• Member Since 5th Oct, 2020


Just some reader-type human. Obsessed with lists, apparently. Library reconstruction complete...

Generation 123 26 stories
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Total Words: 479,149
Estimated Reading: 1 day



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A thousand years after the fall of Equestria and the deaths of the four princesses, what killed them and shattered the kingdom has returned. A strange creature is out to wipe ponykind off the face of the Earth. The only hope is a band of ponies driven from their homes and onto a quest to find the magical force used to forge the Elements of Harmony, but is even it powerful enough to defeat this enemy.

Disclaimer: Contains G1 MLP Characters.

Chapters (4)

Princess toy sales have been dropping at Hasbro Studios lately so it is up to the G.I. Joes, Minty from generation three, and Gusty from generation one to come up with the perfect marketing strategy so they can boost company sales.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Birthday Blues

Minty's well-known for extravagant Hearth's Warming parties. Now that she's on Earth, she's celebrating Christmas by going all out.

Additional tags: Razzaroo, Surprise, Kimono

Chapters (1)

Being a princess looks like sunshine and rainbows from the outside; but for research-obsessed Twilight Sparkle, being a princess sounds scary, and those new wings aren't helping either!

So she does whatever any stressed bookworm would do, decides to seek advice from the best: successful rulers from the past! But she's not here for bookish research, oh no; she wants to see these rulers in action! Twilight decides to start off at the very beginning, with the first recognized ruler of Equestria: Queen Majesty. But once Queen Majesty catches her and forces the truth out of her, Twilight Sparkle will be dragged into a whirlwind adventure through time. She will have to face old foes, new foes, old magic, and the most powerful magic of all: friendship.

Written for the Imposing Soverigns III: SOUL of Equestria contest, using prompt Twilight Sparkle and Majesty/Bravery.

Chapters (7)