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Fluttershy is having a tough summer day. She knew, of course, that there wasn't a chance for anything between her and Rainbow, but having her hopes dashed by an off-hoof comment before she even dared voice them...

...is exactly the kind of stupid mistake Dash makes. Act first, think later is all well and good when she's only looking out for herself, but it's precisely the reason why she shouldn't date her best friend. After all, Fluttershy is a gentle soul, considerate, easily offended...

...and not as weak as she seems. She'll do anything to prove it, to be worthy of Rainbow's attentions, to become...

...the one pony Dash might just trust her heart with this whole "romance" thing. Because she has no idea what's going on, or even if she's got those kind of feelings. After all, Fluttershy wouldn't hurt a fly and they...

...no matter what happens, she and Rainbow...

will always be friends.

cover image (c) turbozmr on flickr, CC BY-NC-SA

Chapters (4)

Octavia's birthday is coming up, and Luna wants to make sure that she appropriately honors her favorite musician and close friend. In disguise as the page Night Vision, she works with another page named Paperweight to scour the city of Canterlot and find the perfect gift! Hats will be purchased, gelato will be consumed, and even powerful ponies like Prince Blueblood may find themselves roped into the shenanigans. But at the end of the day, Luna is confident that she and Paperweight can find a perfect present for a wonderful musician.

Chapters (1)

Brad and Twilight Sparkle are madly in love, so madly in love that Brad agrees to follow Twilight through the mirror portal to Equestria, where the two of them plan to have a big pony wedding.

. . . Problem is, after Brad comes to Equestria, he doesn't turn into a pony.

Featured on Equestria Daily!

Now with its own TVTropes page!

Cover art by PicoBox.

(This is based on the first Equestria Girls trailer and on subsequent fan speculation.)

Chapters (15)

As Twilight Sparkle prepares for her coronation, she can't help but worry about what the future holds. Normally, this would be the time for a good book, perhaps a biography, to shed some light on how she should react to this sudden change in her life, but it seems no pony has have ever been where she is now.

With Celestia busy with coronation preparations, Twilight has no idea where to turn for advice, but this time, advice seems to have found her.

Chapters (1)

Twilight gets drunk and ships Rainbow Dash with everything in the universe.

Rainbow Dash is not amused.

Chapters (4)

After a thousand long years, Princess Luna was finally freed from Nightmare Moon and welcomed back to Equestria. But she became Nightmare Moon for a reason, didn't she? What if Luna wanted to take over Equestria even before she succumbed to jealousy?

Having returned from the moon, she secretly writes her efforts to seize the throne and notes the challenges that stand in her way. But if there's one thing that hasn't changed over the last millennium, it's the fact that she can't recognize a losing battle when she sees one.

(Thanks to SpaceCommie for editing!)

Chapters (50)

During the entrance exam to Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, Twilight completely loses control of her magic. Celestia tries in vain to calm her down, but having no other choice she's forced to use a shrinking spell on the filly in order to tone down her dangerous surge of power.

After the exam, Celestia takes the tiny Twilight as her personal student to teach the young unicorn control over her powerful magic, making sure that she will pose no threat to other beings.

Will tiny Twilight be able to step out into a world designed for someone far larger than her? And will her size impede her in the trials of life as princess personal student ?
Side stories: "My Little Twiny April Foals Day" and "My Little Medic"

[img]https://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/109x149q90/138/zvuu.png[/img] [img]https://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/136x137q90/843/7m25.png[/img]

Kydois (Audience <3!)

Frozen Ice King

Rated PonyStar

Chapters (35)

“But there is something you should know, Queen of the Changelings. You haven’t hurt me or my people half as much as you’ve hurt your own.”

"So the question you must ask yourself now," The princess concluded, "Is what you intend to do about it?"

Cover made by the very awesome Conicer. Go thank him!

Chapters (6)

When Luna becomes the unwitting test subject of an ancient spell she discovered, she gets more than she bargained for.

Now a male alicorn named Lucian, he is forced to wait for several months before he can go back to being the mare he once was. With the help of Twilight Sparkle, however, he realizes that his accidental transformation is not the curse he had believed it to be. Thanks to his new identity, he is able to move into Ponyville without being recognized, and gets to make friends for the first time in centuries, learning many important lessons along the way.

At the same time, however, Lucian must deal with his own long-forgotten personal demons; what can he do when his past begins to catch up to him? Can he protect those closest to him? And more importantly, can he even protect himself?

The answers, perhaps, may lie with his sister's greatest pupil... who may come to be far more than just a friend to him.

Note to readers: This story takes place between season 2 and season 3. Therefore, inconsistencies with season 3 canon may ocasionally occur. Consider it an "Alternate season 3," if you wish.

Cover by jamey4

Chapters (20)

Diamond Tiara is the perfect little girl. Pretty, sweet, kind, caring...

At least, that's what the adults think about her.

In reality, Diamond Tiara is none of those things. She is conniving, abusive, temperamental... and that's on a good day.

When a magical being of evil promises Diamond that her wildest dream will come true, all of Ponyville is in danger.

Kind of.

Chapters (2)