crawling on...

Updates Wednesday and Friday

EDIT: HOLY **** GUYS FEATURED 04Sep2019! First time, baby!

Proofreading: leeroy_gIBZ

Chapters (5)

One week after the Fall Formal, Principal Celestia is surprised to learn that a near-catatonic Sunset Shimmer has been calling out for her in the girl's sleep. Sunset has been unresponsive even to professional medical authorities, so what could have prompted her to call out in her sleep for an educator who had only occasionally interacted with her?

Cover art by The Sleepless Beholder

Chapters (14)

Based on the comic Equestria Girls Holiday Speical and will contain spoliers for it.
Warnings: Spoliers, dark thoughts, and attempted suicide. Read at your own risk!!!

For the first time since coming to this world, Sunset was to have a happy holiday spending time with her friends. That isn't to be though as a new blog by an, "Anon-A-Miss" turns the whole school against Sunset, including her friends. After the truth is revealed though, Sunset isn't really offered any apologies by anyone other than the real person, or people behind the blog; Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle. Leaving Sugarcube Corner while everyone is talking about what had happened. As memories of the past week plauges her mind, Sunset decides to just give up since all of her hard work trying to prove that she had changed was for nothing if everyone could so easily be turned against her. Will the girls save her and prove that they love her, or will it be too late?

Chapters (2)

Sunset Shimmer has finally gotten Twilight’s crown which has given her magical powers. With the support of her new army and the aide of Queen Chrysalis and her changelings, she seeks vengeance on Princess Celestia and her friends. Having all these new powers at her disposal, Sunset plans to conquer all of Equestria. Celestia has to decide how to defeat her treacherous student.

This story has been requested by Chazkopa.
This an alternative ending of the first Equestria Girls movie.

Chapters (9)

After an alarming trip through a black hole in his fridge, Nigel M. Chalmers finds himself in a colourful peaceful country populated with a throng of friendly ponies... in the body of one of their nation's worst enemies. Of course it all goes to pot.

Follow him as he attempts to make sense of his new body, makes new friends and maybe even finds love...
Or not, after all this is Nigel we're talking about, all he's probably going to do is insult everyone and drive everyone insane.

Follow the gripping tale of action, comedy and romance.

Will Nigel make it back home in time for the office Christmas party? Will he avoid a painful death at the hooves of multi-coloured Equines? Will he finally be re-united with his beloved cheesecake?

You can only find out by reading this fic, so fasten your seatbelts and prepare to get wrecked.

Edit: Well, someone did a great reading of the first chapter, thanks to KaBar41 for the reading.
The Reading of Chapter One

I wrote this fic as a side project to Nigel M Chalmers, Emperor and saviour-or-destroyer to try my hand at a transformation story. To all of you who hate the whole "Turned into a pony and makes friends with everyone" I'm going to shatter your misgivings like 300 kilograms of armoured Biped smashes a window. There will be violence in later chapters but for now it's just pure comedy.

Featured on the 12/5/2014

Coverart done by Avatar of Madness

Chapters (17)

This story is a sequel to In the Days That Followed

After dealing with everything from attempted murder, to personal tragedy, to survivor's guilt, Sunset Shimmer and her friends find themselves trying to stay out of the way of a government agent brought to the city because of recent events.

With the portal to Equestria closed, and something very angry lurking in the woods surrounding the city, the seven friends will find themselves dealing with foes old and new, a mystery that could threaten everyone in the city, and an impossible and unacceptable choice.

Part 3 of The Repercussions Trilogy.

Featured on 1/13/19

Chapters (86)

Pre-read by Majin Syeekoh. King of Madness (who co-authored this with me), and TheBritishPony.

Edited by James Fire

Cover art by HPBudgecraft.

After being dared by Pinkie Pie, Sunset Shimmer and Rainbow Dash stay overnight in an abandoned mansion in the woods of Canterlot. Now within its walls, they find out that the history it holds is far darker than they could've imagined.

Chapters (4)