• Member Since 5th Oct, 2020


Just some reader-type human. Obsessed with lists, apparently. Library reconstruction complete...

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Wanted: Isabella "Izzy" Moonbow
Unicorn, lavender coat, blue mane
Medium sneaky
Reward: 100 bits
Magically capable and potentially dangerous. Approach with caution

Now with a dramatic reading by StraightToThePointStuio

Chapters (1)

Chamomile isn't a train conductor. She isn't an engineer, either. She's just a widow taking care of her lonely Bridlewood tea shop and disabled son. Yet, when she receives word of a job opportunity from the newly instituted Equestrian Railroad Company, asking for ponies to extend the railroad to a forgotten realm in the Frozen North, she is intrigued. Perhaps such a place holds the key to changing her son's life for the better.

This simple task is colored by the group she's paired with: a reserved unicorn, a gung-ho pegasus, and an earth pony no less burdened than herself. As they journey forward, she'll find they bring out sides of her long since buried, and new sides altogether—not least the earth pony, whom Chamomile finds herself growing inexplicably closer to.

It'll be up to her how to react to this change—and what kinds of memories she wants to make.

This story is complete, and will be updated every Tuesday and Friday.

My eternal gratitude to all of my pre-readers and editors who, with all their various contributions, comments, and concerns, helped me bring out the best in this story:
Stinium Ruide
Ghost Mike

Little Tigress provided the cover art. Their deviantart can be found at this link. Thank you so much!

This story was written and revised to be set during the Tell Your Tale YouTube Series and after the Make Your Mark special, and as such, departs from the Make Your Mark series. That said, I have tried to make it so that watching either the special or the series is not necessary to understand the story's contents.

Chapters (20)

Opaline has declared herself the greatest Fire Alicorn in Equestria.

The actual greatest Fire Alicorn in Equestria would like to disagree.

Featured 2/22/2024 - 2/25/2024!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Forgotten: The Frozen North

This story is a sequel to What A Long Strange Trip (Ending 2)

Sunset Shimmer returns to Equestria only to discover everypony she knew is now ancient history.

Cover art: G5 Sunset by mira.veike@derpibooru.org

Chapters (38)

Izzy Moonbow has always felt alone. Bridlewood was quiet, and its people quieter still.

Then one day, she comes across a moonlit garden, hidden deep amongst the trees. Its caretaker is a strange mare who speaks of the days of old when friends were plentiful and the nights were beautiful.

Her name is Luna.

Received an Honourable Mention / Judge's Pick for the 2022 May Pairings Contest.

Rated Excellent by Ghost Mike!

5/5 Stars from Loganberry's Louder Yay!

Now with an audio reading by StraightToThePointStudio. Stay tuned!

Now translated into Chinese!

Edited by VoxAdam, proofread by The Sleepless Beholder, SockPuppet, Bicyclette, and skysayl. Thanks, everyone :twilightsmile:

Cover by Plainoasis.

Featured on 25/05/22-31/05/22, reaching the #1 spot in the Featured Box on the first day.

Chapters (5)

Millennia after being banished from the face of Equestria, King Sombra stirs restlessly in his lightless prison, held alive only by his dark magic and the desire to take vengeance against the Elements of Harmony. Especially the one who sent him there.

Harmony, however, is an inscrutable force. One willing to grant him a second chance in a world far different from the one he remembers.

For now though, he only needs to head towards the light.

Many thanks to Equimorto for spending almost two months on meticulously proofreading and critiquing this story.

Chapters (14)

Pinkie accidentally hops dimensions and ends up helping Izzy with a party for Sunny!

Written for Horse With No Name for Jinglemas 2022

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Forgotten: The Frozen North

After rescuing Princess Flurry Heart from a frigid limbo with the help of the Crystal Heart, Sunny wonders where to go from here with the first alicorn Equestria has seen in centuries.

Cover Art: 'G5 Flurry' by mira.veike@derpibooru.org

Chapters (23)

Being a newcomer to the world of hoomans, Izzy Moonbow becomes a new addition to a popular spot where ponies can truly shine, now dubbed The Pipp Club, and the charming unicorn does everything in her power to not disappoint.

And, in all honesty, when has she? 🤭🥰

Takes place in a universe where humans and ponies coexist.
Rated T 'cuz of suggestive blah blah, I will NOT taint this angel.

Chapters (1)

Sunny believed the tales. Really believed, in a way that most ponies didn't anymore. About the Elements of Harmony, and about Twilight Sparkle. Back when Equestria had princesses, and was whole, when every creature knew the real power of Friendship. She believed⁠—and she knew that, one day, if she believed hard enough, it could be again.

Elsewhere, distant, Twilight Sparkle watches her would-be student, and frets.

A Russian translation by NovemberDragon is available here. | Русский перевод от NovemberDragon доступен здесь.

A Chinese translation by forgivenlove is available here here. | 这里forgivenlove的中文翻译。

A reading by ObabScribbler is available here.

Part 1 of Equestrian Scions, which continues with The Dreamer and Me.

A late addition to the "But what happened to Equestria?" story pile.

[04/29/21 - 05/02/21] Featured. That's a first for me. Thank you all so much.

Chapters (1)