Favourites 411 stories
  • Favourites 411 stories - 4675 unread chapters
    Created by Pants
    - October, 2014
Found 353 stories in 67ms

Total Words: 27,158,894
Estimated Reading: 10 weeks



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Derpy has been summoned to Canterlot by Princess Celestia. She has been fitted with the ceremonial armour of the Royal Guard, and has been brought to a courthouse. The princess has asked her to speak of an event in her past that she has no memory of. An event that changed her life and altered her personality. She just has to keep reminding herself that "most days are pretty good."

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Under A Luminous Sky

In the wake of the Mbwun killings , Spike seems to be better off then he was before: his large, muscled body is a far cry from the chubby baby he was, and he no longer has to go through his hundred-year wyrm sleep. Life, however, is rarely so simple. As he and Twilight move back to Canterlot, Spike finds that his new body may very well mean the end of his old life.

Chapters (9)

For most of Applejack's life, she didn't know what she was. True, she understood who she was well enough.
But ponies don't change shapes, nor do they get strength from love.
Applejack never thought too hard on it... until the events of a certain wedding brought about some harsh realizations.
Now, with Equestria still reeling from the surprise attack, will Applejack manage to come to terms with what she is? Will she even be able to keep her secret safe?
For if the royal guards don't get her first, the conspirators in the shadows just might...

Image provided by Heilos -

Chapters (19)

It has been more than one hundred years since Celestia banished Nightmare Moon. While Equestria has enjoyed a century of relative peace and prosperity, there are still lingering tensions between the three pony tribes.

Shadow Kicker, a proud warrior of Pegasopolis, must navigate the treacherous noble court of Canterlot and address the concerns and wounded pride of her own tribe in a desperate effort to prevent matters from coming to open warfare.

Chapters (55)

Wishing she rather be in a prison of stone herself, Celestia grieves hourly about how her life as gone amiss. One Luna that casually pranks her is enough as is, but triple the matter and you have a bride for any Draconequus. Dealing with both the silliness of Luna's youth and present, the Goddess is distracted to Nightmare's plot to overthrow her. As fast as her faithful student can work, Twilight Sparkle is in search for a way to reverse the spell, the only question is: can Celestia hold out long enough?
A/N: In all fairness, I had this thing sitting in my box for a while now. Any criticism? I need work on sentence structure and flow, if you don't mind pointing it out. The emotions and characters would be nice as well!
Image belongs to 90Sigma on dA.

Chapters (3)

Right now, I'm in an unfamiliar bed, but even so it feels quite comfortable. I'm relaxed and safe, but I think that's because of the pony laying next to me. It's been over twenty years since I met her, and along with her there are a lot of ponies in the room with me. They're all really nervous and scared. But I'm okay, because she is here.
My name is Twilight Sparkle. I am the Archmage of Equestria, the youngest ever at forty five years old, and right now, I'm laying on my deathbed.
But that's okay.
As long as Luna is here, I'll be okay.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Tangled Roots

After Babs Seed moves in with her cousins and grandmother at Sweet Apple Acres, seven years and twenty-eight seasons of lessons about friendship, love, and the true meaning of family shape her into the mare she ultimately becomes.

What became of Babs Seed's mother and sister? Will the bobtailed foal ever see the ones she left behind again? How will the other Ponyville Cutie Mark Crusaders react to their fourth member earning her cutiemark before the rest? Is family what we are born into, or is it what we choose to create? And, ultimately, can a city-pony truly adapt to country life?

This is the second installment in the Tangled Roots timeline. "Sweet Apple Anthology" is a collection of sequential side-stories spanning across seven years after the end of the first story's final chapter and continuing to its Epilogue.

The story continues in the third installment, Severed Roots.

A big thanks to Lulubell for the awesome cover image.

Now with a TVTropes page! Thanks to vren55 for putting it up!

Rated Teen for some language, violence, and darker elements.

Chapters (25)

Twilight isn't having a very good day. An experimental spell blew up in her face, an army of changelings is attacking Canterlot, and she just died. Yet somehow, it looks like it's going to keep going downhill from here.

Given the chance to correct what's gone wrong, Twilight swears she's going to fix all this even if it kills her. Which it will. Frequently.

Cover art by Pixel Prism
Spanish Translation
Series TV Tropes page

Chapters (6)

A thousand of years of life experience would no doubt teach Princess Celestia much about romantic relationships, and that is exactly what Twilight wishes to learn from her beloved mentor. When Princess Luna catches wind of these lessons, however, she sees a chance to relight the fires of love within her sister again. But when a “one-time fling” turns into a life-long infatuation, Luna and a reluctant Cadance must race to reverse the effects of their meddling before Twilight finds herself in a most compromising position!

But can she truly resist the total affection of a goddess?

Chapters (6)

Late one night, Twilight receives a letter from an anonymous scientist to work on a top secret project with long-reaching implications. If they succeed, Equestria will be changed forever. But what if the mysterious benefactor has other plans in mind? Twilight has decisions to make: About morality and mortality, love and hate, friends and lovers.

Book two: The Ghost Of You

Chapters (22)