• Member Since 5th Oct, 2020


Just some reader-type human. Obsessed with lists, apparently. Library reconstruction complete...

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This story is a sequel to Forgotten: Sunrise

A new student has come to Sunset Shimmer's fledgling magic school in Bridlewood, and she immediately begins to arouse the headmare's suspicions...

Cover art by: Little Tigress

Chapters (25)

Maretime Bay has been blessed with a thick blanket of snow, and five ponies friends are outside enjoying the view. However, one prank by a pegasus sister is about to turn this nice stroll into something else.

Inspired by the fanart Snowball Prank Gone Wrong
By artist InuHoshi-to-DarkPen

Amazing reading done by StraightToThePointStudio here

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Forgotten

Sunny Starscout's ongoing search for Equestria's ancient past sends her up to the northern arctic, where it is written that a city protected by love once stood.

Cover art by: Little Tigress

Chapters (22)

One morning in Pipp’s salon, Mane Melody, a body was discovered. Thank goodness for Zipp and her detective skills. She has decided it’s up to her to find out the culprit.

This will be the darkest mystery she ever dealt with but...

She’s not gonna give up!

The story from start to end, has been prewritten and split into chapters before being published.

Chapters (7)

After some time of dating Izzy Moonbow in addition to getting used to her newfound alicorn status, Sunny takes Izzy to meet her Dad at the cemetery.

As this story was very difficult for me to write, I must place a disclaimer that anyone dealing with heavy self-resentment and/or a lost loved one might not be in the right place to read this story.
Cover art by pfeffaroo.

Chapters (1)

Some of the stories that Sunny's father kept about ancient Equestria speak of a festival where ponies would put on costumes, play pranks on each other, tell ghost stories, and best of all: free candy, baby! It's the reunified Equestria's first Nightmare Night, and Izzy is going to have A LOT of fun with this...

Pre-read and edited by Vertigo22 and James Fire
Unedited cover art here.
Now with a live reading here by StraightToThePointStudio! Be sure to check it out as well as readings of other fics he's done!

Chapters (1)

As punishment for his actions, Sprout Cloverleaf is sentenced to clean up all the rubble from Sunny Starscout's destroyed lighthouse. Furious at how successful Sunny is, at how happy all the Unicorns and Pegasi are with their magic, and at how his mother Phyllis has begun to distance herself from him; Sprout constantly stewed in his anger and wished for some way to get revenge. However, when he comes across the ancient Bewitching Bell among Argyle's collection of Equestrian artifacts, it seems that the bigoted would-be emperor would finally get his wish.

Sunny and her friends soon find themselves fighting and fleeing for their very lives as they are faced with the newly self-proclaimed "Final Emperor of Equestria."

An entry in Imposing Sovereigns III, using the prompt Sprout Cloverleaf/DETERMINATION.

Chapters (1)

Maretime Bay generally has good weather year round but when Izzy comes to town to visit Sunny, she brings something unexpected with her. She brought in something that was completely foreign to the town. Needless to say, the town isn't prepared for it and plenty of problems arise.

Here is a youtube reading by The Mystery Fluttershy Fan


Featured: 1/16/2022

Chapters (1)

Anon, the only human in Equestria, has a very dark secret he is terrified the ponies will find out. One he is convinced will send him to pony prison for the rest of his life. He can only hope it will be the luxury prison in Zephyr Heights.

Set in the G5 Universe after Sunny Starscout becomes an alicorn.

Chapters (1)

When ponies say they'll do anything to achieve some goal, they rarely mean it. Morals, ethics, common sense, physical limitations, something will stand between them and true, full commitment to fulfilling the task ahead of them.

A mare raised from foalhood by Equestria's last true alicorn is not so limited. Even methods that alicorn hesitates to use are fair game as far as she's concerned.

Misty is about to make her mentor either very proud or very angry. Possibly both.

A belated G5 Halloween tale written when inspiration struck.

Chapters (1)