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Sunset Shimmer was going to visit Equestria for a while during summer break. She was ready to get away from the craziness that is high school, and ready to use some real magic for a change, as opposed to her empathetic magic.

Problem is, her friends catch wind of her plan, and beg to go with her.

Now she has to hope that Princess Twilight isn't going to freak out when Sunset tells her.

This is going to be fun!

I've seen quite a few stories of Sunset Shimmer going back to Equestria, but I haven't seen one with her taking her human friends with her. It seems like a good idea, but who knows.

Not that I'm trying to downplay the other stories, just I see a comedy gold mine here. Seriously, this is going to be awesome. If I can write it.

Chapters (6)

The Great Freeze. Was it our hubris in controlling the sun, or was it that others started to covet that control? At this point, the whos and the whys don’t change anything. Our star is dying, and those responsible for it are long dead. Their causes and motives, lost to all but a few.

For the past hundred years, our sun has been growing dimmer, kept alive only by Celestia’s constant efforts. But not even she nor the legion of magi and scientists can stop the inevitable.

Our only choice is to flee to a new world, one that could give our doomed species a second chance. The Seeding colony ship is that chance. There are so many worth saving, and yet so very few seats.

May our children never forget the sacrifice of those we leave behind.

~Excerpt from Princess Twilight Sparkle’s journal three days before Seeding.

While this fic will borrow heavily from Beyond Earth, it will be written so that you do not have to know anything about BE to enjoy the story.

Chapters (31)

It's been almost a decade since the Battle of the Bands and Sunset Shimmer has been trying to clean up the mess she made. After series of unrelated crimes, Sunset, now known as The Phoenix, may need to finally ask for help.

Chapters (24)

For many countless years, the Sun and Moon have watched over the magical world of Equestria. Due to a miracle, they are given a chance to walk upon the world they gazed from afar. Join them as they see what Equestria has to offer.

The following events of this story will take place during Season 4.

Chapters (11)

Erin has been plagued with strange, often painful dreams her whole life. She has a strict medication regiment she has to ahere to in order to keep her dreams and the strange other personalty she shares her head with at bay. On her twenty fifth birthday however her life takes an even greater turn for the bizarre when she discovers a cutie mark has appeared on her hips. Princess Celestia's cutie mark. Now she's changing into a pony with no clue as to why, and the only help she can turn to may in fact be her greatest hindrance.

Set in the TwistedSpectrum's Five Score, Divided by Four setting. If you haven't read it yet I'd recommend giving it a look. Very interesting concept. Though the whole time I was reading it I kept wondering where the Princesses were. He said he didn't plan on using them so I decided I'd have a go at a side-story in his cool universe. XD

Chapters (16)

Fluttershy has seen and learned about many different types of animals. At the same time, there were many she didn't know. Now she would discover one of those creatures she's never seen.

Actually, it was probably a creature nopony's ever seen. It looked like a pony, but to Fluttershy, behaved like an animal. After all, she felt the same joy around it that she felt with all her critters. But what was it?

And most importantly, why was Rainbow Dash that creature?

Warning: Will contain animal-like Pet-Play and Tatzl-swallowings.

Vector by 'arifproject'.

Chapters (54)

"Always expect the unexpected in life, after all, life is unpredictable." Jeff Manns, a 20 year-old high school graduate, has finally moved out of his parents home. Jeff's life couldn't be better, he has a job, he's living on his own, the whole world before him, and he has... six magical miniature fillies? How did these creatures end up in Jeff's life, and what does he even know about taking care of these three inch tall fillies? Absolutely nothing could go wrong.

Sidenote - the lovely Fred2266 has actually done a reading from a long while ago on some of the first chapters on this story! So show him some support and enjoy.

Chapters (9)

Five years ago, Nightmare Moon returned to Equestria and took it by storm. She imprisoned her sister in the moon, and Equestria fell into an Age of Darkness. She ruled with an iron hoof; her word became law. The Mare in the Moon became a grim reminder of what happened to those who opposed the new tyrant, and nopony dared oppose.

Except for one aspiring unicorn.

Twilight Sparkle, a mare shackled by the failures of her past, prowls the ruins of the old capital Canterlot, praying for a spell that can right what has been so horribly wronged. Buried beneath the rubble of the Royal Library, she finds a tome that might be the answer to her prayers.

A "Warrior of Sunlight"; surely he will be able to overthrow the wicked tyrant and restore Celestia to her rightful throne. Twilight can almost see the sun returning over the horizon. She just didn't expect this warrior to be so... jolly.

Set in Starlight's "alternate future" where Nightmare Moon reigns.

Audio reading by Skijarama

Chapters (15)

This story is a sequel to Mechanical Aptitude

Six Elements of Harmony.

One hundred and eighteen Elements of the Periodic Table.

Let's see who blinks first.

(A collection of irregular short pieces focused on the ponies (and sundry) of Equestria dealing with the other fundamental building blocks of the universe -- more or less. Most of them will be part of the Triptych Continuum, which has its own TVTropes page, FIMFiction group, and a newborn character page: new members and trope edits are welcome. However, these can be read as standalones, and no knowledge of the others is required.)

Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.

Open Concept: any author who wants to write and post a TEoE story themselves has my express permission to go for it.

Chapters (6)

As Celestia's personal student, there was no doubt in Sunset Shimmer's mind that she was the most powerful Unicorn in Equestria. There was no spell she couldn't master, no lesson she couldn't for one.

Hoping to rectify the situation, Princess Celestia broke one of her own rules and unearthed Starswirl's Mirror, hoping that, by gazing into it, Sunset would see what she always wanted. Unfortunately, the plan worked a little TOO well, but not in the manner she hoped.

Cast out and believing herself betrayed by Celestia, a desperate Sunset decides to seek out her 'Hearts Desire' on the other side of the a place where she will learn the lessons Celestia so desperately wished for her to learn: that Friendship is Magic.

Chapters (7)