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It was a surprise that Dash offered a kiss as a prize at the charity auction. It was a surprise that the colts were as "enthusiastic" as they were. It was a surprise that Dash didn't leap on the colts and beat them for their comments.

But, the biggest surprise of all was which one of her friends bid on her kiss... and why.

Chapters (2)

Growing up is hard on its own, especially when your accomplishments are forever overshadowed by those of somepony else. And how could one not be overshadowed by Rainbow Dash?

Rainbow's son must learn to step out of his mother's shadow.

Chapters (9)

When you live large, you dream large. Sometimes, you get tunnel vision—and sometimes you forget that sometimes what you want isn't always what you get.

Warning: Possible spoilers in comments

Chapters (9)

After an unknown accident Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash awake to find themselves sharing the same body! Now they must struggle to hold themselves together as their world is turned upside down. How long can two ponies exist in a single mind? It’s a race against time as they search for answers before it’s too late. When all is said and done, you’ll never look at Twilight Dash the same way again.

Chapters (15)

Rainbow Dash tries to sort through her thoughts, realizing she has a crush on her friend Twilight Sparkle.

Cover Image by Tri-Engine

Chapters (4)

Warning: If you haven't read the first two stories of this series you won't be able to follow along. I urge you to be able to read this with an open mind to read the previous installments so you can enjoy this one.

Rainbow Dash's journey has took her to the edge of insanity and to the brink of death itself. This final chapter of her saga as a Wonderbolt will put her at the very limits. Survival against an adversary of this caliber isn't guaranteed.

Equestria has been called into war against Draconia. The two nations pitted against each other by fate, and only one will survive. With no hope for peace, and fear running rampant, two sides attack one another with ferocity. No matter the outcome Equestria will never be the same.

This, final fic of the saga, will finally answer all the questions that haven't been answered while ending the story once and for all.

Art used with permission.

Artist: shokka-chan at Deviant Art.
Proof Reader and Editor: kiheerSEDMAN

Chapters (13)

Rainbow Dash is not one to shy away from a brawl, and she was no different in her filly days. Even more so when her friends are at stake. Her father believes punishment for attacking a group of bullies would not be the best solution to get the young pegasus to pick her fights better.

His solution will have a far bigger impact on her life than he could have imagined a spur of the moment decision could possibly have.

Chapters (1)

Desperate times call for desperate measures.

When Soarin’s pride and manliness are on the line, he will resort to anything to defend them. Sadly, Soarin doesn’t always have the brightest ideas. So will his newest plan ‘Operation Prove I’ma Man’ end in glory and impressed teammates, or will it end in utter failure and shame? He will have to pull out all stops in an attempt to steal Rainbow Dash’s panties!

YouTube Reading!

Chapters (1)

Soarin has never been a lucky stallion. So when the mare of his dreams seems unreachable, he has to compromise a bit. Not that he minds his compromise. But who's to say it has to stay that way? Who's to say Soarin can't get lucky once in a while.

Chapters (1)

Following the story of To be a Wonderbolt. Rainbow Dash, Wonderbolt "retiree" tries to make her life work with managing two jobs, fame, and a growing family. With the old problems still being faced some new ones come across. In the midst of planning a wedding and rebuilding a town, Rainbow Dash's ever growing popularity becomes a problem when people question why the Wonderbolt Super Star has been performing in less shows. Paparazzi and fans a like continue to pester her even when trying to enjoy time with her family and friends.

How will Rainbow Dash and her soon to be wife Fluttershy handle all this while trying to build a life together?
Can Pinkie's problems ever be fixed?
When Rarity starts getting famous will she fall down the same road that Rainbow did?
Will Applejack's insecurities lead her to remain single with her foal on the way?
How does Twilight deal with her emotions when she realizes she has feelings for two ponies?
Will the CMC ever get their cutie marks?

So many questions read on to find the answers.

The cover art was used with permission the artist is named Aurora-Chiaro

Chapters (22)