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In his quest to become a Wonderbolt, Soarin' finds himself saddled with the responsibility of being the Element of Loyalty and trying to keep up with the newest Wonderbolt, Rainbow Dash.

Chapters (5)

Rainbow Dash: Brave, Bold, Headstrong, Strong, Fast, Loyal.

Fluttershy: Timid, Weak, Kind, Slow, Agile, Compassionate.

They are the best of friends, Rainbow and Fluttershy had been through it all. Rainbow Dash always had been there for Fluttershy, protecting her, fighting for her. Living the Element Of Loyalty well. And Fluttershy always wanted to repay for her fast Pegasus friend.

But when a dangerous storm is created, trapping Rainbow within it, and throwing her out making her fall to her death. Fluttershy can only do either two options:


Or Hide

Art is not by me, it is by the right person who created this lovely badass picture. Judge me if you will but I take no rights for MLP or the art.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Working Towards The Future

This story follows up where Working Towards The Future left off. You should really read that story, and the first story "I'm Tired Of All This" before reading this. In fact, this description spoils those stories! So stop reading this and go read those.

It's been three weeks since the events of Working Towards The Future. Scootaloo is happy with Rainbow Dash and better yet, it's the day that Star Shine returns from Canterlot. Someone else who's just as important was also on that train. He's not too happy that the bane of his existence is still alive when he spent years thinking she was dead.

He's quite happy he can get his revenge though.

Rated teen for language and violence. At least one of them should happen. Tagged romance to be safe. Mild shipping may or may not occur. Also tagged Alternate Universe because, like the two stories before it, this fic totally disregards Season 3. It's set between S2 and S3.

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to "I'm Tired Of All This"

Alternate title: Titles Are Hard. It's been a week since Rainbow Dash saved Scootaloo after she jumped in to Ghastly Gorge and Rainbow Dash is keen for her to go back to school, as well as make good on a promise. What happens though when despite her best efforts, the little filly still can't fly?

You call in the one guy who can make any filly fly.

This story is a direct sequel to my story "I'm Tired Of All This" and you really should read that story first. An OC will be introduced later in the story. Here's hoping I don't get torn to pieces for that! Alternate universe tag thrown on to be safe because this fic totally disregards the events of S3, most notably Sleepless In Ponyville and Magical Mystery Cure.

An audio recording of this, and the prequel story, is being done by Shimmering Honor and can be found on this youtube channel. Finally, this fic now has a sequel that can be found here.

Chapters (93)

This story is a sequel to First

Three years.

It's been a long three years, up there in the north, fighting for Equestria.

At last, though, those three years are over, and Rainbow Dash is finally home again in Ponyville. The war is won and she's returned triumphant, having done her part and served with honor. But after what it's taken out of her - and left lingering inside of her - can Rainbow Dash really come home again so easily? Does the Ponyville she once knew still exist for her? And are the ponies she's coming home to getting back the same Rainbow Dash that went out there to fight for them, those three years ago?

Only marked for gore because of a moderate amount incidentally present by necessity in the first part, and it's not particularly bad, so don't let that turn you off if it's not your thing. Most of the story doesn't have any blood or violence at all.

Chapters (7)

Every pony believes they know the facts, but it turns out there's a twist. Short stories to make you rethink Equestria.

Chapters (6)

A lot happened to Twilight Sparkle the year before she made the transition to Ponyville, before she realized the value of a friend, and before she saved all of Equestria...

After a chance encounter with "Rainbow:" an enigmatic, amnesiac pegasus mare with a rainbow-striped mane and a knack for mischief, Twilight begrudgingly finds herself overseeing her recovery, all while questions keep surfacing. Like who is she? Where did she come from? And more importantly... why can't she get her off of her mind?

As days turn to weeks, and weeks turn to months, destinies are revealed and the past is dug up as Rainbow's memories begin to resurface; and as sinister forces set their sights on Equestria, Twilight and Rainbow find they must overcome themselves in order to become the heroes they are meant to be.

Edits for the story provided by xgfhj.

Sequel officially now in progress exclusively (for the time being anyway) over on my patreon.
Check out the sneak preview here.

Chapters (21)

Something is causing the pegasi to follow an irresistible urge to hug their ground-bound cousins, leaving Ponyville foundering in a mildly annoying emergency. Twilight Sparkle ventures into the no-more-dangerous-than-usual town in a desperate attempt to solve the cutesy crisis and finally get her study time back.

Inspired by shortskirtsandexplosions' story Herald.

Chapters (1)

Twilight's only had her wings for about a week, only a little shorter than the time since she started dating Rainbow Dash. She's yet to learn how to preen, and Rainbow's willing to help teach her!

Written for One-Shotober.

(As a note, you can get the original source of the picture by clicking it. The original is beautiful and has Fluttershy in it as well, but I had to edit her out (poorly) to fit the story. Please don't hate me for editing her out; she's my second-favorite pone, but she doesn't fit in the story!)

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Guardians of Many Hues

Tears freezing on her cheeks in the cold mountain air, Rainbow Dash closed her eyes. In her final seconds, she could think of nothing but her daughter... Scootaloo...

This is a sequel to my other story Guardians of Many Hues. I recommend reading it beforehand, although you should be able to understand most of it by just reading the recap.

Warning: death, war, mild torture, extremely sad
Rated Teen for adult themes and violence.

A huge thank you to my amazing editor and proofreader Kevinltk. You're more than just amazing! Also big thanks to twilight-the-pony for additional proofreading!

Image by Freefox

Chapters (11)