• Member Since 22nd Apr, 2019


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While studying, Starlight notices weird changes in Twilight when around Sunburst. She tells her to knock it off in the nicest way possible.

Spoilers for the Season 6 Premiere.

Cover art by Cover Designer Novel-Idea

Chapters (1)

While other ponies in Twilight's life have something special about them, Twilight is just a regular old unicorn. She certainly isn't special like Princess Cadence. Sure, her foalsitter always tells her she's special, but there is no objective logic behind this reasoning. And the upcoming Summer Sun Celebration might be fun, but it certainly can't help. How could somepony, proving she's the most special pony in all of Equestria, help Twilight find her place in life?

This story is a purely fluffy head-canon to connect the uncertain Twilight seen in the Canterlot Wedding flashback with the one seen in Cutie Mark Chronicles. It is not that serious, but I think it's nice.

If someone doesn't get it, think of Pinkie's hair being used as a cannon. That was the purpose of this story. :pinkiehappy:

Chapters (1)

Early one morning, Twilight Sparkle gets up to make some tea.

Sometimes, a cup of tea is just a cup of tea. This is not one of those times.

Chapters (1)

In a freak accident from the Cloudsdale weather control team, Twilight is struck down by an errant lightning bolt. But the veil of death is relatively thin...

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle has always been Princess Celestia's perfect student. A model of good behavior, of friendship, and most importantly, raw magical skill.

But what if that magical skill wasn't accidental?

What if Twilight was just a weapon?

And what happens if she finds out?

A very, very special thanks to Ralastas (http://www.fimfiction.net/user/Ralastas) for assisting me in this and writing Twilight's final letter.

Chapters (9)

Twilight breaks Celestia's doors.

But then, you'd be mad too, if your stupid brother got drunk and told you that you were adopted...

Chapters (1)

When Twilight's feelings regarding her mother come to light on Hearth's Warming Eve, her confession threatens to tear apart her family bond forever in favor of her perfect idol. To give her daughter happiness, Twilight Velvet deicides to take drastic measures to either regain the daughter she missed for two years, or lose her forever. When Princess Celestia is brought into the equation, Twilight is faced with the daunting challenge to no longer hide her feelings but come to understand them. When torn between idealism and the card Fate handed her, Twilight must confront herself with what it truly means to love.

Entry into the Fourth Twilestia Contest

Chapters (2)

In the aftermath of 'All Bottled Up', Starlight and Trixie think they've got off scot-free. Aha, but they reckoned without the keen observational skills of one Twilight Sparkle, and what followed is now documented here for posterity...

And your enjoyment.

Featured on 16/4/17 to 18/4/17

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Prince Blueblood: The Politician

Prequel simply establishes Blueblood as a politician, no story elements present at all.

Princess Twilight Sparkle appears to have some trouble with politics, as her encounter with the yaks proved. On her second go-around, Prince Blueblood accompanies her for some valuable pointers. The buffalo incident and the yak incident were both resolved by Twilight's friends, not Twilight alone, and as a Princess, she needs a bit of help.

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia finds twilight passed out from lack of sleep at Shining Armour and Princess Cadence's wedding reception. She tries to find a way to apologise to her student for ignoring her warnings about the changeling queen, and faces self doubt over relying on the elements of harmony, and the mane 6, putting themselves at risk to save her kingdom.

Chapters (1)