• Member Since 23rd Jan, 2014


hell yea fimfic dis writer go hard as hell i write huge stories team luna all day and week month year and century i love big stories P O N E S Q U A D

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The business of government never stops, and paperwork never rests, even on Hearthwarming. But this particular Hearthwarming, Cabinet Secretary and tea enthusiast Dotted Line plans to do his level best to see it, at least, take a break. His ponies need to go home to their families, and he, well, he has plans this Hearthwarming.

Chapters (1)

Can you make a rainbow just with sunlight and water? No magic required? With the help of the pegasus weather team, Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle investigate.

Chapters (2)

The sun has stopped moving causing the surface of Equestria to become boiling hot. Twilight and friends must set out in search of answers in a hostile environment, with the never ending wrath of the sun beating down on them. Their travels will take them across Equestria and bring them face to face with their worst fears.

Chapters (28)

Windfall takes place seven years after FiM's main timeline. The Elements of Harmony have gone their separate ways, but are still close, and all the girls come running to be there on the eve of Fluttershy bringing her first foal with Big Macintosh into the world.

If you enjoyed this story and this fanfiction future extrapolation, please consider reading the sequel Earth & Sky

Chapters (4)

Pincer is a changeling, a proud soldier of Queen Chrysalis. After the failed invasion of Canterlot, he finds himself trapped and at the mercy of Princess Celestia's Royal Guard. Believing that Celestia sees his species as nothing but soulless monsters, he prepares himself for the worst. The weeks crawl by, marked by an endless series of questions he will not answer for fear of endangering his friends and family at The Hive. As his nerves wear down and his interrogators learn just how ruthless he thinks they are, they have nothing to report but his belief that they will kill and destroy his kind without mercy.

Celestia steps in to prove him wrong, and what Pincer learns leaves him questioning everything he has ever known — but also gives him hope for what he'd never thought possible.

Cover art commissioned from http://www.demonkings.com.

Now with a TVTropes page.

Chapters (15)

Uneasy is the heart on which lies a crown of guilt. Luna, formerly known as Nightmare Moon, knows this better than most.

Apologies are in order, for the truth behind the thousand years' exile is at once more mundane and even less likely than the legends suggest. Nearing the threshold of a brighter future, Luna writes a simple letter - and in doing so, attempts to leave the shadows of her past behind.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Windfall

A brilliant mind discovers a problem in search of a solution, which leads to inspiration, which leads to invention, which leads to a technological/magical advance that will in time forever change Equestria.

Sequel to Windfall, set three years after the events in that story.

Chapters (44)

About two weeks ago Apple Bloom finally got her cutie mark. She has been having trouble remembering things for the last week and a half.

Could this be coincidence? Or is something else involved here?

[Comments contain spoilers. Beware!]

Chapters (1)


They can foster beauty. They can drive us insane.

Crossfade lives a dual life: one filled with passion, and one constructed out of necessity. They were two tracks that were supposed to form a harmony, but now, they're falling into a chaotic struggle of two beats.

Chapters (1)