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[Complete!] When Rarity finds out how little Twilight gets out of the Library, things get out of hand as she decides to take it upon herself to teach Twilight the ropes of dating. As Rarity drags her around, Twilight begins to have a good idea of who she wants to ask out.

Chapters (6)

Twilight just wants to sleep; unfortunately for her, not only is Celestia in a playful mood, but Luna is itching for some quality time. Shining Armor and Cadence then show up, and it turns into tug of war with Twilight as the rope. The prize? Spending quality time with everypony's favorite purple alicorn.

This story has Twilight/Celestia and implied Twilight/Luna. Also, Cadence has a very... vivid imagination.

Now a plotless(okay, so there's a bit of plot. Just a smidge, though.) ball of comedic fluff with multiple chapters.

Chapters currently edited:
Chapter 1 - Say It - edited by ultra1437

Chapters (9)

Twilight gets a distressing letter from Celestia and rushes to Canterlot.
What happened to the princess? What is Luna up to? Why do I sound like the narrator to a bad crime drama?
The first chapter is inspired by a drawing from JohnJoseco. The rest will be my own madness doing its part.

Chapters (20)

First place winner of the RariLight Creation Contest #2!

A day before the town-wide Hearts and Hooves Day party, Twilight Sparkle received a strange note in the mail. There was no doubt that it was Rarity who had penned the curvy script gracing the letter, but the riddle that lay tauntingly alongside her greeting was quite the mystery.

And Twilight loved solving a good mystery.

Cover art belongs to Grandifloru!

Thanks to Azusa for proofreading.

Chapters (6)

Twilight was going to the Canterlot Train Station after a party on Hearthswarming Eve that Moondancer and her other friends invited her too. What will happen when she thinks she spots a Lunar Princess sitting at the fountain in the Central Area of Canterlot? Read to find out!


My little pony charters are owned by Hasbro
The cover art is not mine. Do not know who's it is
The only thing I own is the story I write for fun so you can read it :pinkiesmile::twilightsmile:

Chapters (1)

Princess Luna made a very good friend last Nightmare Night, now she fears that she's begun having feelings for her. Should she act on them and risk losing her invaluable friend or should she hide them away at the expense of her own happiness?

Chapters (11)

Trixie is trying to get up to her old rival Twilight's level. Thing is though, now they are good friends. Twilight is helping her to become 'a' great and powerful unicorn like herself, and Trixie is learning fast, and has also learned the meaning of friendship, which she also has made friends with the other mane 6. Enough on that, so Trixie is practicing a spell, but it then becomes too much for her to handle and before Twilight can intervene, both are struck by the magic. What happen's next you must read to find out. Please Read and Comment. Warning: Level's of cuteness may skyrocket. Diapers, age regression, and other babyish things involved. Do not read if your heart can not withstand this cuteness or this is not your comfort zone. You have been warned. Some comedy involved.

Chapters (6)

Something is very wrong with Princess Cadance. Everypony close to her knows, except Twilight Sparkle. Something is very wrong with Twilight Sparkle. No pony knows, not even Twilight herself.

One problem lies hidden from the world and the other sits out in the open, invisible.

Something is very wrong.

This is not your traditional shipfic and touches on topics of addiction, recovery and relapse. Additionally, while this was originally written as prompt submissions to the Magic of Love: A Twidance Prompt Collab, they have been expanded upon to give more information.

Belated thanks go out to Misago and Pearple Prose for editing and being all around awesome dudes.
Change Log: Additional Edits have been made to Chapter 1 and 2 so that they feel less "prompty" and are less telly.

Chapters (8)

Deputy Constance S. Twilight had all the qualities of a great lawpony: she was brave, convicted, honorable... and terribly terribly alone.

But to save the town of Ponyton against the world's deadliest bandit, it's not enough to be fast on the draw. To save the world, she'll have to master harmony.

The strongest gun of them all.

Dust and Harmony is a familiar story re-imagined in a western world called Dust.

Chapters (8)

One day, Twilight finds out something awful and upsetting, which makes her fall into deep depression. Her friends never like to see her upset, and so they try to cheer her up. Yet, one friend in particular, believes they should not do that.

Chapters (1)