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Throughout his time in Equestria, Anon has seen a great many things - that being said, he's in for a first. The strange behemoth is as beautiful as she is baffling, leaving the man in a bit of a pickle. What does one do when faced with a literal giant of a pony?

Artwork by AnonTheAnon (Twitter @RealAnonTheAnon)
Big shout-out to MiddyNight (Twitter @Middynight_) for help with the Scottish accent for her!

If you want to help support me, I have a Tip-Jar/Patreon HERE

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 3

Twilight Sparkle and her brother Rahs Sparkle have become gods. One would think that would mean that there would be less problems for them. Having survived three years in Ponyville [ or Ponyville having survived three years of them] the Sparkle siblings and their friends are about to have a whole lot more problems.

Vicious vines, end of the world doomsday cults, vampire ponies, Equestria Games, Party wars, Lip sync scandals, breezies, a trade expo, members of the royal family moving into town, betting pool changes, more dating shenanigans, a fishy presence, darkness, and the return of a great evil.

Now with 20% more Discord!

[ As usual i post my Slightly dirty tag here as while there is no clop or smut, it's hinted and and conversations tend to get a little filthy, also Cadence.]

Editing assistance by ThatNoobPony

Useing Ko-Fi to accept donations to get Fan art for the story. What art I have so far is also linked HERE!

TGaP now has a TV Tropes Page thanks to matt+s0101745, You can find that HERE.

Season 5 link is HERE.

Chapters (88)

Pony Games Done Quick: an event where speedrunners gather to show off their skills with the best My Little Pony games based on fanfics. Coming up next is The Enchanted Library, which is sure to make for a great show. Especially once the characters in the game start commenting on the run.

It's recommended to read The Enchanted Library all the way through before reading this. The Enchanted Kingdom isn't necessary, but suggested.

Written with Monochromatic's permission.

(To clarify, this isn't a real game)

Translated into Chinese

Chapters (1)

Anon-a-Miss succeeded. Sunset Shimmer no longer hangs out with her loved ones. One day, the creators of the account realize that Sunset doesn't show up for class. Worried, they went to her house and discovered sad news.

Chapters (3)

Rick, a very enthusiastic human, meets Twilight, a curious pony who wants to know his name.

Rick isn't having any of it.

A shitpost written in a hour. Will be updated semi-regularly to springboard me into writing actively. Criticism appreciated, except from Mike White, because he's above this story.

Edited and inspired by FamousLastWords.

Now with an audio reading by StraightToThePointStudio! (Currently CH1 & First part of CH2)

Chapters (16)

Your name is Anon and you are a human living in a society run by ponies.

You have no human friends—probably because you’re the only one. But that’s all right, you’ve got some pony friends and they’re pretty groovy. You just wish they’d tone down the ironic erotic energy they constantly exuded while around you.

I mean. There’s no way they were really that sexually charged, at least towards you. Right?


Well, good thing Rarity is right there!

Chapters (1)

The human known as Anon is sick and tired of the rules of the universe—at least the one he’s found himself in at the moment. So he decides to pick a fight with the pony equivalent of Jesus.

Nothing good ensues.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Blueblood: Hero of Equestria

Prince Blueblood has escaped the misery of the Changeling War when he is sent to Canterlot to recuperate. He knows this cannot last, for it won't be long before he is called upon once again to risk life and limb for Princess and Country. As Equestrian forces march into the Changeling heartlands, Blueblood must rely on his instincts of self-preservation, deception, and sheer blind luck to survive.

Proofread and edited by Setokaiva

Cover art by jamescorck

Chapters (27)

In the aftermath of the Changeling incursion of Canterlot during the marriage of Shining Armour and Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, Equestria gears itself for war against the Changeling menace. Against a foe that can take the shape of anypony, assume their life, and undermine Equestria from within, the Royal Pony Sisters create a new institution to monitor their Royal Guard for any Changeling corruption, cowardice, and incompetence: the Commissariat. As total war rages across the land one hero stands out above the rest; Commissar Blueblood, Hero of Equestria. Or at least that's what the propaganda says. The truth, as ever, is far more complex, as the esteemed Blueblood is merely looking for an easy and sedate life. Unfortunately, fate has a habit of throwing him into increasingly dangerous and suicidal missions, which he must survive with a combination of self-preservation, lying, and sheer blind luck, even if doing so only fuels his soaring reputation!

Equine military fiction in the style of Ciaphas Cain and Flashman.

Cover art done by me.

Proofread and edited by the always dependable Setokaiva.

Chapters (52)

This story is a sequel to Princess Is Sad? Boop the Snoot

Several months after his 'encounter' with Princess Celestia in the throne room, Anon's life had come to a bit of a lull. He was content in his solitude and was enjoying spending his days doing... not much at all.
And occasionally abusing boops to get his way, but that's less important.

When he comes to realize the difference between solitude and loneliness, he sets out to fix it.

After getting shipped off to Canterlot due to some slight misunderstandings and slight timberwolf attacks, there's a tab bit more to deal with than he'd expect.

Like Princess Luna. And rebuilding bridges with Twilight.
And Princess Celestia's odd behaviour.

Image, for those curious. Give the artist some love!
Previous Image used. Still, give this artist some love, too!

Previously featured multiple times- I can't put how thankful I am for that. I'm glad you folks enjoy my silly stories.

Now featuring my Ko-fi, if you're feeling generous!

Chapters (9)