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Her betrayal pissed Nero off badly, but when you wake up and in less than an hour have to deal with timberwolves... Let's just say that it would be wise to keep your distance.

Equipped with a short temper and a TON of demonic power, nobody stands a chance against him really. Except maybe Celestia or Luna but even then it's not safe to risk it.

Extra Character tags: Queen Chrysalis, King Sombra, Discord, and Tirek.

This story will alternate between First and Second person at times.

Chapters (3)

After living with Nightmare Moon for a while (due to extenuating circumstances), Anon starts to notice a few oddities in her behaviour. Ones he understands all too well, and ones that are fresh on the mind.

In an effort to help her before it gets any worse, he drags her out of Ponyville for a night to talk about life's problems. And maybe cuss out her sister once or twice.

Chapters (2)

"Between the time when the oceans drank Marelantis and the rise of the Elements of Harmony there was an age undreamed of.  And unto this Celestia!  Destined to bear the jewelled crown of Equestria upon a troubled brow.  It is I, her chronicler, who alone can tell thee of her saga. Let me tell you of the days of high adventure!"

Celestia is many things to her little ponies: princess, leader, and teacher, to name a few.  Yet her past is unknown to her subjects, lost to the depths of time.  After she passes her crown to her student she descends into a place unvisited for over a thousand years, and there remembers a time before the Magic of Friendship, before Equestria, and before the Elements of Harmony -- the Hyponian Age.

It was an era of cruelty, violence, and hope.  Into this harsh world, Celestia the Cimmareian ventured out alone in search of gold, glory, and adventure.  The Tower of the Fallen Star and the horrors within await.

Cover art by EZTP, commissioned by Yours Truly.

Pre-read by SockPuppet, Steel Quill, and Sledge115. Thank you to all in the site's Discord who helped bring this idea to life.

We have many tales of Celestia the Princess, Celestia the Ruler, Celestia the Lover. This is a Celestia who can keep the pages turning all day long.

-Steel Quill

Chapters (6)

Rarity goes out for a spot of frou-frou nonsense. Typical elegant stuff.


A one-shot character study about the particular pleasure of traditional marksmanship.

(NOTE: NOT FUNNY. However, gunhaver Rarity is part of a comedy - check here for that.)

Chapters (1)

Jasper Mountebank is a well-to-do merchant of the Victorian period. he loves his tea, he loves his evening walks, and he loves to have everything in its place, as any gentleman should.

But when Discord, in a last-ditch effort to spread chaos beyond his defeat, drags him from his home with the intention of creating chaos in his absence, He learns that in this new world the place of any human, even a gentleman such as himself, is not so clear cut.

A Commission of thus far indeterminate length for an anonymous benefactor. Currently Capped at 30'400 words. if you would like to contribute to the continuation of this fanfic, feel free!

Join our Discord Server here if you want updates as soon as new chapters are posted and dank memes.

Big ups to yakopak for the new cover art!

Chapters (4)

A man reincarnated, and born as a wolf in the Everfree forest, with the help of the god of creation, will rise to be the strongest creature in the Everfree forest, maybe even in all of Equestria. Unbeknownst to the ponies of this world, Equestria is in danger from something they can't stop, so he needs to befriend the ponies and earn their trust.

Chapters (9)

What if a fan of My Little Pony was suddenly sent to the world of the show, before Equestria was even founded? In an attempt to get home and survive tribal pony society, Astraeus must enlist the help of the royal sisters before they've ascended.

Can he return to his family without permanently ruining the sisters' future and that of all of Equestria? And will he be able to resist using his knowledge of both the show and modern technology to help his new allies?

Special thanks to PeerImagination for being an amazing editor. You rock!

Cover by slifertheskydragon.

Chapters (12)

Blake and his friends are urban explorers, venturing into some of the most interesting places that the public isn't allowed to see. They deal with dangerous structures, poison gas, and even the occasional arrest. But when they venture into the bony catacombs of Paris, they could never imagine what they'll find waiting for them.

Now the whole group has been thrust from the world they knew, each one cursed with a terrifying new shape. If they ever want to see their home again, they'll have to work together, searching this strange new world for a return worldgate. But while return portals are numerous, finding one that's safe enough to get them back alive is another matter entirely.

Written thanks to the generosity of donations from Lightfox and Canary in a Coal Mine on my Patreon. Edited by my wonderful team of Two Bit and Sparktail. Cover by Zutcha.

Updates every Monday and most Tuesdays. Will update more frequently until Fimfiction catches up to my Patreon.

Chapters (85)

Sombra and Radiant Hope ventured through every crevice of Equestria to gather the missing pieces of Princess Amore. One day, Sombra discovered the final piece and the return of their loving Princess was nigh.

But what waits for Amore in a world that no longer feels like her own. What purpose could she serve when all of it has been relinquished? And what could she possibly do when she does not understand who exactly she is?

Progress: 03/20

Next: Chapter 4, The Shadow

Art Cover commissioned by Doodle-Mark

Chapters (4)

The love of a pet can be strong enough to shake worlds. Years ago, a companion was lost, and unleashed rage left a trail of revenge across dimensions -- but none of it was ever enough to gain the greatest prize, and so every accomplishment was ultimately hollow. Love did not return.

But now, after so much time, he's found where that love resides. It's just that it happens to be in the home of another. And with only a few more steps to take before reunion, the moment when he finally knows love again...

Don't worry. He's prepared to be fully reasonable about it.

(Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.)

Violence tag is for horrible things happening to demons. Which they deserve. They know what they did.

Chapters (1)