• Member Since 7th Jan, 2021

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Everypony has a hobby. Pinkie likes rock collecting, Fluttershy likes reading, and so on.

Applejack is no exception.

Story inspired by cover art made by dstears.

Written during NaNoWriMo 2022.

A thank you to Scriblits Talo for proofreading before publishing.

Now with a Russian translation by NovemberDragon.

Rated "Decent" by Ghost Mike.

Chapters (1)

Fruit Punch, formally known as Mob, has ended up in Equestria somehow. No rhyme or reason to it. Oh by the way, he landed in the Great Galloping Galla, the first one since Princess Luna’s return... his presence may have fucked with the timeline a bit.

Chapters (41)

A mysterious figure, living in shadows, is attacking seemingly random crime leaders and leaving little to no trace. The Mane Six investigate, but they find a secret more startling than what they had ever imagined.

Who is the mysterious figure? Is it a vigilante? A rebellious cop? An anarchist? Or is it something even more destructive...a pony bent on revenge?

Featured 4/19/18, 5/3/18, 5/10/18.

Chapters (25)

After rescuing an incapacitated Twilight Sparkle from the dark clutches of fearsome demons, three warriors of Princess Celestia become close friends with the six Elements of Harmony. During their newfound friendship, they uncover dangerous and fateful secrets about everything they once knew about the Elements of Harmony.

However, that is only the beginning of a rather large adventure to decide the fate of the world. For the king of Tartarus, with his howling demons at the ready, will seek out the destruction of the entire world, and claim it for himself. And only one thing will stand in his way: the Elements themselves.

From the darkest caves to the highest skies to the deepest depths of the ocean, in storms, battlefields, mountains, and Tartarus itself, the ponies must push themselves towards their inevitable, eternal destinies.

Takes place right after season 6.

Part one: Red Tower Rescue, chapters 1-14
Part two: Laying Foundations, chapters 15-22
Part three: The Unveiling of the Warrior, chapters 23-30
Part four: The Call, chapters 31-38
Part five: Seeing Double, chapters 39-47
Part six: Courage, chapters 48-52
Part seven: Sacrifice, chapters 53-59
Part eight: Honor, chapters 60-69
Part nine: Blood and Ash, chapters 70-80
Part ten: Into Darkness, chapters 81-91
Part eleven: Into Light, chapters 92-95

Chapters (103)

Cover image is not mine. Takes place one year before the events of A Rather Large Adventure.

Rewritten and re-edited 1/25/18

Princess Celestia has a secret group of three powerful protectors of Equestria, called the Guardians of the Sun. They are the elite strike force of Equestria, taking on the risks before they become public. Not many ponies know of their existence.

One such threat was a work station in the sky known as Skyworld that was threatening the destruction of all the lands in the southern parts of Equestria. After the Skyworld mission the Guardians of the Sun undertook, one of them, Firestorm, ends up with a rather important piece of technology that could potentially change Equestria as they know it.

So what does he do? With the permission of Princess Celestia, he decides to destroy it before it can do anything significant. But how will he do it?

Chapters (1)

When a strange black and red alicorn appears in the Everfree Forest, Twilight and the others are sent to investigate.

Unfortunately, this visitor is an incomprehensible mess and quickly drives the girls insane.

Featured 1/9/19. Now with an audio recording here. My goodness, what an honor!

Chapters (1)

Twilight is asked a question. The profoundness of it makes her intellectual mind stagger in shock.

Chapters (1)

A thousand years before Nightmare Moon returned, two brothers came to Equestria, intent on stealing Equestrian magic. But one of them saw the goodness in the peoples he once opposed.

His brother, however, wanted to conquer the lands he loved. So, with little other options, Scorpan must use force to stop him.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Pony Of Vengeance

What if The Pony of Vengeance turned out very, very differently?

Based on How It Should Have Ended.

Chapters (1)

An evil beyond our comprehension is created by a mad scientist in a decrepit old castle, waiting for the day to be sent upon the world to rage in the hearts of men.

Its name: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

Featured 1/19/19, 1/20/19

Chapters (1)