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[General Description At the Bottom]

Omnipotence was truly… Beautiful. But the 'holier-than-thou,' attitude sorta ruined it for him.

“Tell me,” She asked, her tone nothing but condescending, as she leaned toward the face of the entrapped pony in front of her, “You think yourself important?”

“Important?” Alex asked, scratching his chin as best he could inside the levitation spell that held him in place, “Maybe?”

“Truly an impressive answer,” She scoffed, an ugly scowl plastered across her face, “You assume, that slightly altering the chain of events in a universe, could ever make you worth something? Pathetic.”

“That hurts!” Alex half-grinned, feigning shock to her, “Between the time travel, the split personality, and the big wedding, I think I’ve made some sort of impact.”

“You couldn’t be more wrong,” She laughed, squinting lightly at him for just a moment, “Dust in the wind, was it?”

“Great song, but inappropriate use, if you ask me,” Alex smiled, unsure if her prodding through the events in his head was something he should praise her for, “But, if you’re so sure that I lack importance, you need to start from the beginning. Not when you showed up last week. Not when Scootaloo and her friends saved Equestria. Not when King Sombra was turned to dust in front of his old subjects... Not even when Discord was freed from his stone imprisonment, and tried to take over Equestria again. The very beginning. Nightmare Moon, and the return of Princess Luna.”

She gave him a sick smile, entertaining the idea. Perhaps it would be interesting to see things from such a... puny perspective. To see the series of events unfold. Of course, it could also be a waste of her time…

“Fine.” She said, slowly placing him on the ground, and resting her horn against his, “Let’s start from the beginning.”

“Get ready sweet heart,” Alex said, licking his lips and winking at her, as she closed her eyes and focused deeply, “It’s one heck of a trip.”


Basically, a guy goes to Equestria to episode 1 of the series, and he changes the whole playout of the series, adding a bunch of side stories and different paths for some characters to take.

And, he's an alicorn OC.

Yeah yeah, I get it.

Off you run and cry about it. I've heard about it twelve million times. Literally. Not Hyperbolically.

If you insist on calling him a Gary Stu, and a self-insert, I'll assume you're flirting with me, and calling me perfect, since a Gary Stu tends to have no flaws .

So unless you plan on taking me out, and maybe getting some wine in me, don't go calling me perfect.



Cover art was done by Famosity! Here is a link:


Chapters (194)

Sequel to: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - Off the Record

Time has passed, and Rainbow Dash has finally gotten her hooves on a spell to free Alex from his stone imprisonment, through her work as a Captain of the Royal Guard.

During that time, she's made enemies, and she's made mistakes that she only hopes she can be forgiven for. But, Finally, she gotten a lucky break, and finds the spell she can use to bring Alex back to them.

Now she's ready to resume her old life, no matter what is thrown at her... But, things always tend to get complicated, don't they?

Cover art by: JinZhan. I commissioned this, and am REALLY happy with it.
Also, there is a tiny bit of editing still to be done, but that's coming.

Chapters (2)

It has been five years since she has seen them. But after five years of hiding with a secret in her arms, a visitor at her house urges her back home for a special occasion.

Rainbow Dash has kept some secrets, made some mistakes, and finally, she attempts to make amends. Easier said than done, but she has changed over the years; maybe she can prove it to everypony that she has.

Prereaders: Cold Spike and Midnight Spark

*I'm considering an epilogue, but it's not a top priority at the moment. So for now, the story is complete*

Chapters (17)

Ponies get older over time. They slow down. This is a part of life. But Rarity, Twilight, Applejack, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie can keep pursuing their dreams as they get older. Rainbow Dash can't. This is her last chance to be a Wonderbolt, and despite working her tail off, she's not getting any better. In fact, she's getting slower. She just wants things to be fair. She wants one last chance to achieve her dream.

She wants to be faster.

This is what happens when she gets her wish.

A three part story.

Featured 10/7-10/9/13. Posted to Equestria Daily on 5/2/14.

Now with a sequel.

This story is part of Twilight's Library because of Skeeter the Lurker.

Twilight's Library Ribbon


It also won Skeeter the Lurker's medal.

Skeeter the Lurker's medal

Entry for the Writer's Group Contest & the Rainbow Dash Contest.

Winner, 2nd place, Rainbow Dash Contest.

Voted in by Twenty Great Stories on 11/3/13.

Voted in by The Royal Guard, March 2014

Edited by: SpaceCommie, Cola Bubble Gum

Artwork by: 2135D

An earlier draft of this cover art was featured on EQD.

