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The story is on a prolonged hiatus. It will be updated again, but the date is uncertain.

Maria is a simple girl living in a quiet Russian town. Her life and where it would go was already decided by her parents and the society. She always wanted to get away from this but didn't know how until a mysterious wish granter shows her a path. Little did she know how it would turn out - on the night of her birthday, after she makes her wish, she is transported to Equestria and turned into an alicorn.

Her wish for a different life will certainly turn into more than she could ever expect.

Cover art uses Canterlot Throne Room by mattbas and sitting Celestia also by mattbas

Join the Discord to discuss the story and get to know other people who like my stories!

Support me on Boosty! Joining any tier will grant you two updates a week alongside already posted updates that aren't yet on fimfiction.

Chapters (5)

Long ago, it would take several unicorns to raise and lower the sun each day. Many burned out their magic in doing so - sacrificing it for the good of all ponies. To honor that, Starswirl the Bearded founded a small monastery to care for those who had given up so much.

Though the Princesses mean that unicorns no longer need to sacrifice so much, the monastery still remains centuries later as a place for unicorns with magical ailments to come for support, care and sometimes even healing.

Now freed from the Storm King, Tempest Shadow journeys with Starswirl to find both their aid and perhaps her own peace.

Original concept by PingZing.

Cover art by Rayne The Skunk.

Featured 01/14/2021-01/17/2021 and then basically every update day after that.

Chapters (16)

This story is a sequel to Anon’s a Villain and Wins

So, villainy was profitable the first time. Anon managed to wrangle up revenue from properties he owned, but due to how every pony was still a little pissed, they got some dope lawyers and kicked him out of the country. Thankfully, he’s still got his squad to back him up as he decides to come out of retirement and be a super villain in the Crystal Empire instead... that is, until some jackass tries to do it first.

This time around, there’ll be like, three chapters and an epilogue.
Warning: naughty no-no words.

Featured: January 7, 2021

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Belly Rubs in Pony Prison

[WARNING: Contains ear scratching, hugs, and blushing cheeks]

Anonymous is sent to jail for his most heinous crimes of first degree meanness, there he finds doing a few favours for those around him will allow him to live a comfortable life.

A sequel to Belly Rubs In Pony Prison, not required reading to understand however.

Chapters (1)

Anon feels like bonding with the pony personification of the sun; Princess Celestia. More specifically, he feels like sexually bonding with her.

Princess Luna doesn’t know how to feel about that.

WARNING: Profanity, and I mean a ridiculous amount of profanity. Also sex jokes, because bottom of the barrel humour has been fermenting the longest.

Chapters (1)

Bit is the first of her kind, a pony that was made from carved crystal and supernal circuitry. For many years she worked, obedient to the will of her master in endless repetition. She knew nothing else, not boredom, not satisfaction from her work, not anger or resentment or joy. Existence was obedience to directive, purpose fulfilled.

But around her, the world was changing. Her home wasn't Equestria, but the last surviving Crystal City, defiant to the Windigos and the imperial decree of Alicorns alike. She did not know, and could not care, how much the ponies of Zircon suffered under the rule of their king. But she was there the day those whispers united in a defiant chorus.

When the fires were still smoldering, she returned to her work. Generations came and went, and still she labored. It was all she was, all she knew, all she wanted. Until the day her last broom broke.

For the first time in her existence, Bit doubted.

Daily for the first four days, because Christmas. Updates Thursdays after that. Edited by Two Bit and Sparktail. Cover by Zutcha.

A story about finding the center of the maze.

Chapters (32)

A Teenager wonders why he even continues on with life. Everyone he once knew hates him, only because he likes My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Both day in and day out he was lashed verbally and physically by those he once trusted.

My Little Pony helped him through those hard times. But it could never repair the trust issues he had. Even if it was with someone... or something he knew the true nature of.

But one day at a convention, everything changed. Maybe for the better. Maybe...

He can't remember his name, can't remember certain events, and only knows three nicknames that fit him the most. Each with a different meaning.

"The Defender", "The Wanderer", and " The Deceiver"

But only a few know what he prefers to go by, "The Courier"

Featured: 8/8/19

Chapters (6)

So, ever been told you were living the wrong life? No? Well...let me tell you a thing! More like a story than a thing but regardless! It started when I died, then I got into a political debacle, prevented an assassination, then things just got crazy and really interesting.

Now I'm stuck as some weird Symbiote thing that needs ponies to host it or something. I dunno, I'm learning this stuff with you guys. What do you say? Care to join me on this weird roller-coaster with no brakes and missing tracks that is now my life?

So, this was a story that was originally made by ColumbiaGuy. However, he slapped it with the "Cancelled" tag some time ago. Now, however, it looks like he's deleted the story, and the account with it. This was a story I felt shouldn't fall to the land of the dead, and so now, I'd like to take up the gauntlet and try my hand at it. There will be a few changes though. So even if you've read the original, there may yet be something new for you here.

I plan on releasing chapters daily after this week until I've gone through the pre-existing chapters. During this week, I might not be able to do it every day, but I'll try to push through finals. ^^

Chapters (6)

He wandered through a strange land, haunted by visions of battles past. Wandering not aimlessly, but wandering in search. In search of a partner, a friend.

He knew not where he was, or why he was there. He did not know where his friend was, or why they were separated.

He was sure of one thing however:

If someone hurt his Titan, they were going to pay.


Titanfall crossover

A reboot of sorts of my other Titanfall crossover: Of Guns, Mechs and Magic

Chapters (5)

Inspired by Parting Words, by RHJunior

Princess Celestia is the paragon of Harmony. She is kind to her subjects and generous to those in need. She is loyal to her ideals and never compromised. She has a good, if mostly unknown, sense of humor. Above all else, she is always honest. Right?

Twilight Sparkle trusts Princess Celestia implicitly and in all things. The Princess has never steered her wrong, not once. When Twilight thought that her concerns for Nightmare Moon were being ignored, Celestia had her back, even if she was withholding information.

Wait a minute.

Shortly before Celestia leaves for Canterlot with the redeemed Luna, Twilight has a conversation with her mentor that will change her perspective on the Princess forever. She will receive something new, beautiful, and damning all the same.


Six Little Words or: The Question That Twilight Didn’t Ask in Canon.

Violence Tag: Implied torture.

Comments are back open. Please try to keep it cordial.

Chapters (5)