• Member Since 22nd Apr, 2019


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After a long time--she would be more precise but Twilight has lost track of time--she emerges from the dark of the library. Her candles are burnt down to nubs. There is no food left in her pantry and furthermore, no coffee. So she goes to seek both.

And finds the town changed. Or is it Twilight who has changed?

Chapters (1)

Anything and everything Spike does is for Twilight. In order for her to be happy and smiling, he's willing to sacrifice anything.

Chapters (1)

After a discussion in class, Twilight has a very important question to ask her mentor Princess Celestia.

Pre read by ZOMG, Jumbled Thought, Cerulean Voice and Zodiac.
Edited by Dont Look At My Name Bro

Chapters (1)

How bad do things have to be to resort to something as dangerous as time travel?

For Twilight, the line is an apocalypse. A world of fear and despair forged by years of failures. Years where she got nowhere. She doesn't know what caused it, or how to stop it. She doesn't even know where to look.

None of that matters anymore, though.

She's out of time.

Chapters (13)

We trained her.
We taught her.
We raised her to godhood.
She brought us down to earth.

Sequel can be found here: Memoirs in Ink and Blood

Chapters (10)

On top of her universal magical talent, teleportation was Twilight's specialty. With her newfound Alicorn power, even vast distances would be within her reach. She was so certain that there was nowhere they would find themselves other than their destination, she even offered to teleport herself and Celestia all the way to the Crystal Empire, together.

Of course, nowhere is exactly where they find themselves.

For a week.

(Oneshotober 2014)

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Fading Moonlight

Thousands of years after Luna's sacrifice to Tirek, Celestia and Twilight are the only two remaining in Equestria. But even they are destined to die, as the end of the world nears. Shortly before the last day of their lives comes to an end, they reminisce about their most memorable experiences in Equestria, and recall the events of the night Luna died. Soon after, an emotional farewell takes place.

Rated Teen for literally the slightest death reference ever (and the fact that it's kind of the point of this story).

Understanding of Fading Moonlight is not necessary unless you want to know how Luna died.

Also, Twilight's 5 friends, Spike, and Luna only appear in the epilogue.

Chapters (2)

Cornered by Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends, who just got their Cutie Marks back, Starlight Glimmer thought Twilight was ready to "bore" her with a friendship speech.

However, thinking of how Starlight interrupted her earlier friendship speech attempt by yelling at her to be QUIET, Twilight wasn't planning to give a speech this time. Not least, not quite like the ones you would usually think of.

This may not end well for the former ruler of "Our Town" if she doesn't start running!

This takes places in part 2 of the season 5 premiere...obviously.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to A Foreign Education

Twilight was sixteen when she became an alicorn. She hasn't aged a day since. Some ponies ask her what it's like, not being able to grow up.

Twilight can't really say. She's never known anything else.

Chapters (7)