• Member Since 7th Feb, 2012


Now, I definitively think I have too much shit Favorited (Post Bookshelf Patch) Previous Aliases: AwesomeCabbage9000

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  • Favourites 1112 stories - 7747 unread chapters THERE ARE NO BRAKES ON THE FAVE TRAIN
    Created by MiiaTheLamia
    - October, 2014
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JonTron visits the land of talking, magical ponies while the author experiments with the concept of combining the literary medium and a multitude of short clips of the visual medium for a relatively entertaining experience.


Rated T for the Tron in the JonTron ...also language.

Warning! Comments contain comments about the story! As such, since the comments are commenting about the story, it can be deduced that the comments commenting the story are commenting about information relevant to the story, which means that those who decided to read the comments before reading the story, for whatever reason, should be warned about comments commenting about information that's relevant to the story and the spoilage that may occur.

Edit: story featured on—ah, who even cares? I mean, why even bother noting the date? What am I gonna do? Look back fondly on the exact date that my story got put in the featured box? I mean, honestly, I'm pretty sure I just lost a whole bunch of views just for having the word 'featured' in my story's summary.

Cover image belongs to TWULF.

Chapters (1)

Cheerilee decided that she would allow each pony in her class to choose what the nature of their homework should be. That was her first mistake.

The second was to think that Scootaloo was serious.

Chapters (1)

In a remote corner of the Solana Galaxy lies a backwater planet called Veldin. Nothing important ever happens there. Nothing exciting, either. Ratchet, a Lombax with no idea of his origins, is beginning to grow bored with his life, and dreams of excitement. He wishes on a falling star for some excitement to find its way into his life.

The falling star answers by crashing into his home in the form of a basket carrying a tiny creature with a horn, a pair of wings, and four hooves. The name on the basket reads "Twilight Sparkle".
Part of the PWNY-verse.

Edit: Now with cover art by the amazing G_Haze
Video Consultant/Technician: m2pt5 (he provides the infobot videos and similar.)

Edit: Game Timeline
Ratchet and Clank: Done
Going Commando: Done
Up Your Arsenal: Done
Deadlocked: Done.
Size Matters: Done.
Tools of Destruction: Done.
Quest for Booty: Done.
Crack in Time: Done.
All 4 One: Done.
Into the Nexus: Done.

Chapters (226)

This story is a sequel to Voyage's End

Eleven years has passed since ponies and humans met for the first time. Now, Twilight ventures out on her most incredible endeavor to date.

"Once more, we boldly go into that great unknown." -Twilight Sparkle

Edited by: Way2Dawn

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Dead/Light

Twilight's life definitely took a strange turn when she died. Of course, this won't stop her from living it to the fullest, whatever that entails.
Equestria will never be the same.

After the first, chapters will alternate between serious ( - ) and silly ( ~ ), because I didn't want the story to be limited to just one. Most will be standalone, and in no kind of chronological order; expect little correlation between chapters and occasional verb tense changes from one to the next.

This story should be considered in perpetual hiatus, as it will rarely be the focus of my attention. Do not expect regular updates.

Rated teen just to be sure. Cover art made by this butt.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to The Wizard and the Lonely Princess

Book Two of the Lonelyverse

Having returned to the Dursleys after a highly eventful first year at Hogwarts, Harry and the alicorns had been looking forward to unwinding. As it turned out, all their hopes were for nought. Between summer shenanigans, a crazy house elf, and learning Potter family history, they've got a full summer ahead of themselves. And when they get back to Hogwarts, they'll have to deal with giant snakes, idiotic teachers, and a gathering darkness. With things going off the rails, they've got a long year ahead of them.

And if they survive that, they still got to deal with the strange power surges and dreams that both Luna and Nim have been having since soon after the Summer Solstice...

Other stories in the Lonelyverse:
The Wizard and the Lonely Princess
Hooves, Plush, and Magic: The Untold Tales
The Wizard and the Lonely Princess: Hallowe'en Special
A Nightmare Christmas

Chapters (5)

When Moira Brown first published her Wasteland Survival Guide in 2277, thanks to the help of a newfound friend, she never knew that the east coast Brotherhood of Steel would take notice, much less ask her to accompany them so she could distribute them in various settlements across the ruins of the United States.

But they did, and her travels have led her to the Mojave Wasteland, and into the company of a wisecracking courier and his hardened sniper friend. She was set to hand out some copies of her guide to settlements surrounding the city of New Vegas. However, after a surprise attack, she and the sniper find themselves in a strange land, untouched by the ravages of nuclear war.

Moira may have mastered the wasteland, but will she learn to survive in Equestria?

A crossover with Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas.

Chapters (8)

Twilight Sparkle has spent months researching chaos magic, developing a new spell to unlock magic nopony has ever experienced before. But when something goes wrong with casting, Twilight finds herself turned into a Draconequus and unable to control her new chaos magic. If she ever wants to be a pony again, there is only one who can help her learn to control her new magic.

Of course, learning from Discord was never going to be simple. And after a while, being a draconequus doesn't seem so bad anyway....

Based on the concept by Lopoddity

Editing by DB_Explorer
Proofreading by Mac349 (Ch. 1-11), Trippy998, Just A Fabulous Cat (Ch. 1-5), Doctor Candor and skysthelimit (Ch. 1-11).

Chapters (23)

Twilight was supposed to gather the Elements of Harmony the way Princess Celestia planned it: meet the embodiments of the Elements while running errands in Ponyville, team up with them, discover the meaning of friendship, and then defeat Nightmare Moon. It was all so simple.

Too bad she really underestimated Twilight's ability to screw things up.

Additional Character Tags: Octavia, Nightmare Moon, Princess Celestia, Shining Armor, Princess Cadance

Edited by WorkbenchManiac: chapter 7-25, 27 onwards
Edited by docontra: chapter 26 onwards

Chapters (27)

(This fic contains spoilers of varying levels for Saints Row IV.)
With a full crew of Saints aboard the... Ship and the Simulation all but theirs, Kinzie Kensington and Matt Miller have had surprisingly little to do with their time. Still, with the Boss still putting the Simulation through the wringer, Kinzie has had the pleasure of poking through the Zin's systems at her leisure and looking at what she wanted to look at.

And after a particular urge to check out the Zin's prisoners, she finds a host of different alien species... Including a... unicorn. A unicorn with especially high cyber security. Anything that Zinyak wants to keep safe must be good for Saints. Wary of the ridicuousness of the prospect, the President of the United States mounts a rescue.
Leave some feedback!
(Featured 12/29/2014! And 01/09/2015! And 02/13/2015! And 02/27/2015! And 08/29/2015! Holy fuck!)

Chapters (17)