• Member Since 28th May, 2020


I Am A Great Story Writer. You Name It, I Make It!

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This story is a sequel to Power Ponies: Harmony Forever

Three months after Discordant Convergence, hundreds of ponies started to gain superpowers. To solve the mystery of why or where they came from, the Power Ponies will have to travel the world in search of the New Heroes. Along the way, they encounter betrayals, faces from the past, and secrets hidden from those close to them.

Chapters (23)

Ever since arriving in Equestria, you, a local male human in Maretropolis, had some hard time of adjusting among every pony while sometimes having restless sleeps and headaches. After getting into an accident, you wound up in a pony hospital where you can spend a few weeks of peace and quiet. Although, what you didn't realize that there would be some "friendly visitors" checking in on you every day before the snowy winter of Hearth's Warming Eve starts.

Chapters (3)

Late one night in the city of Maretropolis, a lab but the name of Marex-Corp is broken into by a mysterious character and makes off with an unknown chemical. It's up to the Powerponies to stop this fiend before she can wreck the city, or is there more to the villains plot then just anarchy?

Edit - 14/09/2020 - Added more detail, fixed spelling and grammar and some scenes I thought didn't read very well.
Cover art by Lupin Quill

-Set in the Powerponies universe.
This story contains
Fat -From Chubby to Immobile blobs
Weight gain
Muscle to Fat Transformation
Very light bondage
Very slight macro
Cheesy jokes

Chapters (1)

After weeks of snooping, persuasion, calling on favors, and hacking, I finally found Hasbro's top secret pilot episode script for a Power Ponies spin off show. I now present it to you converted into FanFic form.


After stealing the Power Ponies Comic Book, the Pony of Shadows uses dark magic to bring the Mane-iac out of the Power Ponie's world and into Equestria. Unable to follow, the Power Ponies decide to send Power Modules along with a copy of their Artificial Intelligence P.E.G.A.S.U.S. out into Equestria so that a new group of Power Ponies can use their powers to stop the Mane-iac.
MLParody: Go Go Power Ponies! by Sky Highnote

Chapters (1)

No one can deny an old fashioned superhero team-up, especially when that team-up involves another helping of the Power Ponies!

Taking place after the second My Little Pony movie, Rainbow Rocks, and the new Disney film, Big Hero 6, we find Twilight testing out a new spell, a way to travel to other dimensions. It works, only for one of Spike's comic books to get in the way, causing an upset in the spell's process, leading the portal to suck in Spike, his comics, and the Mane 6, sending them to an unknown destination.

They awaken, only to find themselves as the Power Ponies once more, and in an unusual city by the name of San Fransokyo. To make matters worse, the mishap with the spell, fused with the comics, unleashed the Mane-iac, more powerful than she ever was, and even backed up by her own private army of dopplegangers! Now, the Power Ponies must team up with the super hero team of that world, or risk darkness falling upon the city forever.

This thrilling three-chapter crossover adventure brings two times the hero, featuring the return of the Power Ponies! Let the adventure begin!
WARNING: Given that this story will contain some or plenty of spoilers, this story MUST BE READ by ONLY those who've seen Big Hero 6 already. Trust me, it's for the best

Chapters (3)

The Autobots are working with a space bridge when a malfunction occurs, which leads them to a strange new dimension. A dimension filled with rainbow coloured, magical, talking ponies! As the Autobots adjust to the strange world of My Little Pony, they discover the malfunction was not accident, and that the ponies are in desperate need of their help.

There is a small hiatus right now, not because we aren't interested in the story, but because I, as in the main writer of the story, am writing a couple of other stories that really have my attention right now. I still love this story, and can't wait to finish it and get to the plot twist, if you can call that a spoiler, I just am busy with other things. We definitely will finish writing it, just not now. We hope you understand.

Chapters (13)

The Masked Matterhorn. Fili-Second. Radiance. Mistress Marevelous. Zapp. Saddle Rager. Hum Drum. These seven heroes protect Maretropolis from all kinds of threats. They were as close as friends could be. That all would change when three of their most hated enemies team up against the Power Ponies and unleash a threat that no pony can stop. The Power Ponies' friendship will be put to the test when they are on the brink of the end.

Chapters (22)

When Discord taught Prince Illusion how to enchant comics, he didn't see any harm in it. When Prince Illusion decided to prank his friends using his new spell, he didn't expect to hurt anything more than Prism Bolt's pride.

But chaos magic is unpredictable, and now the Next Generation is in peril. They are trapped in another world, and the only way out is through the worst villains the Power Pony's rouges gallery has to offer. They will face tests of their strength, tests of their skill, and tests of their smarts, as they try to their way out of Maretropolis. But they will also face a test of their friendship, and their opponent is playing for keeps...

For the purposes of this story, the events of My Little Pony Annual 2014 will not be considered canon.
The Next Generation is the property of excellent artist Kilala97.
In the Official Next Generation Timeline, this story takes place after Whirlwind develops and gets over her crush on Amber Lily but before Pixel Bit's sibling is born.

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to Equestria Ninja Girls Bugged Out

Baxter Stockman has traveled to Middleton to parter up with his old colleague Dr. Drakken. When the Rainbooms, the Turtles, their allies, the CMC, and Blade Swipe follow him there, they cross paths with Kim Possible, and now the ninjas find themselves in a whole new world of crime fighting and world saving with the Teen crime fighter.

  • Takes Place before the events of the last season and So the Drama
Chapters (15)

This story is a sequel to Equestria Ninjas: Friendship School

Some time after the events at the School of Friendship with Cozy Glow, the turtles and friends join the Rainbooms to hunt loose Equestrian Magic in their town. But when it proves to be too frequent they enlist the help of their mutant pony friend Blade Swipe to join them. As Blade ventures into the human world, he is followed by Friendship School student Bright Eyes who needs a break away from the school because of the Mane Six's paranoia about thinking any one of their students could pull a Cozy Glow. Will the two Equestrians help the Turtles and the Rainbooms quell the loose magic or will more magical mishaps be too much for them?

This story was written by author/artist jebens1 who asked me to put this story on my page. This takes place following Equestria Ninjas Friendship School, and before the events of such stories like Equestria Ninja Girls of Moo Mesa and I Love Being a Rainboom. So you'll be seeing the appearances of some characters that've appeared in stories taking place following this. Specifically more human allies of the Turtles from New York.

Cover art made by jebens1

Chapters (43)