• Member Since 7th Jan, 2021

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I forced a bot to read 1000 hours of My Little Pony fanfiction and then write a story of its own. Here is the first draft.

Chapters (1)

Trixie is the best stage performer you have ever seen in Equestria since your arrival. Her flamboyancy, sassy attitude, and grandiose shows overwhelmed you the first time, and you never get enough of it. It comes to a head one day when you decide to check up on her after a show.

Turns out, Trixie may need you more than she lets on.

Now with a reading by Agent Fluffy!

Chapters (1)

Shining Armor needs to use the bathroom. Twilight Sparkle wants to turn this into a clopfic. Shining Armor will have none of that.

A gift for anonpencil

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Twilight's Spark

Audio reading by Scribbler Productions

After breaking up with a mare you've loved for a long, long time, your mind is in shambles. You live life only from day to day, trying to clear your head by doing menial, solo tasks like helping out the Apples in their chores.

One day, however, you come to the close, caring friend called Rarity. And your direction may perhaps be changed for the better.

Chapters (1)

Late one night, Sunburst receives a visitor with astounding news.

There is another world out there.

How will Sunburst respond to such news? Not the way you'd think.

Cover art link

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to In Luna's Embrace

School's almost over. It's midterms, and classes are worse than ever. But one day, when your exams for the day are over, you have nothing better to do than kick back in the library. While you're there, a girl you've seen around introduces herself to you.

By the time you leave, a sunset is lowering in the distance, but the hopes of another Sunset are rising.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Trixie's Flares

As an introverted person who thinks talking naturally is unnatural, you're starting to think that maybe the land of friendship you appeared in isn't a place for you to make friends.

Vinyl Scratch might just be the pony to change that, however. While relaxing in the park one day with your headphones in and your sunglasses on, far away from anypony else, she comes up, and, incredibly, so do your emotions. She may have just scratched the surface on your reclusiveness.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to A Simple Scratch

It was a simple meeting at first in the Wonderbolts, but after spending time together with him, Soarin' becomes someone you can not live without. Where else will you find someone as caring, kind, and handsome as he?

But lately, you wonder: is your connection with him secure? Can Soarin' reassure you?

A gift for ZuzuSky21

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Apple of Her Eye

The first night in Equestria is uneasy. It is restless. You quiver in your sleep. You've been separated from everyone you've ever known, your future looks grim, and you're not sure if you can do anything. You're small. Insignificant.

But someone, very likely an angel, comes into your dreams to say that's just not true. And in each other, you and Luna see more than just friends. Maybe you see... hope.

Audio reading by Scribbler Productions

Audio Reading by Agent Fluffy

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Fluttershy's Whispers

Pinkie Pie is unlike any other pony in Ponyville. Hyper, energetic, funny, bubbly, and cute, she got your attention from the instant you arrived. And the more you paid attention, the more you noticed about her.

One day, your feelings reach a breaking point. You have to tell her. And at Sugarcube corner, Pinkie Pie's life--and yours--will be changed forever.

Chapters (1)