• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

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Sunset Shimmer did many things in her life she wasn't proud of. Things that made her feel ashamed of her past and herself. She helped fight off the Sirens, "The Dazzlings", as they were known during the Battle of the Bands. Perhaps the former Unicorn could finally find happiness... right?

Anon-a-Miss happened. An unknown user of MyStable started posting secrets about every student at CHS. Sunset received the blame. Punished for a crime she didn't commit.

Nobody believed her, not even the Rainbooms. The group of friends she thought of as exactly that... her best friends. Her family. Princess Twilight couldn't be reached, either.

Was she destined to be alone? The Magic of Friendship nothing more than a mere lie?

It hurt; the pain of betrayal ran deep.

But, no matter how dark it is, there will always be a new dawn on the horizon.

This beautiful piece of art, also known as my story cover, was made by ChanceyB. You will find this picture on Deviantart.

Javarod is responsible for prereading, proofreading, editing, contributing, and especially everything that's wrong.

Chapters (20)

Adagio Dazzle's childhood has been anything but great. She used to have a happy life as a friendly and energetic girl. But all of this changed after witnessing her mother die from kidney failure and as a result, her father, out of grief, had killed himself by locking himself in his bedroom and shooting himself in the head. After her parent's tragic deaths, Adagio stopped smiling, in fact, she stopped feeling any kind of emotion and only felt...empty and broken. Ever since then, she has spent most of her life on the streets with no money or food and only having the clothes on her back. Adagio thought that her life was now over, but she then has an unexpected surprise when a student from canterlot high named Joseph Smith notices her and feeling pity for her and seeing that she is severely malnourished, he gives her what was supposed to be his lunch. Joseph Osborn then asks her if she wants to stay at his place so she could get out of the cold rain. Adagio reluctantly agrees, at least she'll have decent food and a roof over her head. Little does she know that the longer she stays with him, the more she begins to bond with him, and before she knew it, a friendship started to form between the two.

(Just so no one gets mad at me, This would be about the human version of Adagio, and in this story, she is an only child.)

Chapters (2)

Two decades after the banishment of Nightmare Moon, her shadow still lingers. Princess Celestia has been left to tend the Twin Thrones alone and protect us all from those who would see Equestria crumble. Our enemies take many forms: some would tear the world down with their claws, others with their smiles. They are monsters all the same.

I have had many names, and I have been many things. Today I am Swift Sweep, and I work for the Equestrian Bureau for State Security.

Special thanks:
NCMares (DeviantArt) for the gorgeous cover art.
Octavia Harmony: primary beta reader and editor throughout the many months of production.
PaulAsaran: for great help with and feedback on plot development and initial story drafting.
Kleora, Cerulean Voice, Nonagon: for further help with editing and story development.

Chapters (14)

Based on the Transformers Prime: Rage of the Dinobots comics and Fall of cybertron

Arc 1 summery (chapters 1-5)

After helping all the remaining Autobots escape Cybertron, the Dinobots are the last Autobots on their home planet, they must leave but when they do so an accident puts them in stasis for thousands of years, motionless until a cretin sonic rainboom wakes Grimlock up. Now the Autobots must learn to survive on this new world. however the Decepticons soon arrive and start to make problems for the ponies while keeping their existence a secret.

Arc 2 summery (chapters 6-11)
The cybertronians are no longer a secret, now they must locate the fabled Allspark, the source of all cybertronian life while battling a new enemy, Thunderwing who has a mysterious agenda of his own.

Arc 3 Summery (chapters 11-20)

Unicron has awakened, and the Autobots and ponies must work together if they have a chance of defeating him, will they succeed, or fail? The final chapters in this mind blowing story will end in a way it began.

Wiki page for this story right here.

Chapters (20)

The Test that the Tree gave to the Young Six may have been unorthodox, to say the least, but it seemingly had desirable results for their friendship.

But what if things had happened differently? What if, instead of Smoulder finding Ocellus, Sandbar completed his test first? Find out inside!

Written for The Discovery - A Young Six Writing Contest, and also to help break a nasty case of writer's block.

Chapters (3)

When Gallus's friends decided not to be friends anymore when they had an argue from the ruined Hearth's Warming Tree Gallus feels alone and decided to take his own life. Will his friends save him or remain gone forever?

based on the episode "Hearth's Warming Club"

Special Thanks to Nolamancy for proofreading Chapter 1 :

Special Thanks to Melinyne for proofreading chapter 2 :

Special thanks for Miner for proofreading chapter 3 and remaking chapter 1 and 2

Chapters (3)

One night, Sunset Shimmer falls into despair. She feels an overwhelming sense of nothingness and doesn't know what to do. Even when she goes to school the next day, she doesn't feel like herself.

Chapters (1)

Subject 0976, or known as Apex, is a man-made Yautja, he is made to replace soldiers in US Army. Apex was made from many predators DNAs, including the Yautjas they caught and killed from the past years. But when a experiment went wrong, Apex escaped the facility. After an intense fight, Apex was blown up by a bomb. When he woke up again, this warrior found himself in the magical land of Equestria, but our favorite ponies and their new made friends were fighting Storm King's army in Canterlot. Apex can either choose to ignore this, or to help them...

Chapters (4)

Amazing new cover art drawn by Droll3 on Deviantart.com! Drop him a favorite and a comment!

Four days after the marriage of Shining Armor and Princess Cadence, as well as the defeat of Queen Chrysalis, Fluttershy receives a visit by Twilight. Twilight tells her that if she sees any changelings, she needs to tell her immediately, on Celestia's orders. Fluttershy, not wishing to do so, begins thinking about it, and the things she thinks of makes her anxious and uneasy. In doing so, she decides to take a walk into the Everfree Forest to calm her mind and enjoy the view. While admiring the scenery, she trips on something. Looking back, she finds something she feared having to find, for the risk of being shunned by her society-a hurt changeling. Because of the nature of Celestia's instructions, Fluttershy must make a tough decision: Whether to turn this changeling in or to bring it into her home to make it better.

The real question is will Fluttershy fall to the peer pressure of society, or will she do what her heart tells her is right?

I do not own the cover image, nor any of the characters displayed in this story (except for the changeling.)

Featured 05/02/14, 05/07/14, 06/18/14! and 10/01/14!
04/30/14: 100 favorites! 05/18/14: 250 favorites!
05/01/14: 100 likes! 06/20/14: 250 likes!
05/03/14: 1,000 views! 06/18/14: 2,000 views! 09/25/14: 3,000 views!

Chapters (22)

Death is the end. Once you die that’s it. There’s nothing. Driven by the desire to confront the mare who killed him, Sombra makes his return known at the doorstep of the Ponyville library. As the battle between Sombra and Twilight intensifies, a second motivation behind Sombra’s attack comes to light. This ulterior motive threatens not just Ponyville, but Equestria as a whole. They say death is the end of life, but for some, it’s only the beginning.

Cover art provided by: Valkyrie-girl
Art used with permission

Chapters (3)