• Member Since 5th Oct, 2020


Just some reader-type human. Obsessed with lists, apparently. Library reconstruction complete...

Original character 61 stories
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Total Words: 2,967,081
Estimated Reading: 1 week



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A changeling who has lived at the side of an Equestrian mare for most of his life finds himself in the middle of the changeling invasion of Canterlot. He has no idea who the invading queen or hive are, and just wants to stay where he is, and more importantly, who he is.

The spell that ends the invasion doesn't discriminate, though. With his old pony form irreversibly stripped away, and the whole kingdom out to hunt his kind, he tries to keep his family together, and struggles to find his place in the world.

Please comment! Even now, I'd love to hear what people think as they read through :pinkiehappy:

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Czech version:
Flitter on Google Docs translated by Draim (published at bronies.cz)

Russian version:
Флиттер on ponyfiction.org translated by repitter.
Audio book on YouTube by Diogenus.

Spanish version:
Flitter on DeviantArt, translated by SPANIARD KIWI.

Chapters (12)

A single changeling is blamed for making Chrysalis' plan to take over Equestria fail. He's banished and thrown out of the hive, ending up somewhere far away.

Luckily, he ends up not too far from a certain well-known village, where he can feed to his heart's content.

Needless to say, not everything goes according to plan.


Now with a French version, courtesy of Wansdich, here.
Fanart! Check it out here. And even more here!
Now in ereader-friendly PDF version, by Starflower Hooves! You can view and download it here.
Featured on Equestria Daily!

Chapters (10)

The Hold has been sealed, and the Champion’s mission complete.

Most of them have their homes to return to, but not Oleander. The Order was hardly good to her, especially after her pact with a Demon, so where should she go now that her eternal mission is now complete?

There is that city of Reindeer where Velvet could put a good word in for her, and that other one that might be keen on getting to know her better.

Cover Art: https://derpibooru.org/images/2626180

Oleander x Cashmere drama/romance fic, primarily done to experiment with scheduling

Updates each Saturday (hopefully)

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to Hinterlands

Two years ago, bounty hunter Bitterroot turned a lich and her necromancer apprentice over to the authorities. Now, that apprentice, Amanita, has been released on good behavior. She has no more interest in necromancy. In fact, she asked Bitterroot to turn her in all those moons ago and helped capture her master. With nowhere for Amanita to go, Bitterroot takes her in until she can get her hooves under herself.

But all isn’t well in Canterlot. A killer is stalking the streets, striking with impunity and leaving no trace. The Royal Guard is befuddled. Bitterroot’s investigations have yielded nothing. And night is turning into a time of dread. Something needs to be done. If only the dead could speak. If only there was a moral necromancer around.

Amanita doesn’t want to admit it, but the part of her past she hates the most might be the most useful part right now. Just because ponies are dying doesn’t mean they need to stay that way. What she buried needs to be dug up again.

Her demons are rearing their ugly heads. It’s time to face them.

Reading the preceding story will provide some context for this, but isn't required. Cover art is modified from this image. Other entries in this series:

Chapters (16)

Sombra's takeover took everyone in the Crystal Empire by surprise. No one saw it coming, none were prepared for it, and almost no one got away. Almost.

A few hooffuls of daring souls managed to break out of the city and flee southwards, towards Equestria. Some ran to beg the Princesses for aid, others - just to save themselves and their families from the mad tyrant.

But as the refugees are about to learn, it's the dead of winter outside the Empire's shield, and the crystal ponies are far too used to their warm life in the city. One filly that gets separated from her parents while trying to get away learns that fact all too painfully...

❅ ❆ ❅

Cover art by Marbo, Allfather of the Snowponies.

Additional tag:snowpony

Chapters (63)

On the mysterious island chain of Neighpon lay the islands of Kirishu, Formaresa, and Hōsurando. On the island of Kirishu one Kirin named Autumn Blaze leaves everything behind in the pursuit of something greater. Tired of 'The Silence' imposed by her peoples leader Rain Shine. Autumn Blaze travels to the neighboring Island of Formaresa home of the Longma.

TianhuoxAutumn Blaze shipping fic.

Written by me and https://www.fimfiction.net/user/174091/ponyfag-not-brony

Story is canon to the Equestria Chronicles but you don't have to read those stories to enjoy this.

Chapters (1)

Not long after Equestria managed to discover and contact the faraway continent of Foenum, Princess Celestia received a visit from six individuals said to be 'Champions of Foenum'. After telling their intentions, the princess allows them to explore Equestria.

Though, when these champions meet certain ponies, they realize that they share something in common, even though they never meet each other.

Edit (27/03/2021): Featured!? Holy smokes!

Edit (01/04/2021): Featured again!? That's not even a lie!

There are surprisingly not many pictures of the mane six and the TFH characters together.

Keep in mind that the story of TFH's main six may not be accurate to their original source, as with the state of the game at the current time, not all the information of the champions are revealed yet, so I kinda have to make my own version of their story.

Also, the mane six's story is also slightly altered to fit some of the settings of Fighting is Magic, where their main enemies are changelings.

Cover art source: https://pembrokewkorgi.tumblr.com/post/131805131444/thems-fightin-magic

Chapters (8)

He’d left. Abandoned her. Betrayed her.

After everything they went through together, he threw her away like nothing, and the worst part is, Oleander shouldn’t even have been surprised.

Arizona had voiced her concern and Tianhuo adamantly despised concept of working with him, but Oleander never listened, often staying on his side during arguments that really should have indicated that something was off with him, but that’s probably what he was counting on. Slowly manipulating her and turning her against the others so that they couldn’t stop him when he showed his true colours, and now...

She had nothing to lose.

So why did the others care so much about keeping her around?

Cover Art: https://derpibooru.org/images/2717524

A story about Oleander losing her sole purpose in life, and being forced to find it once more by her fellow Champions.

Chapters (1)

Beyond Equestria, the lands to the north are hostile and unforgiving. Ponies eke out a subsistence in uncontrollable weather, separated by mile after frigid mile of snow and mountains. A land where only the hardiest survive is no place for civilization.

Yet civilization encroaches from time to time. When a colossal bounty is placed on the head of a unicorn deep in the arts of necromancy, a motley crew of bounty hunters assembles and gives chase. It’s too good a chance to pass up. They’ll bring her to justice, no matter what stands in their way. Not her dark magic. Not the inhospitable environment.

And certainly not each other.

Other entries in this series:

Chapters (17)

We're all familiar with the heroes of Equestria, but there's another continent that had its own heroes in other eras. In ancient Europe there were female pegasus heroines, at various points in the history of ponies, and there is a Creature in Ithayly who will explain a little about their characteristics.
this creature is called Stella and she will show us the description of these heroines. We will get to know the Anguane in the world of MLP.

Chapters (1)