• Member Since 23rd Jan, 2014


hell yea fimfic dis writer go hard as hell i write huge stories team luna all day and week month year and century i love big stories P O N E S Q U A D

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Rainbow Dash was just cruising through life, one cupcake at a time. However, after a freak encounter in the kitchens of Sugarcube Corner, the pegasus finds herself faced with something she's never encountered before: love.

However, this is not your average love story. For you see, the object of her affection isn't some handsome stallion with a windswept mane and gorgeous abs. No; her love is a sink.

Now, Rainbow must face the challenges that come with love, all while learning to deal with strange urges, teething children, and dresses.

This fic is also available in French and Italian! Thanks to Bro-Nie and FiMvisible, respectively, for their hard work.

A big thanks to Golden Vision and Pav Feira, my editors! This fic would be even worse without them!

Chapters (1)

At approximately seven p.m. a young boy went missing from the local Conversion Bureau. The entire population of the Bureau moved to help find him. Including a particular pink earth pony.

Chapters (1)

You've made a lot of assumptions. You've been told a lot of lies. Could you even know the truth if you read it? After all, everything depends on your point of view...

"There is a dark edge to everything underlying this fic. Like a stone caught in the threads of one’s sock, it grates against the comfortable coziness that is the show, a niggling point of misanthropy against the heel of the reader’s perceptions."
—Belligerent Sock, Seattle's Angels

Chapters (1)

When an ancient and powerful magic is triggered despite all warnings, Twilight finds herself regretting ever going public about her relationship with Princess Celestia. As one by one, all her friends start to change in wonderous and mysterious ways, can she find a way to reverse the spell in time, and still remain friends with her kin and the Princess?

Chapters (7)

What happens when you see only what you want to see, hear only what you want to hear, and project those views onto somepony against their will? What happens when that fiction becomes reality, and their reality becomes everypony else's fiction?

Ditzy Doo has to deal with it on a daily basis. Try as she might, ponies still see her as the klutzy, muffin obsessed mailmare that she's always been, or at least, that they think she's always been.

Chapters (1)

When the young Twilight gets her mind set on something, nothing will pull her away. Sometimes this determination leads her to do great things; other times it dumps her in the pouring rain. And, of course, she drags princess Celestia along for the ride.

Chapters (1)

What threats to its citizens has Equestria weathered in the past, before the Elements of Harmony were given to mortal ponies?
Who did the Princesses turn to in their hours of need?
Why does Big Macintosh talk the way he does?

Chapters (1)

What if the prehistoric conflicts of Equestria weren't as dramatic as they have been made out to be? What if they had been waged through post-it notes? Actually, that would be pretty dumb.
Here is a story that is pretty dumb.

Rated Teen for crudely drawn butts and graphic depictions of passive aggression.

Chapters (5)