• Member Since 5th Oct, 2020


Just some reader-type human. Obsessed with lists, apparently. Library reconstruction complete...

Generation 123 26 stories
Found 24 stories in 51ms

Total Words: 479,149
Estimated Reading: 1 day



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Minty hangs up her Hearth's Warming lights. Nothing could possibly go wrong with that... Right?

Chapters (1)

The fall comes again this year in Ponyville. The time comes again for the annual preparations such as looking for warmer clothes, stocking up on Nightmare Night candy while it's all still cheap - You know the whole routine.
A part of that routine however that is often looked over is the look back towards the past. Sometimes it'll come in the holiday traditions or that familiar piece of candy.
Minty takes this return to the past on her usual round to the Ponyville marketplace and relives the dark and light of her own story.
Wanting to adapt some characters that would make other bronies cringe, "Why not Minty of the third generation of MLP?" I said. Don't worry, I really tried.

Chapters (1)

There’s plenty of gardening work for ponies on Earth. Rich clients would give an arm and leg for the exclusivity of having their landscaping done by pony.

But that’s not the point, as Wysteria well knows.

Now with a reading by No One And Nobody!

Chapters (1)

After decades of conflict, the three pony races have finally united in a new nation: Equestria! Earth ponies Pinkie Pie and Minty decide this is a great opportunity to visit Unicornia and the fabled “Summer Sun Celebration” where the unicorn mages raise the sun for the longest day of the year. Along the way, however, a strange weather phenomenon hurls them (along with their new pegasus friend, Star Catcher) into an unfamiliar landscape. They come to a wondrous city called Canterlot, ruled by a pair of mysterious princesses.

(No time lords were harmed in the making of this temporal paradox.)

Chapters (5)

Kimono has just moved to (the new) Ponyville and would like to buy a kimono. Unfortunately, no one there seems to have heard of kimonos, so she has a heck of a time finding one.

This story is 100% approved by Twilight's Library! :twilightsmile:

Chapters (3)

My own idea of where the Green Smooze came from. The last leg of the Paradise Ponies' fight against the witches. And how the heck the Smooze became a 'friend' of Discord's. And WHY is the Smooze green?!

I know this'll never be what happened in canon if they ever bother to show where the G4 Smooze came from, so I just went with what I felt made a good story. So just enjoy it! Optional Canon. Wrote this in a day.

<b> Please help keep the trope page up to date and from getting lonely please. I part of how I know I inspired readers. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/FanFic/PonyPOVSeries </b>

Mod Smooze Lyrics written by request of Kendell2.

Cover art by BB-K.


Chapters (1)

All Wysteria wanted to do was form a band. Now her drummer's overthrown the government after misinterpreting the band's goals. Can they restore things to normal before mass hysteria sets in?

Chapters (1)

The War of the Witches? Ever since you began visiting me here in my garden, my newest student, your inquiries have all revolved around that ancient conflict. I will admit, I wish you would ask me about something else. No? Very well. You have selected the subject, but this evening I shall choose the setting, as I believe there is something I need to say.

Yes, something I need to say indeed…

Chapters (1)

Thistle Whistle goes to an Iron Will seminar to get help dealing with an issue she's having. Can he help, or will he make things worse?

Chapters (1)

When Rainbow Dash finds herself lost in a new and unfamiliar village, she reaches out to a certain lavender-hued stranger for help. But to Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash is no stranger; at least until she notice her strange new voice, a lack of wings, and a fondness of the word ‘darling’. Intrigued by the uncanny looks to one of her best friends, she decides to lend the newcomer a helping hoof, but things go from weird to weirder when Pinkie Pie happily announces that she too has met her lookalike. Twilight Sparkle and her friends take it upon themselves to find out the truth behind this mystery: who are these doppelgangers? Could there really be another Ponyville out there? And what does it all have to do with Discord’s lost legacy?

Cover art by AireDaleDogz (http://airedaledogz.deviantart.com/)

Chapters (25)