Favourites 411 stories
  • Favourites 411 stories - 4675 unread chapters
    Created by Pants
    - October, 2014
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Total Words: 27,158,894
Estimated Reading: 10 weeks



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She’s the loyalest of friends and most dependable of ponies; how could anypony not fall in love with Applejack? In fact, so much of the town has found themselves under her seductive spell, they’ve formed a secret society to help each other cope with their unbridled lust. Operating in seclusion, this group has been an unseen staple of Ponyville. Surely, though, nothing good can come of the mare herself discovering the existence of Applejack Anonymous.

Cover pic by the inimitable Mr. Snowpony.

Chapters (8)

Sequel to Intension.

Axion has lied. She said it would be six months until she returned; instead it was only three. Canterlot was caught unprepared, and Axion's invasion was a cakewalk. Now Twilight, Luna, and the Black Berets must find a way to stop the unstoppable, and restore peace to chaos.

Chapters (21)

Now has a sequel! Celestia Does Stuff in Ponyville While Other Things Happen Elsewhere

"Your Majesty!" "Your highness!" "My princess!" "My Sweet Goddess!"

These are all titles that Celestia has heard her little ponies call her. They hold her in the highest esteem, praising her for every little complement she gives them, and they look for her approval above all else.
Even her student Twilight treats her very highly, although that could be chalked up to a mother/daughter relationship. In fact, the only ones that don't treat her as a high and mighty, so-far-above-from-the-world-you-would-not-understand ruler were those not under her, and her sister.

Yes, everypony worships the very ground she treads upon.
And she is sick and tired of it.

With the help of her dear sister, Twilight and her friends, our beloved princess will seek out a way to put an end to the high level of praise that she has, Luna is jealous of, and Twilight is worried about receiving because of her status-- no matter how humble her subjects are to her.

The picture here seemed to get the premise of the story right. yes, sue me, I picked a picture to fit with the story, not a story for the picture. Please give the artist your full appreciation!

If you want to read the old and rejected chapters, consult this link [Clickey!]

Chapters (13)

This is a story about a journey across time, space, and some other strange dimensions that I don't have time to go into right now. It is a story of six... no, wait, eleven... no, it's... it's a story about quite a lot of ponies, let's put it that way. It is a story about those ponies, and the trials they face, the friendships they form, the pumpkins they ignore for no discernible reason. It is a story of betrayal, of hope, and all the cliché things that really good stories are made of. But for now, it is none of that. As far as we are concerned, this is a story about a young filly and her friends, and a game they play together...

Author's Note: Hey everypony! This is my first fic (or at least, the first fic I've ever submitted) so please rate and comment telling me what I could do better!

Just to clarify, this is a MLP / Homestuck crossover. There will be OCs, there will be lazily imported Homestuck mechanics, but hopefully there will also be entertainment to be had.

Chapters (46)

The depths of Luna's loneliness drive her to create a creature that never should have been. But the nature of her companion, and the dark methods used to create it, may lead Celestia to commit an unforgivable deed of her own...

Written for World-Building Alliance's January Writing Contest. Credit, as always, to NorsePony, for his wonderful editing work.

Chapters (1)

A strange artifact arrives at Twilight's library and turns her into a dragon. From there, everypony she touches suffers a similar fate and the contagion begins to spread! Twilight and her friends struggle to avoid spreading it further in this comedic misadventure of dragons and the fiery spells they weave. Can Twilight find a cure?

Chapters (8)

When Rarity has Twilight over for tea, she learns her friend has a big confession to make. But what is really going on here?

Chapters (5)

After months of practice, trial, error, and research, Twilight finally perfects the Wing Casting Spell. Her friends are more than excited to see the fruits of her labor. All her friends except for Rainbow. Why is the cyan mare so hesitant to congratulate Twilight?

Prior to Season 3.
Story seven in my Twidash Challenge: Slice of Life Theme
Cover Image by Psychodikdik

Chapters (5)

Twilight has something she needs to tell Princess Celestia--something that means a chance at getting everything she's ever wanted, or of losing everything she's ever had.

Something so terrifying that the only way she could say it was in a letter...and so wonderful that she had the courage to send it.

(Thanks to Cenit V for the cover!)

Chapters (3)

A living meteor has fallen, bringing the threat of Equestria's destruction. The Elements of Harmony have broken, following Rainbow Dash's ultimate sacrifice to protect her friends, and they scramble to solve the mystery while the world prepares for war. Moving forward is hard with Rainbow Dash dead.

But peace in the world beyond proves elusive to Rainbow, and she'll never let her friends down when they need her. Not even death will stop her from coming back.

Currently undergoing rewrites on a semi-regular basis, please check recent blogs or the 'current projects' module on my user page for details.

Editing for remastered version by Formerly Committed and Shellsh0cker.

Chapters (13)