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Starlight Glimmer has been working a bit too hard. Princess Luna, in the interest of national security, sends you to put an end to this.

By any means necessary.

Chapters (1)

Anon asks a question that's been on his mind for a long time.

This was a sort of stream of consciousness fic that I wrote while feeling down. A little morbid, a little bit of world building.

Chapters (1)

Gallus has some pouncing that he needs to get out his system.

However, his friends aren't really cooperating.

Featured 12/13/2019

Chapters (1)

If bureaucracy is the wheels of a nation, then proper scheduling is the grease and oil.
When it is ignored, things either grind to a halt... or someone gets chewed up in the gears.
Tirek never thought it would happen to him.

Winner of the 8th GapJaxie's "Quills and Sofas" Speedwriting competition (19/9/19)!

Chapters (1)

It isn't enough that Princess Celestia has to deal with politics, courtiers, and continual threats against her kingdom: now she must deal with an internal threat—specifically, the Pony Rights Administrative Tribunal, who summoned her in response to a complaint filed against her by one of her subjects.

How could she have ever signed something so ludicrous into law?

Follow the goddess of the sun and her inexperienced attorney in this gripping courtroom tribunalroom drama, fun for all the family!

Chapters (12)

One day, Anon got mad and decided that it was a great idea to physically assault one of Equestria's ruling princesses.

He was wrong.

So, so wrong.

Now with an audio reading from StraightToThePointStudio!

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia attempts to hunt the most dangerous game: man. Her assistant wants more than anything for her to get back to work.

Artist is lovelyneckbeard

Chapters (1)

Caramel decides to take Anon out drinking. It doesn't quite work out. A bittersweet look at a more grounded RGRE.
{This story has two versions, the last chapter is the first person version.}

Chapters (2)

Twilight Sparkle has fulfilled her destiny and become the sole ruler of Equestria.

Unfortunately, at her first council meeting, she learns a terrible truth.

Equestria is a bit of a mess.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Double-Jointed

Anonymous attends a magic show performed by none other than the "Great" and "Powerful" Trixie. It goes somewhat how you expect, depending on what you expect.

A spiritual successor to Double-Jointed, I wanted to make another oneshot with my favorite duo, Stixie.

Chapters (2)