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(Currently in the process of being edited and revised for flow. Story content will not change)

Rainbow Dash gets accepted into the Wonderbolts just as she had always wanted. The fame ,wealth, success all achieved as imagined. She is living the life and after dealing with some trouble adjusting, she finally is enjoying it. Until one day during a show a letter arrives one that changes everything.

Will Rainbow Dash be able to live on as a Wonderbolt while knowing what her absence has caused and can she make things right? Or will her loyalty waver on the final hour?

I got permission to use the art that is now the cover. The guy who made it is named ~Skyline98
check his work out if you want.

Don't forget to leave a like or dislike and tell me why you liked or disliked it. I won't change the story but I can use your feed back to do better on my next series of stories I will be making. This story now has a sequel known as To be a Wonderbolt: Family and Friends

Chapters (18)

Did you ever wonder why Rainbow Dash had a rainbow mane and nobody else did?
Maybe it never crossed your mind that a rainbow is more than a superficial trait.
A little while after Rainbow fails her Wonderbolt audition, her friends begin to notice that her iconic rainbow mane and cyan coat are literally leaking color, leaving behind a shallow, lifeless shell of what Rainbow Dash used to be.
Without the old Rainbow Dash, everything seems to be thrown out of balance in Equestria, and the elements of harmony can't function. Together, they attempt to bring back color to the one they care for he most.
Through medical study and the magic of friendship, Equestria will finally understand Rainbow Pegasus ponies, and the existence of rainbows entirely.

Chapters (1)

The history books say that Commander Hurricane and his lieutenants Lightning Streak and Ice Wing successfully brought the Pegasi nation into a firm alliance with the other races, establishing a new country under the Royals in Equestria. Yet, time tends to forget the darker details of history. Not everypony was happy to see the mighty and miltant Pegasi subdued under the 'beneficial' union with the other races. The ensuing internal struggle would fade into Pegasi myth, a secret long thought laid to rest...

Thousands of years have passed. Equestria has been at peace under the Diarchy of Celestia and Luna. Nopony recalls the forgotten history of the Pegasi. It is all about to change. Storms from the past are on the horizon, an ancient vengeance set to transform Equestria. Only three unsuspecting pegasi stand destined to turn back the storm; to discover the forgotten Legacy of the Pegasi.

Proofread by SeerGun

Chapters (30)

Spitfire has only met Rainbow Dash a few times, but something about this lightning-fast pegasus has stayed on Spitfire's mind. Was it the fact that Rainbow Dash saved her life? Was it her steadfast determination to realize her dream of being in the Wonderbolts? Either way, Spitfire's going to find out, and all it takes is the Wonderbolts' next off weekend...

Chapters (5)

There's a few rules to being Rainbow Dash.

- You gotta be the best flier in Equestria.

- You gotta be cool.

- You gotta be radical.

- You gotta be awesome.

And most importantly of all...

- You can never fall in love...EVER...

- ...Unless you fall in love with a Wonderbolt. Then it's totally cool.

- ...Even if he's already got a marefriend; still totally cool.

- ...Right?

A SoarinXRainbow Dash ( SoarinDash / Rainin ) fanfiction.

Chapters (6)

Soarin has everything a stallion could dream of. A job as Wonderbolt, the most beautiful mare at his side and now even a son of his own. Yes, he has everything, so why does he need to sneak out of their house while Rainbow is out, training with the Wonderbolts?

Chapters (1)

So Rainbow Dash decided to share the story of how she died saving Fluttershy's life. Her friends decided to humor her and listen along. As they hear the story they keep wondering why Rainbow Dash insists she has died. The ending tells them everything.

Picture used with permission and the artist name is ~BlackSonicShadow

Now with it's own some what sequel More hilarity here.

Chapters (1)

You have a close friend that you have started to feel more for? Then this is the perfect book for you! Join us as we provide a path from friendship to romance that will work for everypony!
And don't worry: If you follow these steps, there's absolutely nothing that can go wrong!

Advertisement for "How To Become More Than Friends: A Guide In Five Easy Steps"

Chapters (2)

Soarin bit his lip in annoyance. "That's blackmail."
Surprise smiled innocently. "Oh is it? I didn't realise!"

An opening of an art exhibition featuring the Wonderbolts premieres in Canterlot, drawing crowds of enthusiastic upper-crust ponies along with two much less enthusiastic Wonderbolts; Soarin and Surprise. Readying themselves in for a long and boring night of photos, autographs and hanger-oners, the unexpected arrival of a guest opens a door to Soarin's past; a door Surprise is all too happy to pry open a little further...

Chapters (1)

After a family bereavement, Rainbow Dash is now as lonely and distraught as ever. With only her friends, she feels something is missing, something that left her 15 years ago. Something she never forgot, and something she hopes will return.

Cover art by me. That's why it's crap XD

Chapters (1)