Favourites 411 stories
  • Favourites 411 stories - 4675 unread chapters
    Created by Pants
    - October, 2014
Found 353 stories in 70ms

Total Words: 27,158,894
Estimated Reading: 10 weeks



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A few months after the events of Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000, Applejack decides to officially integrate the others into her family with an Apple tradition: a long night of cider drinking.

The next morning Applejack wakes up...in Twilight's bed...with a gold band on her hoof...and a legally binding document on the bedside table...

Cover art by ThePristineEye

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And check out About Last Night: A Deleted Scene, by EquesTRON.

Chapters (22)

There are some things that time cannot heal, some wounds that life won't let us forget. These are the scars that are bare for the world to see, and they are reminders that no matter how happy we once were, we are no longer. But still Rainbow Dash takes the trips that festers the wounds and opens the scars, because no matter how awful she feels, forgetting would be worse.

Prior to Season 3
Story five in my Twidash Challenge: Rainbow Tragedy Theme
Image credits go to Jykinturah

Chapters (1)

All of Equestria is united in celebration for the return of their beloved Princess Nightmare Moon. But when Celestia and everypony else recieve her she's skeletally starved, filthy, and very nearly dead. Meanwhile, while everypony's eye is turned, a lusty Blueblood pursues Twilight Sparkle, intent on adding her bloodline to his own so his family might step closer to godhood. (Alternate Universe, there never was a Princess Luna)

Chapters (23)

This story is a sequel to The Longest Night

As her twenty-first birthday dawns, Twilight Sparkle finds her simple life turned upside down. While her birthright forces itself into her life, Twilight also has to deal with the arrival of three Alicorns. No pony knows where they came from or what they want, and the Alicorns seem intent on keeping themselves and their purposes hidden. To uncover the truth, Twilight will set sail for distant, ancient lands with old and new friends.

Side-Stories: Velvet Sparkle and the Queen in Stone, Myths and Birthrights: Anthologiae, A Dream of Pride and Envy, The Castle Canterlot, by Honey Mead

TVTropes Page

Pre-readers/Editors: Honey Mead, WNA, Cerulean Voice
Cover art by Saint-Juniper

Comments Contain Spoilers

Chapters (46)

After receiving an urgent letter from Princess Celestia concerning a grave danger to Equestria, Twilight Sparkle undergoes a crisis of faith. Can she perform a grim task for her beloved mentor, even if it means sacrificing all that she cares about?

Based on a story prompt by TraleRayne. Extra special thanks to Dream of Ponies and Noble Jury.

Chapters (9)

Dear Princess Celestia,

I'm sorry I haven't written in a while. Things seem to be falling through the cracks lately. Spike thinks I should go see the doctor, but...

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle realizes that Rainbow Dash has been keeping a secret from her ever since the Mare Do Well incident. When she goes to confront her about it, she finds out more than she bargained for. And then Twilight reveals that she's been keeping something from her friends ever since the Royal Wedding. Now everything is out there; harsh words have been spoken and a once strong friendship hangs in the balance.

Chapters (1)

Further wanderings through the Leroverse. This fic continues on after the Xenophilia main story so you'll need to read that to be able to understand anything that's going on here. This fic may not be clop (so no explicit man-on-tiny-horse action to be found here) but the original is so you have been warned.

Most importantly, a huge shower of gratitude goes to AnonAuthor and AnonponyDASHIE for granting me permission to play around in their pool. Hopefully they won't need too much extra chlorine once I'm done. I'd also like to thank all my co-authors and guest authors. You're fantastic, every one of you.

Chapters (89)

Twilight Sparkle has always admired Princess Celestia. Her fortitude, her wisdom, her eternal grace and love for all her subjects. Twilight has often fantasized about what it would be like to be in Princess Celestia's horseshoes. She never imagined those fantasies would come true.

Events take place a short time after the Crystal Empire's return (early S3).
Proofreading from chapter three-onward provided by Daemon of Decay.
Cover image used with permission from TexasUberAlles, thanks!
Inspiration for Sunny Skies from PhantomFox.

Chapters (3)

When Twilight finds a horribly distraught Gilda in the library, begging for help with Rainbow Dash, what is she to do? Twilight, the number one expert on friendship, has been asked to help with a friendship issue, so why not? It should make an interesting letter to the Princess if nothing else.

A/N: here is the GilTwi I promised. It took me forever to get all the ideas and what not and special thanks

to For The Plot for all their help on this. Honestly, without that guy I probably would've just skipped this and done a raripie or som- no probably not that but still...
I have no clue where I'm gonna go with this thing, and am actually open to suggestions in the comments.
Knowing full well that I haven't finished it yet, I am setting this in the same Cannon as New Perspective, though it can stand on it's own.

Cover art by EthePony on DA. check him out.

Chapters (6)