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  • Featured 23574 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash awake to find themselves in a mysterious, compromising position. It's up to the brilliant mind of Twilight to deduce what series of events led them to this.

This story has sequels entitled Twilight Holmes: Sabotage After Sunset followed by Salting Snails.

Written for the Annual Twidash Contest.

Dramatic reading Part One and Part Two!

Let's Read blog by bookplayer here!

Remaster edited by Formerly Committed and Shellsh0cker.

Chapters (1)

Ever since Celestia woke up, prank after prank has occurred in the castle with her as the target! Needless to say she's had enough and intends to have some choice words with her husband about it. But is he really to blame?

All OC's in this story belong to Kilala97.

Co-written with The Avenger.

Chapters (1)

Hey there. Name's Discord. I'm the janitor at a high school. I clean up after bratty teenagers and the odd drama queen or two that turns into a demon and wrecks up the school. Ain't my job grand?

Birthday gift to my bro Skeeter The Lurker, a really rad dude everyone should check out!

Awesome art from the greatly talented ManiacPaint, who you should definitely check out for more good art!

Chapters (6)

One fine morning, Spike woke up early and ran some errands. Then he found Discord putting up a seller's stand, apparently ready to open his own business. One which offers a one-day transformation into anything the user wants. And he apparently had the patience to set up his shop LEGALLY. Twilight and the others brace themselves for the inevitable...

(Content of future chapters controlled by user votes!) (Now with Tropes!)

Now with a 'dramatic' reading: Prologue

Current poll: The transformation is chosen already (Tatzlpony!) You pick who becomes the Tatzlpony! (Voting ends 6/25 at 5PM EST)
Previous poll: The Cutie Mark Crusaders (63 votes out of 390) and Age Manipulation (83 votes out of 392) won
Previous poll: Sunset Shimmer (transformation error won with 83 votes out of 325)
Previous poll: Princess Celestia (85 votes out of 397) and Seapony/Siren (104 votes out of 421) won
Previous poll: Trixie (86 votes out of 357) and Alicorn (90 votes out of 338) won
Previous poll: Fancy Pants and Fleur Dis Lee (genderswap won with 199 votes out of 381)
Previous poll: Princess Luna (zebra won with 85 votes out of 368)
Previous poll: Rainbow Dash (griffon won with 274 votes out of 596!!!)
Previous poll: Rarity (diamond dog won with 184 votes out of 444!!!)
Previous poll: Starlight Glimmer (changeling royal (Chrysalis-type) won with 74 votes out of 257)
Previous poll: Pinkie Pie (alicorn won with 80 votes out 282)
Previous poll: Spike (unicorn won with 60 votes out of 225)
Previous poll: Applejack (minotaur won with 56 votes out of 254)
Previous poll: Fluttershy (draconequus won with 75 votes out of 181)

(Voting closes after a week from the posting of the current chapter)

Chapters (15)

Since his release and redemption, Discord has gotten to know Fluttershy's friends very well but he's never done the same with her family. As they're important to her (and she's important to him), the Lord of Chaos takes it upon himself to make the introductions.

Unfortunately, he decides that the best place to start is with her brother, Zephyr Breeze.

Created for the May Pairings contest

Featured 5/28/2020 - 5/31/2020!

Reviewed by PresentPerfect with a rating of Highly Recommended!

Chapters (1)

Discord here! I'm going to tell you about the story of when I appeared on Earth and made a friend!

Thanks to Bronyz4ever90 for comissioning this story.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Discord Visits the Afterlife

Though Ponyville at large is still mourning Fluttershy, Discord remains entirely unperturbed by the loss of his first friend. The reason becomes clear when he offers to take Twilight and her friends to visit Fluttershy in the Elysium.

Cover image from blanconeitoor on DeviantArt.

Chapters (5)

After an argument with Rainbow Dash about the romance plot in the latest Daring Do issue, Twilight Sparkle constructs a machine that allows two ponies to enter a novel, in order to learn more about Rainbow's obsession with pairing Daring Do with her bookish sidekick Rosetta.

Soon, the two find themselves in a Daring Do adventure, with Rainbow taking the name part and Twilight playing Rosetta. As they deal with ancient jungle ruins, mythical artifacts and old adversaries, Twilight is starting to see the appeal of the pairing.

But after all, it is all just fiction, and what happens in a novel has little to do with the real world, right?

Written for the TwiDash Group's Abandoned Fic Challenge.

Rated Teen for some violence, some very tame makeouts, and a slightly inebriated pony.

Chapters (14)

After Rainbow Dash loses a wing in an accident Twilight finds herself to be the only pony capable of restoring it. But can she reconcile the month long treatment with her suppressed feelings for the pegasus?

I wanted to change a lot in this story before submitting it here, but then it took longer than expected and I had other things to take care of. So, after only the most basic revisions, here it is in all its imperfect glory. And in chapter form, too.

Cover image by me.

Skipsy also made a comic for it.

Chapters (6)

Spitfire has only met Rainbow Dash a few times, but something about this lightning-fast pegasus has stayed on Spitfire's mind. Was it the fact that Rainbow Dash saved her life? Was it her steadfast determination to realize her dream of being in the Wonderbolts? Either way, Spitfire's going to find out, and all it takes is the Wonderbolts' next off weekend...

Chapters (5)