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It was all a mistake.

A portal opened up during their Wonderbolts training exercise and Rainbow Dash fell through, saving a teammate in the process... But at a cost. Now stranded in an Equestria that is all but foreign to her, Rainbow Dash must figure out why exactly she is there and what she needs to do to get back.

Yet when something happens that Rainbow could never have been prepared for, she decides that enough is enough. Stricken with guilt and compelled to do what's right, Rainbow finds herself stuck between a rock and a hard place. With her name already meaning nothing so far in the past, she decides to call herself one that she still viewed as the epitome of awesomeness and nobility in all of history...

A Wonderbolt.

Captain America: Pony Style! - Wonder Edition! Find All The Answers In This Fantastic New Addition!

If you haven't already, read the prelude one-shot Daring Do and the Frozen Wonder. I wrote it so the beginning made a little more sense.

If that makes sense.

Chapters (29)

It's an enjoyable winter afternoon in Ponyville. Foals wage arctic warfare on one another in the form of snowballs, lovers dance majestically on the frozen lake, and then Scootaloo whips out her inter-dimensional snow sled.

Fic idea and prompt provided by The Duke.
Cover Art drawn by postcactus

Chapters (7)

A lawyer doesn't always want to know what really happened. It's a tightrope walk. Whether or not the lawyer believes in his client's innocence is not the issue. It's his duty to defend his client - no more and no less.
— Ferdinand von Schirach

Proofreading done by Dancing Mop, Sevenofeleven, Setokaiva and N4.
Credit for many images goes to N4.

Now also featured on!

Nearly one year has passed since Australian pilots discovered Equestria in the middle of the Indian Ocean.

Now the world watches in awe as, with the Princesses' blessings, one of the most ferocious and dangerous tyrants of the equine world - none other than Chrysalis, the Queen of all Changelings - is marched before one of the highest courts of law of the human world - the International Criminal Court in The Hague, the Netherlands.

But the Queen is wrathful and determined, still one of the planet's single most powerful creatures.
How can mere humans, who know next to nothing of her mystical home, achieve justice for the Equestrians?

Alexander Estermann is a conceited defence attorney who will have to wade through a quagmire of vengeance, racism, manipulation, lies, hearsay and self-deception to get to the core of the affair.
Seemingly the whole world is working against him - up and including the Queen herself.

Rated teen for liberal swearing and gore for minor gory descriptions and pictures.

Disclaimer: This is not a story that is meant to reflect reality. Several things about international law have been changed to accomodate the scenario and make it, well, readable. If that should offend you for any reason, I wish to apologise in advance.

Chapters (38)

After an unexplainable storm consumes two Boeing C-17s during a routine sortie over the Arizona desert. Freelance Journalist, Frank Hugh, and a company of armed soldiers find themselves literally crash landing into Equestria. With no knowledge of survival or any combat training, Frank must find a way to cope and survive in a new world while trying to find any other survivors before the land's inhabitants take him.

Chapters (5)

Sunset moves into her new duplex, but her roommate seems like she's a bit on the 'strange side'. Or more accurately, the 'completely psychotic and probably into all the crimes, all of them', side.

Thanks to Nova Quill/Firimil for their edits and suggestions! Especially Nova who basically inspired this in the first place!

Chrysalis vector by xebck.
Sunset Vector by Aqua-pony.

Chapters (12)

This story is a sequel to The Longest Night

As her twenty-first birthday dawns, Twilight Sparkle finds her simple life turned upside down. While her birthright forces itself into her life, Twilight also has to deal with the arrival of three Alicorns. No pony knows where they came from or what they want, and the Alicorns seem intent on keeping themselves and their purposes hidden. To uncover the truth, Twilight will set sail for distant, ancient lands with old and new friends.

Side-Stories: Velvet Sparkle and the Queen in Stone, Myths and Birthrights: Anthologiae, A Dream of Pride and Envy, The Castle Canterlot, by Honey Mead

TVTropes Page

Pre-readers/Editors: Honey Mead, WNA, Cerulean Voice
Cover art by Saint-Juniper

Comments Contain Spoilers

Chapters (46)

So, I was living a fairly normal life, going to school, reading fanfics, marvelling at the magnificence of the internet and humanity at large, you know, a totally normal person. Then, suddenly, I wasn't. No biggie, because every brony's dream came true for me: I was reborn as a pony, an Alicorn even! That sounds great, right? Ah, aha, um, nope! Not when I'm the "son" of God-Empress Celestia of the Holy Empire of Equestria, who would make even the Imperium of 40k balk at her xenophobia and egomania. Well, I've got magic, that has to count for something, right?

If you would, please contribute to my Patreon, where you can support me and commission stories: Link

2017-07-09: Holy salmon, I've been featured. My first ever story got featured. In 3 days. I have no idea what I did to have the honour, but thank you all!

Edit: Here's a picture of the main character, Solus:

Chapters (28)

Vice-Principal Luna is asked to investigate the student who has been at the center of all of the recent issues at CHS - Sunset Shimmer.

Rated TEEN

This fic will deal with some hefty issues such as: Mental Illness, relationships, poor choices, and how two damaged souls navigate the waters.

I wanted to keep the teen rating on this, mostly because while there won't be any explicit content, it WILL deal with some heavy emotional trauma, and I don't think that hiding that behind a "mature" tag will do anyone a service.

You have been warned.

Cover Art by the AMAZING Maddymoiselle

Chapters (18)

Designation ManeFrame, an experimental construct created by the Equalists, has only one purpose – to crush the remaining resistance that struggles against the mighty Empire. However, when the construct gains conscience in a bloody, unmerciful battle, it is thrust into one last, titanic struggle that would decide the fate of Equestria.

Information is scarce to come by, and every clue reveals three more questions. What happened to the Princesses of the Old? How did the Equalists seize power? And just why does the name Twilight Sparkle sound so familiar?

Featured 28/01/2017. Thank you so much, everyone!

Massive thanks go out to my editors and proofreaders: Garzeel_, Flicka Ravenhide and Destella Morningdew.

Character tags maybe updated in the future. The cover art is edited from the original artwork by zolombo, which you find here. If you don't like the story, please tell me why in the comments description. It would be greatly appreciated!

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to To Love as His Own

Following the defeat of Queen Chrysalis, the princesses of Equestria seek to build a relationship with newly-crowned King Thorax and forge an alliance between ponies and changelings that has never been seen before.

While the changelings adjust to the broad, sympathetic intricacies of shared love magic, Thorax works to embrace his role as the hive's new patriarch, demonstrating a benevolent rule far different from his predecessor. Through sleeping and resting together in groups, he aims to cultivate harmony and empathy in a once turbulent hive and find a place for himself within it at last.

With the help of Equestrian royalty, a few good friends, and his brooding older brother, Thorax must now champion the idea of peaceful changelings in Equestria and show the world that his kind can change more than just their looks.

* Now in physical print! Check here for details!

* Main entry of the Love Bug Continuity!
* Takes place between seasons 6 and 9.
* Featured on a Tv.Tropes page.
* Story artwork created by Racingwolf.
* Edited by Double R Forrest.

Chapters (38)