• Member Since 30th Dec, 2013

The Infinity Doctor

Remember, the future starts, with YOU!

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Abby Trombly is a Pokemon Ranger, well, to be more specific, she’s one of the best Pokemon Rangers in the Corps. Black Market Rarecandy operations, Slowpoke Tail selling, underground fighting rings, she’s seen it all and dealt with it using both the skills of herself, and her Pokemon. However, Abby has a secret. For years now she and her partner Arcanine Kasai have been much closer then regulations would ever allow.

Now upon being thrust into a new world, with a new, much fluffier body, Abby and Kasai are going to have to find a way to continue their old work while coming to grips with a new type of challenge entirely.

A side-story of A New World a New Way

Chapters (57)

The protector, otherwise known as the Big Daddy, is often regarded as the ultimate killing machine of the underwater utopia known as Rapture. They are nearly indestructible, can endure the crushing pressures of the bottom of the ocean, and possess a variety of killing tools.

Through a completely unexpected sequence of events, a Big Daddy is sent to Equestria through a tear. Knowing the kind of havoc a Big Daddy can cause, Booker DeWitt and Elizabeth pursue the behemoth to get it back.

But they're too late.

Takes place in the BioShock: Infinite- Burial at Sea universe, in an alternate timeline. The events of the DLC Burial at Sea: Episode 1 do not happen. Booker and Elizabeth are not trying to find Sally. NONE of your favorite ponies are getting killed, I promise.

Chapters (9)

A Bioshock crossover starring the mane six.
Years after the events of FiM, the six former Elements of Harmony have moved on with their own lives and rarely see each other anymore. Pinkie invites the group to Manehattan for a reunion, but things spiral wildly out of control, and they end up in the decaying, underwater city of Rapture. The old friends square off against everything it's leader, Summer Rain can throw at them, including crazed splicers, the fearsome Big Stags and the Little Fillies they protect.
Will they be able to pull together to save the sunken wonder, and their strained friendship?

Chapters (12)

When two friends get chased into an odd old temple with strange drawings on the walls, they find a colorful rainbow portal and get sucked into it. Having been found by a mythological creature, they go and help her in her endeavor to save her friend, and stay a bit longer than expected.

Colab with the great and powerful Pen Brush!

Edit: For the time being, Pen has decided to stop working on chapters. I'll keep working, but some characters will be written differently, since I'll be the one writing them instead of Pen.

Chapters (14)

Spoilers for Bioshock Infinite, people. Seriously. Scroll down at your own risk.

After killing Booker, Elizabeth heads to Equestria to secure her existence as her past catches up to her. Equestria begins to suffer temporal and spacial disruptions.
May involve Eleanor Lamb and Bioshock 1/2 universe later on. I'm bad at descriptions, just give it a chance and read a bit.
Rated Teen to play it safe. I'm still pretty new to writing, so don't expect too much of me.

Chapters (1)

Thunderlane had never thought he would meet a mare who would turn everything he knew on love and relationships upside down. He always figured that if he ever found a mare worth dating, she would be a close friend of his who he could talk to easily.

That was before a simple mix-up introduced him to Derpy.

Now on a date with the wall-eyed pegasus, he finds out that sometimes a pony needs another to sleep peacefully.

Chapters (3)

Note: The rewriting has started!
Magnus is the sole survivor of a colony ship headed towards Betelgeuse. The ship gets thrown off course when a huge asteroid slams into the ship, which is then pulled into a black hole.

When the ship exits on the other side, he finds himself alone and in an unfamiliar shape. His only companion, an advanced A.I named Ana keeps him slightly sane during their six thousand year voyage through unknown space in a nearly derelict ship.

Everything changes when they find a small blue planet teeming with life.

The old version can be found here: Link

Editing by: Lab
All art by: Mister Aibo, DeviantArt, Fimfiction Profile

Chapters (2)

Matthew was a normal child when the end of the world happened. Darkness erupted from the Earth, casting demons onto the people of Earth. Matthew should have died when the demons poisoned his soul with darkness, but he survived.

He fought for humanity for years alongside others of his kind.
Humanity in return, cast him out and into the void with no hope of returning home.
Now Matthew will remain in the realm of Equestria for the rest of his days.
With some luck, he might just find the happiness he has always longed for.

Some slight swearing, but kept to a minimal.

Chapters (32)

A human finds himself in Equestria under very unpleasant circumstances with no explanation.
His reaction: get the heck out of Dodge and start a new life where Equestria and her ponies can't reach him.
But an alicorn's reach is long and the events which brought him here and his treatment in Canterlot are not so easily forgotten by those who did it. How does one say 'go away' to an immortal goddess?

Yay! Featured, thank you all.
A TV Tropes page
Revised 08/31/14 for clarity and grammatical issues, no events changed. I am working on a sequel, but it will be from Fancy's POV.
P.S. Green is NOT Lyra. There are other green unicorns.

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia always thought she knew how her kingdom worked. The Unicorns used magic specialized to their jobs. Pegasi flew in the sky and handled the weather. And Earth ponies... Earth ponies... uhhmmm...
Huh. Maybe Princess Celestia didn't know everything about her ponies after all.
Princess Celestia realized this after Applejack came to speak with her about a tax unfair to Earth pony farmers. It was during their conversation that Celestia realized she needed help.
Huh, isn't that odd Princess Celestia has had to leave on emergency business, leaving Luna to raise and set the sun? And hey, is that a new pony living and working at Sweet Apple Acres? I think her name is Sunshine Meadow. Surely, it's just a coincidence. Surely.

Chapters (6)