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Twilight Sparkle has always been frustrated with Discord. His ability to do anything, with no more effort than a snap of his claw. It shouldn't be possible. His power had to come from somewhere.
Then, one day, Twilight lets slip how she feels. Surprisingly Discord agrees to explain it to her. To give her the secret to all of his powers. If she's willing to pay the price that knowing it all will bring.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Curiosity of Mr. Disc

No, your eyes are not deceiving you, this is the third part of the Mr. Disc series. The thought experiment goes on when Canterlot High's newest student, Twilight Sparkle has gone missing. This gets the attention of the CIA, and the art teacher gets questioned by one of its agents.

A Friendly Warning: the following story has not been edited. If you can't stand stories like these, you know how to exit this story. If you wished to volunteer to edit this, please PM me.

Chapters (32)

Look at your hand. Is it really there, or are you just imagining things? How are you able to know for sure that it's actually there. What if it was something small, unnoticeable, like a single skin cell out of place. But because of that one skin cell, you're now out of the loop of reality. Will you have ever known that that one cell was out of place, or will you just assume it's right where its always been? What about when another, and another cell becomes desynced from reality. You won't even feel yourself shifting ever so slightly, all you'll feel, is what you want to feel. You'll feel like those cells have always been there, and you won't even percieve yourself changing. It'll be reality. But not the true reality, your reality.

Join Discord, as he reveals the truth about reality to Twilight.

[I encourage everyone who likes this story to recommend it to friends and followers, it really helps a lot. If you disliked it, please leave a comment explaining why so I can grow as a writer. Thanks!]

Chapters (1)

A former pink pony finds herself in a new, hostile world and a new friend who's perhaps even more hostile. A small, angry man finds himself with a new friend he didn't want. Can they make it through this new misadventure together, or is it the universe that needs to watch out for them?

Cover art used with permission from Technaro.

Chapters (211)

Trixie wakes up to find herself having been turned into a fluffy smol ponecat. And Adagio won't stop petting her.

Contains randomness, silliness, and floof :rainbowwild:

Popular 5/7/2019 - 5/9/2019!

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Just Tell Me The Nasty Bits

Left at a loose end, the local human ends up being asked another question by the eternally-curious Rainbow. He doesn't think too much about why she might ask about what she's asking about. He probably should.
I only put this up yesterday, what featured do? Huh?

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Off-Color

The last few months have been a journey for Rainbow Dash. She took an abused filly off the streets, got hospitalized after trying to defend her, and ended up adopting Scootaloo with Twilight.

But while they aren't together at this time, will the trials and tribulations of raising a foal together make them closer?

Only tagged sex for sexual humor. No sexual acts occur.

Cover art drawn by RayneTheSkunk

Give my pre-reader some love!

Chapters (32)

Quiet mornings before school starts can be lonely, but peaceful. For some people, they're a good time to just breathe and prepare themselves for the day ahead. Fluttershy and Adagio Dazzle find themselves doing this in the same place at the same time, in their own ways.

Based on a picture that was a little too big to be the cover art, but cute enough to inspire some shipping anyway. :raritystarry:

Now comes with actual cover art courtesy of SkycatcherEquestria!

Comments may contain spoilers!

Now comes with Trope page!

Chapters (59)

Bill (local human) and Celestia (local horse) are very close friends. Very, very close. So close it's gratingly obvious that they both plainly want to be even closer still, but despite Celestia's best efforts Bill remains utterly incapable of grasping that this is the direction that they both want it to go in.

Her latest scheme is more direct than those before it, but can it hope to work?

Chapters (1)

Featured on January 24th-28th, 2020

You stumbled apon facing the toughest challenge since coming to Equestria; fighting off three overpowered villains with a bell to take all the magic from the ponies. It is up to you to help stop them from getting more powerful by using yourself as bait. When Chrysalis encounters you though, a clever idea struck your vision.

To ask her out!

Cover art by mirroredsea

Audio reading by StraightToThePointStudio

Chapters (1)