Favourites 411 stories
  • Favourites 411 stories - 4675 unread chapters
    Created by Pants
    - October, 2014
Found 353 stories in 57ms

Total Words: 27,158,894
Estimated Reading: 10 weeks



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Twilight Sparkle has always cared more about studying than friendships, but what is it about her past that made her so immersed in her studies, to the detriment of her social life?
And why would her mentor, the great Princess Celestia, choose to wait so long before interceding?
After all, her cutie mark represents her talent at magic, not studying.

Based on scenes from the show about Twilight Sparkle's past. If anyone has a better suggestion for her parents names, I'd love to hear them, because I just took the suggestion from the MLP wiki.

Chapters (15)

When Twilight is given the opportunity to travel with Princess Celestia on what appears to be a regular dignitary’s trip to see the dragons, she’s ecstatic. After all, nopony has seen the dragon kingdom in over a hundred years.

But they are not alone on the journey; there are rumours being carried on the wind, hushed whispers of something stirring in the east...

Their presence reignites an ancient chain of events that will see Twilight racing for help in the darkest places on earth and the princess struggling to reconcile her role in the world, surrounded on all sides by enemies she thought defeated millennia ago.

The clock is ticking. Time is running out, and the sun has already begun to set...

(Cover art by the amazing xX-Mr-No-Name-Xx)
Featured on EqD!

Chapters (6)

Officially complete!

Trouble is brewing in Equestria, and Spider-Man is summoned to save the day! However, he takes the form of a pony upon his arrival and slowly starts to lose his powers. Now as Peter Pony Parker, he must become Equestria's new hero as the Amazing Spider-Mane, but with past failures haunting his mind, will somepony be able to give him the happiness he deserves and save him from a prophecy that ends with his death?

Across Equestria and through Earth, two hearts will join together, but one may die to ensure the survival of reality...

Cover image drawn by jmkplover and colored by Saljian

Official Theme Song done by XAVI- Playful Banter

It even has a Tvtropes page!

Spiders and Magic: Rise of Spider-Mane

Chapters (61)

Applejack has always had a secret dream, one that some ponies would find strange for the tomboyish farmer. She's always wanted somepony to treat her to a special romantic night, while being treated like a real lady. Turns out all she had to do was have a certain rainbow-maned pegasus catch her in a dress. Such an awkward moment will lead them to a night neither will ever forget.


Also on Equestria Daily

Chapters (2)

Dash gets what she always wanted: a spot in the Wonderbolts and Spitfire by her side. Their relationship is all speed, all adrenaline, all passion, and absolutely, positively doomed.

A trainwreck of a romance in an ongoing series of slice-of-life snapshots, clop-free.

Restraint, or Lack Thereof - Spitfire knows what she wants, knows how to get it, and knows exactly how wrong this could all go.

Day In, Day Out - Soarin needs to know why Spitfire's been distracted and out of sorts lately, and there's a good chance he already knows the answer.

Been a While - Spitfire isn't the only one in this relationship who's been nursing a crush on her idol for years. Difference is, Dash has been doing something about it.

Burden - It isn't easy being a hero, especially if you're not the hero you thought you'd be.

Forgive and Forget- Dash makes a terrible mistake. Making it won't get her in trouble; trying to fix it could be disastrous.

Wings - Sometimes you get your dreams handed to you on a silver platter. Sometimes that's the last thing you want.

Touchdown and Takeoff - Somepony's gotta put out fires for the Wonderbolts before the team implodes, and Soarin' just drew the short straw.

Shattered - Spitfire is royally ticked off at Rainbow, and RD has no idea why.

Unscheduled - Spitfire gives the Wonderbolts the week off only to find that Dash left a few things unfinished.

What Has Been Seen - The Wonderbolts are taking bets on Spitfire and Dash self-destructing, and Soarin' just wants a nap.

Now featuring beautiful new cover art courtesy of Celebi-Yoshi!

These stories are in continuity with Luna's Librarian and The Rustic & The Romantic.

All chapters originally written as separate entries for flash-fic blog Thirty Minute Pony Stories (TMP). I highly recommend a visit to TMP if you're looking for some of the best 1000-word gems in pony fiction. Many thanks to TMP for inspiring me to write!

Chapters (10)

Magic, the most powerful of the Elements Of Harmony, it binds them together and helps keep stability over Equestria. Cut that off and what happens? What happens when the threads of friendship are severed, and the flames of chaos are rekindled? For Twilight, her existence's end is simply the beginning to something much bigger. How will she act in a world deprived of the harmony it once held as a creature that must thrive on the blood that Equestria has lost?

Chapters (6)

Twilight Sparkle never was a Unicorn and she didn't even know it.
What happens when her true heritage comes to light? Will she willingly embrace it? Or will she be forced to?

Beware of spoilers in the comments!

Edited by uTTerAbsurdity, Zervziel, Stormwatch and Gwenio

Cover art by the talented Cartoonlion and colored by the equally talented Stormwatch, original can be found here

Click here for the Tvtropes page

Chapters (28)

When Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle decide they aren't contributing enough to the weekly picnic their friends have, they take matters into their own hooves for better or worse.

Watch as two hapless cooks brave the dark frontier known only as The Kitchen!

Wonder at their ability to craft semi-edible dishes!

Be amazed as this somehow sprawls into a grand adventure spanning Equestria... and beyond!

Chapters (4)

My name is Twilight Sparkle, and 350 years ago, Sweetie Belle and I vanished without a trace.
Now here we are, in the future.
Equestria has become a utopia, with everypony living in peace and harmony.
Everything is perfect. All a pony could ever want, and more.
My name is Twilight Sparkle, and I want to go home.

Editing provided by Stereo_Sub and JustAnotherTimeLord.

Cover art courtesy of Geomancing.

Reading by lieilengi

Spanish translation by Spaniard Kiwi

Chapters (14)

"I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man."
-Thomas Jefferson

Three hundred years ago, Equestria tried to assimilate Earth.
They failed. They fled, rather than face justice.
We moved on. We conquered the stars, we made a civilization that spans across the infinite void. We built true harmony between species.
We thought we'd seen the last of Celestia, but as a desperate mobile colony on the fringes of known space came to discover, we were wrong.

It is time to finish what was started by our forefathers.

Based on TCB: Not Alone, by Starman Ghost.

EDIT: Following Starman Ghost's deleting of Not Alone, I've replaced the above link with one leading to a PDF file uploaded to mediafire.

EDIT (14/04/2014): The character of Evening Star was originally created by Starman Ghost. I am using her without his permission.

Chapters (2)