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Having joined the Wonderbolts to increase her skill as a flier and have fun seemed like a good idea long ago, but after seeing the accomplishments of Rainbow Dash, Spitfire begins to question her freedom, approaching the rainbow maned pegasus one night after a show. When Rainbow Dash is questioned about her motives to join the Wonderbolts, her answer surprises Spitfire, and the two come up with a wonderful idea.

This is my first ponyfic, so I'd like some feedback. If you have any questions I'm glad to answer. Of all the shipping I've seen this is probably my favorite, and this is my take on it.

You can find a Youtube reading of this fic as well! Here's Part One and Part Two
Picture credit goes to bigponymac on Deviantart.com

Chapters (11)

Three phoenixes' Burning Days occur simultaneously, against all possible odds. Deciding to take advantage of this once-in-an-eternity possibility, Philomena, Fawkes, and Ho-Oh meet in the Unbecoming realm to share experiences of their worlds: their masters, acquaintances, apocalypse aversions, and practical jokes.

A collaboration with AbstractThought. Preread by Unimpressive Vagaries. Edited by ChromeMyriad and GaryOak.

Now featured on:
Equestria Daily!
The Royal Guard's Fic Spotlight #01.
Canterlot's Finest.

This story is 100% approved by Twilight's Library!

Chapters (1)

These are the results of the Fimfiction Writes Ponies! project, in which almost a hundred users were allowed editing access to a single Google document, with the final goal of writing a coherent story about colorful ponies.

This... is their story. It is the tale of Mecha-Trixie. It is the tale of Lord Apep, who ate the sun. It is the tale of the shattered multiverse, the permeable boundaries of which may cause the end of all Equestria. Rarity may or may not be eaten by a ghost-shark at the end of things. It is enormous. It cannot be described in mere words. Read it.

Go forth, my friends, and know that this is what Fimfiction has wrought.

If you want to see the original thing in its unvarnished glory, feel free to check out the Google doc, locked for editing but now open to public viewing.

Credits for The Wonderful Folks Who Helped Make This Happen

Chapters (18)

This is an article based, satirical news program that delivers the most accurate, up to date news of the nation of Equestria. Based off of the popular Onion.com.

Can't get enough satirical news stories? Visit The Onion: Equestrian Bureau's sister site, The Ponion by CartsBeforeHorses

Chapters (38)

That's right, the Joker, otherwise known as the Clown Prince of Crime, the Harlequin of Hate, and the White Duke of Death, is now in Equestria. Will this unpredictable, murderous psychopath learn the true magic of friendship and abandon his old malicious ways? Or will his arrival kick off an unstoppable crime spree to shape Equestria into his own image? Like I said, the Joker is unpredictable.

Special thanks to my awesome prereaders X19, LDSocrates and The Alpha, who are the best of the best! Read their stuff or just thank them for reading my unedited monstrosity before I release it to you guys!

Now on TV Tropes because of the greatness that is Shadow Sora94. Give him some thanks!

Chapters (14)

Anon takes over Spike’s job of transcribing Twilight’s friendship reports. He does exactly what you’d expect.

Companion fic containing Celestia’s replies up to Letter 120 - To: Anon, From HRH Sunbutt written by Snow

Chapters (190)

Once upon a time, in the chaotic land of whatever its unruler felt like calling it at the moment, two sisters discovered their destinies and awakened their true potential. Flush with vast, cosmic power, they challenged the master of creation.

As was often the case when dealing with him, it didn't go according to plan.

Written for F*** THIS PROMPT! 13. Prompt: Immortality makes ponies very emotional.

Chapters (1)

A prequel of sorts to The Wheel and the Butterfly Saga. Can be read on its own.

Discord recounts his exploits as a newly formed being, provides insights into his motivation, and talks about one of the greatest foes he faced while he ruled Equestria over a millennium ago.

Cover art used with permission from possim.

Chapters (7)

Set in the Equestria Girls universe!

When Twilight Sparkle (the scientist one, not the otherdimensional pony princess) predicts an oncoming magical calamity, it's up to Sunset Shimmer and her friends to stop it!

Now, they've got just two days to cover hundreds and hundreds of miles to get to exactly where the dimensional incursion is going to take place.

Good thing it's Spring Break. Road Trip!

Chapters (8)

Ponies have spread to the stars thanks to advances in technology. In the advanced and luxurious Solar Explorer, Celestia travels to the first extra-solar colony world set up by her little ponies. Unfortunately, events elsewhere in the galaxy, unknown to them, have set in motion a cycle that has been repeated for countless eons… the reaping of sentient races. A Reaper dreadnought confronts the Solar Explorer, intent upon indoctrinating the leadership of the ponies and bringing them to heel.

Said Reaper quickly learns exactly why Celestia has earned the title Unconquered.

A Mass Effect crossover oneshot.

Now with a reading done by Scarlett Blade! Check it out!

Chapters (1)