• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Dark 648 stories
Found 618 stories in 71ms

Total Words: 25,753,479
Estimated Reading: 10 weeks



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Shortly after her father had landed a demanding and stressful business job, Pinkie Pie has not attended Canterlot High for almost an entire week. She hasn't kept in contact with her friends and she insisted that she was fine. However, when Rainbow Dash tries to find out what has been causing the usually-bubbly girl to skip school, something that she would never do, she finds out a horrifying truth that both shocks her and terrifies her.


Featured - 25 / 01 / 2019
26 / 01 / 2019

Chapters (1)

I am a United States Air Force fighter pilot. I'm supposed to be a fearless, balls to the wall man of unfathomable feats. But somehow, I was taken from my world during a simple, routine flight. Now that I'm stuck here, part of me wishes I could have done things differently... The other part wants to stay here in this peaceful land, surrounded by serenity. Only time will tell where my road leads. I just hope I can find a way to cope in the mean time.

"A single event can awaken within us a stranger totally unknown to us."
~Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Awesome cover art by Balthasar999

Chapters (8)

When war comes to Equestria, the three tribes have no choice but to face it, or die.
War corrupts even the best of people, and brings the worst demons out.
Equestria will find out, that they are made for war.
For the Demons of Equestria will rise.

In this short fic, an alternate Equestria faces war. When it hits them, they will go all out to protect the land. Will they stay themselves, or will they change entirely?

Edited by; Holtinater,Scoping and Carapace

Helped by SunlightRays

Chapters (2)

Where did Celestia disappear to, the night of the 1,000th summer sun celebration?

Why didn't Nightmare Moon simply kill the mane six?

What was The Nightmare willing to do in its hatred, and The Princess willing to do for her beloved little ponies?

This is that fateful night, but told from perspectives we haven't seen.

Chapters (2)

There are three of them, all Alicorns living to the desert land south of the Everfree Kingdom, which is the land that will one day be Equestria. They are a family of three: an elder sister and the younger kin she raised long before Celestia and Luna had even been born.

Elinora of the White Flame rules wisely, alone until the others are of age and get their marks. Hasad is charismatic and an excellent mediator. Stellaura is nervous, paranoid, and wants nothing more to be like her brother and please everyone, including herself by overcoming her inferiority complex. All of them have their own wishes for the world.

Only one of them will have their wish fulfilled.

Major spoilers in the comments and groups! The cover art is by turnipberry but was edited by me. Contribute to the TVTropes page!

Chapters (18)

Twilight hasn't been right since discovering the history of two long forgotten races, and her subsequent excursion to the last of their ruins. After the sudden, and violent death of Pinkie Pie, Applejack and Fluttershy, Twilight announces that all is complete to resurrect the Alicorns and Draconquus. Rainbow Dash rushes off to the Castle of Friendship to confront Twilight, and put an end to her quest.

Note: It's been a while since I've actually posted a story. Hope you enjoy. Fair warning, this is a grimdark. The concept came to me while I was at the story today, and I thought, why not? I've got some time.


Chapters (1)

WARNING TO ANY NEW READERS: Sorry, I'm the least happy with this story even though it is my first. Think of it as my practice. I need some time before I can fix this story and make it worthy for reading. Thank you for your patience. Estimated time of fixing: 3 months ~1 year. Apologies for any inconvenience.

A new system is taking the modern human society by storm. Synch is a device that interfaces with your brainwaves to centralise your entire tech.

Smart phone? Internet? Computer? Heads Up Display?

All there in your personal world-view.

When Synchrony, a program compiled by a mysterious creator on the extranet, allowed people with Synch gear to live in a world built from their subconscious (or so it was postulated), it caused ripples like a pebble thrown into a pond.

Many used Synch as an escape from the real world, a break from reality.

Unfortunately for one human though he is about to have a never-ending vacation.

Set after Season 3 Episode 2

This story is also recently tagged dark due to the nature of the story progression (there is exploration into death and such).

This is also one of my first attempts at making a proper story and I'd definitely would welcome any feedback and improvements will definitely show up in future chapter releases. Please, please, please if you're thinking about down voting this story, give a reason in the comments so I can make adjustments if it is something I can fix.

It's also a bit of a slow start. Forgive me for that.

Also I have planned this story to be ~150k words that may change but that should give an idea of how fast this story will move.

Also as a side note to new viewers, there will be active editing of the story as I write it. Tags in stories with (rev1) (rev2) are meant to match up to the intended changes to the chapters, there may be discontinuities and I will strive to address them.

Also decided to put an Alternate Universe tag as this story may diverge from the main series. Also, if it was otherwise unclear this is a science fiction/fantasy match up.

My first 100 likes and faves, aww you guys are too sweet!

Chapters (100)

Warning! This story is dark! Very dark! And it does NOT have a happy ending! If you are not into that kind of fic, DO NOT READ!!!!!!

Yet another Anon-A-Miss fic. This one is an alternate route to Dainn's "Anon-A-Miss," where instead of escaping her captors, Sunset gave into despair......and to her demons.

"I was stupid.....so stupid....."

Chapters (19)

Twilight and her friends have faced many challenges throughout their years of great friendship, but things start to take a big turn when they encounter a darkness that is not from their world, as well as making a few new friends along the way. Takes place after Season 6, and so on. Also guest-starring Stardust Balance from "A Journey Beyond Sanity".

Chapters (72)

Before King Sombra enslaved the ponies of the Crystal Empire; before Nightmare Moon attempted to block out the sun forever; there were only Luna and Sombra. In a time when Equestria’s peace after Discord’s defeat is shaken, and when alicorns once again come under attack, two unlikely ponies come together beneath the pale moonlight. In the darkness their love blossoms, but so does an ethereal evil that bides its time, waiting to strike before the dawn.

Shadow of the Moon
In Your Dreams: Luna's Farewell

Cover art done by the amazing Nalesia on Deviantart. Please check out the artist's gallery. I couldn't be happier with this piece.

Chapters (27)