• Member Since 23rd Jan, 2014


hell yea fimfic dis writer go hard as hell i write huge stories team luna all day and week month year and century i love big stories P O N E S Q U A D

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This story is a sequel to Hard Reset

After the events of Hard Reset Twilight's life and mental well being are slowly returning to normal. Her recovery is cut short, though, when a letter arrives informing her that the time loop spell she cast is causing severe damage to space and time itself. In over her head, Twilight tries to summon anypony who will know how to fix it. The pony she gets is the last one she ever thought she would meet... and nothing like she expected him to be.

Available in Spanish thanks to dgs1993
Series TV Tropes page

Chapters (9)

Skyrim guard travels the magical land of Equestria, making friends and foes, having adventures and lecturing about proper citizen behavior.

But how will our hero fare against the native ponies with such a short repertoire of phrases? Will he help the land or cause its downfall? Should we follow?

Of course we should!


Also, all comments saying anything about anything get a prize!

Chapters (19)

Ivory spires that put to shame the mountain they're grafted to. Thousands of lives perched on a slab of iron bolted to the side of a cliff, with an artificial sun doin' its best to warm the shadows underneath. Then there's the cybertech changin' the face of ponykind, rubbin' right up against magic the likes of which the world ain't seen for centuries. This, all of this, is New Canterlot. A magical place, in the dangerous way. Everythin' you ever dreamed of, and everythin' you ever feared. For what it's worth, good luck out there... I think you're gonna need it.

Setting inspired by Shadowrun, for both of you who care.

Chapters (8)

The Conversion Bureaus have left most of the Earth full of ponies, but a few hardy types poke about in the ruins of a once-great civilisation. some just need time to think for themselves, some have ulterior motives.

When a loner meets up with a pony, and they encounter the scattered remnants of the HLF, one of the last battles for freedom is fought for a territory long thought unclaimable.

Chapters (1)

Set in the "Friendship is Optimal" universe, this is a one-shot story examining a throwaway line in one of the last chapters of the original - what happens when an implacable, ruthless and overall efficient Celest-AI meets something which isn't just dead matter, but doesn't qualify as human? This is one possible take on it.

Chapters (1)

Conversion Bureau one-shot. As the Barrier continues to grow, the HLF spreads thin trying to harden positions deeper inland in the United States. Paul, a fighter with the HLF, is left behind—and alone—to guard the last checkpoint along a major route of egress from Earth.

Chapters (1)

Lyra goes through her usual Saturday routine at the Ponyville Mental Hospital.

Chapters (2)

Princess Luna visits Scootaloo in her dreams, telling her to face her fears again... and again and again and again and again and...

Special thanks to Spotlight for the cover art.

Chapters (1)

Raindrops believes her cutie mark predestined her to be a weathermare, but she was not content with that life. Then fate helped her accidentally drop a piano on the head of Celestia’s star pupil. With Raindrops depressed and adrift, her friend Seafoam convinces her to take a sightseeing cruise with a captain she knows. Raindrops heads out with Salty Breeze, but when the tour runs into a strange event the pair find themselves lost at sea. Worse, a massive storm is approaching quickly. Together, they must make it back safely and, along the way, perhaps discover what’s been missing in Raindrops’ life.

Chapters (1)

The world is young, cold, and lifeless. The Sun and the Moon aim to change that. But life isn't always as predictable as you think, and sometimes needs a guiding hoof. Or paw.

Chapters (1)