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There's a reason ponies don't practice un-magic much, mostly because it's a lot like regular magic except more dangerous and less predictable. But for some ponies, un-magic is worth the price.

Humble Pie is one of those ponies.

Too bad the price seems to be blowing up Twilight Sparkle's castle at the behest of a voice on a radio.

To re-iterate: there's a reason ponies don't practice un-magic much.

Chapters (2)

It was vexing. Discord could do anything he wanted with his absolute limitless power, literally anything. How he could achieve all that with a snap of his talons had been beyond Twilight's vast comprehension.

That is, until he explained the secret, the infinite source of his abilities. It had been the single most greatest mistake of her life, to cast open Pandora's Box and see what sights were held within, never to be buried again in blissful ignorance. This was what she had chosen for herself.


A spin-off to the the story Rot by Mister E. I suggest reading his story for context.
I appreciate the story being shared around, commented on, liked, enjoyed, all that jazz. :ajsmug:

Chapters (4)

Pandora is a remarkable creature, the union of two souls nopony in a million years would have bet on. Naturally, it can be frustrating when the rest of the world fails to acknowledge this, instead choosing to fawn over simple, run of the mill ponies.

Like precious princess Skyla and her precious little wedding.

It's understandable that, being a draconequus, one might be instinctively inclined to wreak a little havoc in such a scenario.

Too bad that havoc has such a habit of getting out of hoof, and maybe turning into a surprise kidnapping of the heir to the Crystal Empire's throne.

But hey, it's all good if you save her in the end.


Chapters (4)

The sudden and unexpected loss of Fluttershy was one of the most tragic events to have struck Ponyville in living memory, and most of her friends have struggled to accept the fact that she is gone.

It's a good thing Discord isn't like most of her friends.

Chapters (1)

This story is a prequel to the story The Two with Good Taste.

Princess Cadance likes to keep her palace doors open for any subjects that may want to speak with her. But on this particular day, she gets a visit from a certain Draconequus...

And sheesh, is his heart loud!

Cover by TheTalentlessPony

*warning: fluttercord.

Chapters (1)

Set in Lopoddity's Pandora-verse, where Discord and Twilight had a daughter. Pandora wants to know if draconequuses have their own country. After Discord's attempt to correct her pronounciation is mistaken by Pandora for the name of the country, Discord tells her a bedtime story about the fate of the country Draconequui and all the draconequuses that ungrammatically lived within it. And dad-trolls the heck out of her in general. Written with permission.

(Image is actually from moments after Pandora's hatching, though I may replace it if Lopoddity publishes a Discord-and-Pandora image that seems more apropos.)

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Why No One Messes With Luna

Shepard has done the impossible. Old foes have set aside their differences, new friends have come into the fold, and the galaxy is more united than ever before. But the Reapers care not for the new alliances they face; they will fall, as countless civilizations before them fell. It is inevitable.

There is still hope. The Crucible, source of unimaginable power, has been constructed by the allies. With this new source of hope in tow, the allied fleets break through the Earth blockade and attempt to use this newfound weapon in a last, desperate attempt to defeat the Reapers and save the galaxy as we know it. Fleets of all races, soldiers of every kind, are united in this final stand.

Equestria, too, has sent what they can to aid in this final battle. Or rather, who, they can.

The Reapers have no idea what they have unleashed.

Warning: This story contains spoilers for ME3 and takes place during the ending of the series. This story is less approachable than the previous stories and may be confusing to those who are unfamiliar with the ME3 ending

Coverart is by Ziom05, on DeviantArt, and can be found here.

Chapters (2)

Discord takes offense to a restaurant's claim of serving "unlimited" breadsticks.

Idea inspired by the sheer ridiculousness of the Unlimited Breadsticks meme.

Originally written for the "I Regret Nothing" WriteOff.

Now with a reading by AstroBrony! And a reading by ZeusMacD.

Chapters (1)

Night and day. Fire and ice. Creation and destruction. Everything has an opposite, and Chaos is no exception. Princess Celestia tells Twilight the true history of Discord's rise, the Alicorns' fall, and the creation of the Elements of Harmony.

She tells her student the story of Order and Chaos.

Chapters (3)

What happens when something crafted by a creature with no real care for material things is taken from him? Nopony else knew the answer either. But they found out. Oh... They found out.

Rated 'Everyone' because EVERYONE needs a good knock in the teeth!


Featured on Equestria Daily April 2, 2015! *face melts*

Chapters (4)