• Member Since 22nd Apr, 2019


More of a reader than a writer.

memorable 238 stories
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Estimated Reading: 4 days



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"'Colts will be Colts' is not a sentiment that applies here at my Friendship School!

Times have changed. Kids or not, everyone, students of friendship included, have to answer for these sorts of disrespectful displays. Now, all of you, down to Counselor Glimmer's office, immediately! I'm going to have a long chat with her about what to do with you all!"

EDIT: Featured #2 same day, 3/21/19! Thanks!
EDIT: #1 same day! YEET- thanks all!
EDIT: Now with an AUDIO READING by Skijarama!

Chapters (1)

Spike is a kind, loyal, selfless dragon. To many, he's not only Twilight's number one assistant, but rather an assistant to the entire town. Tragedy strikes when the adolescent succumbs to a fatal illness. It hits the townsfolk hard, especially Twilight Sparkle.

Sulking in her own despair, the faithful student asks herself the same, fruitless question: 'How does one cope with losing their only son?'

Sadness Porn at its smuttiest. You've been warned.

Chapters (1)

Twilight at the reception to the wedding she wasn't the only one suspicous of Cadence's behaviour!
She gets to spend some time with the colt who not only shared her suspicions but actually tried to go and looked for her!

What revelations will be made?

Picture belongs to Deviantart user TheSketchyEnigma!

Oneshot & Completed!

Chapters (1)

At the end of days, Twilight writes her final letter to Princess Celestia, then makes a decision about her future. Inspired in part by the Aviators song 'One Last Letter,' and by the events of the Season 4 premiere.

Chapters (1)

Twilight's life is treading on very thin ice, and the only hope is for her to open her eyes, tonight. After a conversation with the doctor about Twilight's condition, Celestia enters her room and talks to her. After all, it might be their last night together.

Chapters (1)

After an accident, Twilight's life is turned upside down and changed forever.
With her friends standing by her, she must manage to overcome new obstacles, learn a new way of life, and discover just how long secrets last when hidden from those who know you best.


Now in audiobook form!: Youtube

Chapters (8)

When her mother passes away unexpectedly, Twilight Sparkle reflects on a parent she neglected in pursuit of her own dreams. With only a little time left before the funeral, she returns home to piece together what she can of a life she barely remembers, hoping to make peace with the memories of a pony she took for granted.

Chapters (1)

Starlight Glimmer was once the head of a cult. She used her magic to control minds, enslave ponies, and nearly destroyed all of Equestria. Such acts are unforgivable, but somehow she was forgiven by Princess Twilight, and has become her student. It is certainly more than she deserves.

While Starlight admires the grace with which Twilight forgave her, and frankly, the grace that the Princess displays in all areas of life, she has to wonder: What's her secret?

This story was featured on Equestria Daily in a round-up for Starlight Glimmer Day 2021.

Chapters (7)