• Member Since 7th Jan, 2021

General Kidd

I like to read stories

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Total Words: 36,147,062
Estimated Reading: 14 weeks



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This story is a sequel to Pinkie Pie's Promise

Audio reading by Scribbler Productions

Twilight Sparkle: the student of the princesses, a princess in her own right, and brimming with stunning capability. She's also awkward, nerdy, and obsessed with the pursuit of knowledge. Not to mention cuter than any other mare in Ponyville!

Trouble is, you don't know how to initiate a relationship with her. Maybe there's a book that can help. Maybe...she can help.

Chapters (1)

After being called by the Cutie Map to stop an incident in Ponyville, the girls discover a stallion being pursued by the worst kind of girl imaginable: a tsundere. How can this possibly work out well? It probably might not.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Sweet Nightmares

As a spy for Celestia, you are tasked with a mission to retrieve information regarding the commanding officer of the invading Storm King, Tempest Shadow. But you were captured, and, all alone with only her, Tempest begins her interrogation. What she discovers from you might finally calm the tempest in her head and lift a shadow from her heart.

Chapters (1)

A dozen unicorns have been drawn towards a mysterious mansion on a hill on the outskirts of Ponyville. Tasked with finding out why, Twilight and her friends enter themselves, only to fall victim to the spirit within, who can control every aspect of the house.

Then, influenced by the spirit, one of them becomes a traitor to serve his nefarious purposes. How long can the ponies hold out before they are all destroyed?

Written for the Change of Pace contest by HapHazred

Chapters (4)

Long ago, in a distant land beyond Equestria, Lord Tirek was once the disciple of a centaur called Sendak, who promised the possibility of extracting Equestrian magic. After Sendak was captured by his father, Tirek sets out to do what his master could not: become an unstoppable force of nature.

Before he leaves, his nervous, unambitious brother Scorpan comes to him, pleading with him to stop. In the resulting exchange, Tirek and Scorpan become more than brothers. They become master and disciple.

Bonds between brothers become broken. And Tirek will discover what Scorpan really means to him.

Chapters (2)

Starlight Glimmer is the head counselor at the School of Friendship. As a student, you couldn't help but notice that she's nothing short of lovable. But does she feel the same way? Only one way to find out.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Soarin's Comfort

Audio reading by Scribbler Productions

Nightmare Moon rules Equestria. Celestia has been banished, and your friends have been locked away, but you were spared to become a lowly servant. For the past few weeks, you did your best to serve her dutifully, until, one sunless day, you are mysteriously invited to the throne room. Why is she calling you, of all people?

Now with a reading by Agent Fluffy!

Chapters (1)

The legend of Chrysalis is common knowledge. She preys on others, seeking for love with a bottomless cup. So when you become her victim unwittingly, your purpose to her is relatively known. When you wake up in her cave, you are greeted by her alone. What does she say?

Audio reading by Scribbler Productions

Now with a reading by Agent Fluffy!

Chapters (1)

One evening, Applejack gives refuge to a stranger whose very voice sends shivers up her spine. He is a self-proclaimed storyteller who has a tale of woe for the Apple family. And later that evening, blood is spilled. Can Applejack figure out his intentions? Or is it already too late?

Written for the Halloween in April horror contest with The Barcast.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to A Glimmer of Love

Audio reading by Scribbler Productions

You and Octavia Melody have been close friends for months and months. But lately, it seems that your time together has been growing shorter as Octavia sinks herself into her musical career.

On the day of her concert, you sneak backstage to find her alone, frustrated over her music. Now is the time to de-stress her, repair the broken bond, and strengthen it into something better.

Chapters (1)