• Member Since 22nd Apr, 2019


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memorable 238 stories
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Twilight faces the thought of immortality with her usual aplomb: falling down into a ball of misery and confusion about her role, and what she will do in the eventual absence of her friends and family.

That is, until a much older Twilight Sparkle takes the time to talk to her.

Chapters (1)

She saw her, tumbling to earth. She heard the crack of horn on stone. She listened to the staccato beeps of hospital monitors. When will she wake up? Will she wake up? Will she ever forgive Rainbow for failing?

Comments contain abundant spoilers.

Chapters (4)

At her coronation after-party, Twilight gets a little freaked out at the prospect of growing into her new life, especially one specific aspect of it. She knows better than anyone that talking her problems over with a friend can help tremendously, but she doesn't have many friends with whom she'd be comfortable talking about this particular problem, let alone ones who would really understand what she's going through.

...unless she broadens her definition of "friend."

Now with a reading, courtesy of PresentPerfect! Go check it out, if you're so inclined.
Ahora en espaƱol gracias al maravilloso trabajo de SPANIARD KIWI!
(Now in Spanish thanks to the brilliant work of SPANIARD KIWI!)

Chapters (1)

In the dregs of sleeplessness the princess stirs, thoughts of her old home rising unbidden in her mind. If she is to even hope at any sleep tonight, she must confront what remains of the library and move past the loss. Once there, however, she finds a friend with something on his mind, too.

Chapters (1)

Twilight's been almost alone for a thousand years, and in a desperate attempt to bring her friends back, intentionally unseals Discord, Spirit of Chaos, from his stone slumber.

He's in for some nasty surprises, since she's changed quite a bit over the years...

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Useless

Twilight has suffered for so long. I've seen her lose friends, her family, her innocence, and more from the war we had with humanity. Ever since the surrender, she has spent every waking moment trying to earn both her redemption as well as Equestria's for our sins against the humans. Now that she has finally done so, she is ready to rest at last.

I just wish it wasn't her final rest.

Based on The Conversion Bureau series.

Pre-read and edited by: Socks, Chaotic Note, and Biker Dash

Artwork done by Pedro Hander

Please Help Out The NegotiationsVerse TV Tropes Page

Chapters (1)

Dear Princess Dear Celestia,

Today I learned that sometimes how you say something can be just as important as what you have to say. It's easy to forget the true strength of words and all the subtle ways they can bring us closer together or push us apart. It doesn't matter if you're a filly in Ponyville or an Alicorn Princess in Canterlot, words are powerful.

There's still so much to learn about friendship. But I think I'm ready to start.

Your Faithful Student,
Your Friend,
Twilight Sparkle

Chapters (1)

At first, Twilight doesn't understand why Princess Luna wanted them to watch the coming eclipse together - but as it turns out, Luna has something very important to ask of her. For Luna fears always being known as the cold and distant Princess of the Moon, incapable of forming true connections. Can Twilight help her, or will Luna be forced to grow resigned to what appears to be her fate of eternal isolation?

Chapters (1)

An alternative ending to the season 5 finale.

Starlight Glimmer destroys the time scroll that allows Twilight to return to Cloudsdale. With the sonic rainboom stopped, her plan has succeeded, and this time, Twilight can't come back to try and stop her again. She thinks it's over, but when Twilight pulls her into the present, Starlight finally sees what her actions have done.

Chapters (1)