Chapters (3)

The erogenous 3rd edition. It's 30 percent longer, 300 percent better edited, 3000 percent more ethically dubious, and still narrated by Steven Fry.

It's that special time of the month again for the Elements of Harmony; the time when they get together for a Truth or Dare game of a more questionably pure nature. From long kept secrets, to reflecting on parties they can barely remember, their three years of friendship have changed them. For better or worse, they were still deciding on that.

This game will be different. Most likely for the worse, but that's what drinking before the sun sets can do. Or maybe them being hornier than usual. Or secretly planning each others sex lives. Or falling in love with each other. Or all four. Most likely all four.

Twilight wants to go out on her first date, but will alcohol and the raunchy advice of her friends help? Rainbow badly wishes to sedate her loins, or maybe she's looking for something more? What exactly, is Rarity planning for this night? Should they really add weed to the equation?

The Elements all have desires they haven't quite realized they have had, and a day long exchange of sex jokes and tension might lead to events that are out of their control. It was in their control once.

Our innocent little ponies seem to have sucked in too much Seth Rogen, but that's okay.


It's Archer with ponies.

Chapters (24)

Formally known as The Rainboom Heard Around the World.

Twilight witnessed something as a filly. Something that changed her life, and eventually led to the strong friendships she has now forged. A sonic rainboom. But due to a mistake she made, Twilight can't remember it, nor does she know it ever existed. On the other hand, Rainbow Dash's life was thrown into turmoil soon after the sonic rainboom. And although she has mostly recovered now, the painful memories continue to lie just below the surface.

It's now the day of the Best Young Flyers competition. What's the worst that could possibly happen?

Cover art courtesy of lostzilla

Pre-read/edited by Daetrin and Rainbow Skywalker

Chapters (6)

Each night I’m trapped in the dark, immobilized. I hear whispers as they operate on me: they say I shouldn’t be alive. Twilight refuses to tell me about the operation. Sometimes she can’t look me in the eye. What did they do to me?

Nothing used to scare me: I kicked a dragon in the nose, defeated gods of chaos and hatred, and control the weather. Now I feel broken. My memories have shattered, I feel wrong, and I’m afraid to tell anypony how scared I am.

I can’t even do the rainboom anymore. Who am I? I’m no longer the best flyer in Equestria, yet everypony assures me I am. Why won’t they tell me the truth?
↓↓ Credits

Special Thanks:
Dreampaw the artist. Best cover art.
ArgonMatrix - Fixed 128 errors in chapter one alone.
Animus - who is awesome and for hire.
BronyWriter - The only author to punch Celestia in the face, and live.
Jaestring - Artist, Editor, and Female all in one.
Abcron - European editor, which means his time zone and my actual sleep schedule are aligned perfectly!
The Parasprite. Need I say more?
Selbi - If your editor isn't German, you aren't trying hard enough.
OctaviaHarmony - His avatar is as sexy as his editing.
RenegadeTimelord - Doctor who?
Akumokagetsu - Awesomesauce.
(Wow, a lot of editors came and went.)

Chapters (9)

After returning home from viewing a meteor shower, Rainbow Dash finds a green rock in her room that makes her violently ill when she touches it. As she and her friends work to find out what exactly happened, she will come to learn more about her past, her family, and her place in Equestrian society.

Cover Art provided by Supersheep64

Comments may contain spoilers. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

Chapters (25)

For Pinkie Pie, life is pretty good—she's the pinkest, perkiest, most partiest pony in all of Ponyville!

Okay, so things could be better. Her friends aren't having the happiest time right now, especially her beloved Dashie, who she hasn't seen in a while. Upon reuniting, an innocent conversation quickly turns into a sour argument, prompting Pinkie to ask herself all sorts of questions. Who's in the wrong? What should she do? Why are all the bad things happening right now?

And, most importantly, can she patch things up with Dashie before it's too late?

A side story to The Life of Times of a Winning Pony, chapters 18 to 21.

Chapters (1)

Guardians come in many colours and personalities, protecting others or misusing their power. Rainbow Dash is just one of them. As she encounters her favourite filly Scootaloo alone after dark, she soon finds herself tangled up in a complicated network of protégés and presumed protectors, both from the present and the past.

VoxelTron has started a reading of this one. Check it out! click
Proofreader(s): twilight-the-pony (also The11thWonder, Nonagon )

Sequel: Lonely Mountains
Trigger Warning: non-descriptive (sexual) abuse of a minor
Rated Teen for adult themes and violence.

The events are set somewhere after Sleepless in Ponyville, but before the coronation.

This is my very first fanfiction (in the hope that this doesn't scare you of).

Image by DavidMRyan

Chapters (22)