• Member Since 30th Dec, 2013

The Infinity Doctor

Remember, the future starts, with YOU!

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Pain. That's the last emotion Songbird felt before sinking into an abyss. His only friend taken away from him and corrupted. After waking up in the Everfree he makes new friends and he is going to make sure no one hurts them.

Takes place after season 4
Please, point out any Grammar mistakes and leave any constructive criticism it'll help me a lot.

Note: I know people are going to be whining that Songbird has no gender but to those who never heard the Nursery Rhyme, it says he is male. Example of the Nursery Rhyme.

"Songbird, Songbird, see him fly, drop the children from the sky. When the young ones misbehave, escorts children to their grave. Never back-talk, never lie, or he'll drop you from the sky!"

Crossover with
Bioshock Infinite
I do not own any of these

Chapters (2)

This is the first book of The Humanity Within Trilogy. Its sequel is What I've Done.

I wasn't always like this, a monster, running through the woods on an alien planet. I was once a man. I had dreams, a girlfriend, and a great job.
Then They came. In the middle of the night, They scooped me from my home, and... changed me.

Now I'm a beast, a demon the like of which the world I've become stranded on has never seen before, scraping by on the fringes of society, hiding from the natives, and doing my best to avoid notice.

After all, who could ever be friends with a monster?

Cover Image done by the very talented PaintSplotch! You can find his FimFic account here.
And here is his DeviantArt Account!
Now 100% approved by Twilight's Library!
Mad props to my prereaders:
Admiral Applejack.

Chapters (15)

Supervillains are always hunting for mystical ancient artifacts. I can back that up--I worked for one.

Emphasis on "worked." We were probing yet another long-abandoned underground city when my employer finally found the fabled Sphere of Meganacus...only to find it wasn't exactly friendly to humans. Now my boss, my best friend, and my worst enemy are all tiny sentient horses. Yes, I really just said that.

Did I mention they're a lot younger, now, too? God, I need a drink. I hate babysitting operations.

Set in the same universe as "Someone Came With Her."

Chapters (3)

I'm... not sure what happened. I remember the unicorn guy, what was his name? Starmswill the Tearded? I don't know, names are kinda off for me right now. So anyway, there I was with this unicorn then, BOOM! I found myself in the middle of his laboratory, albeit ruined.

Bit strange, isn't it?

So I started to walk, following this odd looking stripey thing, and found this cute little town. Seriously, it's utterly adorable.

And that's when I saw her, the lovely Celestia... ah, it sends my gears a flutter! Although I don't know who the blue alicorn is... or the lavender one... wait, I don't know anyone here apart from Celestia!

Thanks to Infinite Carnage for pre-reading and Draconian Soul with help on Zecora. Go check out their stuff! Cover art was done by myself.

Chapters (15)

Meet 'Anonymous' Self-proclaimed Strongest Human in the world. Well Considering that he's the only human in a world Full of ponies then it's safe to say he really is the strongest human in That world.

Join his adventures , misadventures and pretty much his daily life as he tries to cope up with all the things this pony world has to give. Also... he hides a secret. He has a power.

Let's just say that He's not as normal as any other humans... not that there is any other humans there... but hey. He can cope... He always have... always will...

Also... since the site doesn't want a Comedy with Sadness mixed... I decided to just call it a comedy... but I'll still try to add some sadness here and there...
rated "Teen" For language.

Chapters (8)

I have always been alone in this forest. I have always feasted in this forest. I call this forest home and those ponies that travel through it are my prey. I devour all those who fear me, all who come to face me. They fear me for I am Fear incarnate. But now...I have met one who does not fear...and I am unsure of what do with her...

Image by the very awesome thewraithofwolf

Chapters (2)

A starving colt is found hiding in Applejacks barn, he refuses to speak too much about where he comes from, claiming that he would be branded crazy and locked away.

Applejack doesn't know if that would happen,

But he does seem to know more about her and her friends than he should

Okay first fiction on this site, more of a way to develop my skills before I launch into some big ideas I have so constructive criticism is appreciated as my descriptions probably suck right now

This is inspired by Oh to be Old Again by Minalkra (which you should totally check out as well)


EDIT: Now with cover art by the ever talented mix-up! It is just awesome! Check out his pages here and on Deviantart!

Chapters (36)

Megan Richards is a normal, everyday wife and published author of 'My Little Horsey'... however the tales she writes about aren't fiction, but stories from her past. She thought she put the world of ponies behind her, but sometimes the past has a habit of catching up with you...

G1 meets G4 in a hopefully epic tale of the past, the present and the future.

I own nothing, also, minor cameos from other Hasbro properties such as Jem and the Holograms, Transformers G1 and GI Joe.

Cover image made by the very talented Egophiliac and from here.

fanfiction.net link!
Equestria Daily link... one of these days.
TV Tropes page
All the Tropes page

Sequel: The Conversion Bureau: United We Stand

Side-stories and mini-arcs not able to fit into the main narrative: Side Stories of First Contact

Chapters (37)

Somehow Wheatley manages to come down from space and land in the strange and brightly-colored world of Equestria. He has no idea what happened, but his plans for dumbing everything down has yet to come to mind. He is picked up by Twilight and her plans for Wheatley are much, much different. Of course, after being turned into one of them, they slowly work him into being used to a body that's not his, and far from being GLaDOS.

Chapters (2)

Prequel to The Witching Hour

1500 years ago, a kirin named Storm Vine was the unofficial leader of the kirins. Along with her husband Tempest Flame and most of the others, she fought to protect Equestria from any dangers that arose as knights of the realm. When she wasn't doing that, she was spending time with her adopted daughter and friends, which included the archmages of the Sun and Moon, her elder brother, and a delightful, if somewhat eccentric, trickster.

But, this is not the story of her daily life or her exploits as a knight. This is the story of how it all ended. How one of their closest friends turned against them. How they fought against and eventually defeated him. And how his fall brought them down with him.

This is the story of how the kirins disappeared from Equestria.

Cover image by Valkyrie-girl

Chapters (6)