• Member Since 5th Oct, 2020


Just some reader-type human. Obsessed with lists, apparently. Library reconstruction complete...

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This story is a sequel to Chrysalis Comes for Nightmare Night (Featuring Fluffle Puff)

After their return from Ponyville, Chrysalis just wants to relax and enjoy the company of her fluffy little pet. Of course, she soon realizes she won't be alone in that department since Big Sis has dropped by for a visit.

Featuring characters from FluffyMixer's Fluffle Puff Tales.

Chapters (1)

Queen Chrysalis. She is evil, cruel, manipulative and downright mean. So there's no way anypony could love her for just being herself. However, the captured Mane 6 would soon learn that there is a special somepony for anypony.

Chapters (1)

'R' and 'E' are right next to one another on keyboards, so I dismissed 'Mareiott' as a typo and booked my hotel room online. It was only after I found a pony waiting for me at the airport that I realized it was, instead, a horrible pun. Now I'm stuck in a horsey hotel for a week while attending a major trade fair on behalf of my employer.

Additional character tags: Snowcatcher, Flitterheart, Sunny Rays, Feathermay, Honeybuzz

Written for Admiral Biscuit's challenge/request for more slice of life fics featuring ponies working on Earth:


Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Mane 6 Meets the Queen’s Pet

It's Nightmare Night and the whole of Ponyville is out having fun. However, Chrysalis decides to show up with her pet Fluffle Puff. What kind of mischief will they be up to tonight? Can the Mane 6 stop them? Why am I asking these questions? Please, read and enjoy yourself.

Chapters (1)

Twilight and her friends learned that Scribbler's birthday is coming. While Twilight and the rest of the Mane 6 are decorating the castle for a party, Megan, Danny, and Molly start gathering Scribbler's friends to help wish her a happy birthday.

Chapters (1)

Over the course of a single day Lavender Breeze's life was destroyed. Regretting all the things she's lost, she longs for closure.

Then in her darkest moment, she comes face to face with the thing she hates the most, the thing she blames for everything that's happened.

Chapters (1)

Bit is the first of her kind, a pony that was made from carved crystal and supernal circuitry. For many years she worked, obedient to the will of her master in endless repetition. She knew nothing else, not boredom, not satisfaction from her work, not anger or resentment or joy. Existence was obedience to directive, purpose fulfilled.

But around her, the world was changing. Her home wasn't Equestria, but the last surviving Crystal City, defiant to the Windigos and the imperial decree of Alicorns alike. She did not know, and could not care, how much the ponies of Zircon suffered under the rule of their king. But she was there the day those whispers united in a defiant chorus.

When the fires were still smoldering, she returned to her work. Generations came and went, and still she labored. It was all she was, all she knew, all she wanted. Until the day her last broom broke.

For the first time in her existence, Bit doubted.

Daily for the first four days, because Christmas. Updates Thursdays after that. Edited by Two Bit and Sparktail. Cover by Zutcha.

A story about finding the center of the maze.

Chapters (32)

This I know: cold feet and a lousy day at work and hunger can all be solved by cuddling a pony in front of a fireplace.

Now with a reading by StraightToThePointStudio!
Now with a Chinese Translation by gezhehuohu!
Now with a Russian Translation by Mordaneus: (Ponyfiction) (Ficbook)

Chapters (1)

No marriage is without its challenges, especially not that of Spike and Rarity. Despite the fairy tale-like circumstances surrounding their courtship (Beauty and the Beast is a popular reference made at dinner parties), their relationship is far from perfect: indeed, the combination of her overwhelmingly large dress orders and his frequent extended trips across Equestria as Celestia's personal envoy makes it seem as though neither one of them has any time for their significant other. Yet there is one key factor, one constant variable in their lives that will always be there to remind them of how much they love and care for one another, no matter what issues they face.

Thank Celestia they have Claire.

Featured 3-27-14!
My third foray into the Kilalaverse. Don't know what I'm talking about? Click here to find out!
Pre-read by the Lady herself, Ms. Kilala.
Spike, Rarity, and MLP: FiM in general © Hasbro/Lauren Faust
Crystal Clarity © kilala97 of DA

Chapters (1)

James is good friends with a couple of ponies.

James is not aware that he has a disorder.

Inspired by Admiral Biscuit's writing challenge.

Chapters (1)