• Member Since 23rd Jan, 2014


hell yea fimfic dis writer go hard as hell i write huge stories team luna all day and week month year and century i love big stories P O N E S Q U A D

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After conquering yet another ancient evil, Twilight returns to her library. There, she encounters the ghost of King Sombra, who delivers a terrible warning about the dangers of helping emopones.

A touching, heartfelt tragedy, except it was written by Fiddlebottoms, so it is not.

Chapters (1)

They say that love knows no boundaries. This is the story of a pony in love. In love with a creature that, to most of ponykind, is nothing but a frightening, dangerous, deceptive, emotion-eating parasite. A creature that consumes love, and never returns it.

But what ponies say and what the truth is can be very different things. One pony makes the fateful decision to ignore the voices of society and family, and listen to the voice within...

Chapters (2)

Twilight isn't having a very good day. An experimental spell blew up in her face, an army of changelings is attacking Canterlot, and she just died. Yet somehow, it looks like it's going to keep going downhill from here.

Given the chance to correct what's gone wrong, Twilight swears she's going to fix all this even if it kills her. Which it will. Frequently.

Cover art by Pixel Prism
Spanish Translation
Series TV Tropes page

Chapters (6)

Twahlaht Sporkle is tired of exams, tired of being different, tired of her seemingly go-nowhere life as the pupil of the ruler of Equestria. One day, as she hides in the woods from another wretched exam, she discovers a mysterious portal. With hardly another thought, she leaps through-- only to find herself... in Equestria? Has her adventure ended before it even properly began?

Follow along with Twah as she discovers just how different the same old boring place can be with just a few "minor" changes!

Cover art courtesy of assuming-control of equestriaforums.com

Chapters (3)

Caught between a rock and a hard place, Cadence turns to Luna for some advice. However, Luna cannot always have the answers Cadence is looking for, and while it may not be perfect, she has a story to tell.

Chapters (2)

Inspired by devastating personal losses, Apple Bloom dons a mantle from her youth to counter Equestria's rising crime after a dramatic change in government sends Canterlot into disarray. As more heroes follow her lead and arise in other cities, she must face her own past and dark new evils on the path back to harmony.

Chapters (22)

The arrow of time moves from past to future. Try to change what’s set in stone, and causality loops as a circle. But with the twist of a paradox reality twins. The journey of life doubles, and what might have become, is...

Much further downstream the river of time, a desperate experiment has unexpected consequences. An unwilling traveler of time and space, Twilight Sparkle becomes face-to-face with herself in an Equestria utterly unfamiliar to her. Gargantuan machines scar the land roaring into the chaos of war, great engines drive the sun and moon across an unfamiliar sky, and the spectre of Discord’s thousand-year reign haunts the landscape, threatening to drown all that stands. The legacy of the mysterious disappearance of Princesses Celestia and Luna over a thousand years ago.

For one Twilight Sparkle, it is all she knows. But the other can see all that is wrong with the world. Equestria shattered, the Elements of Harmony broken, a world torn by unrelenting storms of chaos magic. As the earth-shaking tremors of a Rune War rage, Twilight Sparkle must teach her other self the power of friendship, and bring dawn to a dying world...

Many thanks to Daemon of Decay, NejinOniwa, and amacita for pre-reading!

Equestria Daily

Chapters (14)

Celestia wishes to extend the gift of Conversion to all the inhabitants of Earth, even those in the blasted and lawless badlands sectors. The Blackmesh PMC has secured the aid of the Ossuary Brotherhood, a fanatical warrior cult, in setting up a Bureau in one such location. But how will a tribe that embraces mortality and suffering react to Equestria's offer of a permenant end to strife and pain?

Chapters (1)

When Twilight was young, she used to sit on the balcony and look down at the statues in the royal garden. At the strange creatures of fur and armour and feathers and horns, and just...wonder on them.
And out of all of them, out of the unique draconequus and the rare Cyclops and the terrifying Invention Monkey, one particular statue always caught her eye.
Four...blocky, for lack of a better word, knights. Frozen in perfect formation, their heads hidden deep within the confines of their helmets. Each one stuck in the same pose, for as long as she'd known them.
And beneath them, engraved into the stone they were a part of, was a simple message.
"Wake us when something fun happens or Celestia stops being a bitch, whichever comes first."

Now with tropes page, all thanks to Eyeshield. Good work, buddy.

Chapters (7)

In the dark,six voices dwindle. They drift, forgetting life and love and hope, eaten away by time and void.

And then, suddenly, there was colour.

Chapters (4)