• Member Since 7th Jan, 2021

General Kidd

I like to read stories

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This story is a sequel to Fluttershy's Whispers

Pinkie Pie is unlike any other pony in Ponyville. Hyper, energetic, funny, bubbly, and cute, she got your attention from the instant you arrived. And the more you paid attention, the more you noticed about her.

One day, your feelings reach a breaking point. You have to tell her. And at Sugarcube corner, Pinkie Pie's life--and yours--will be changed forever.

Chapters (1)

After the Canterlot Wedding disaster, the rebellious Thorax defected from the changeling kingdom to come to the land of Equestria, and with him came many changelings who agreed with his message of peace. However, Queen Chrysalis, angry at his insubordination, launched an invasion against Equestria.

With their forces spread thin across the land, Equestria has no choice but to rely on one thousand reformed changeling volunteers as an assault against Chrysalis's main army. But will the plan to end the invasion force succeed? Or is hope doomed for all?

Chapters (5)

Every trope gets broken and nothing goes right for our unlikeable and shallow hero: me, who gets transported to Equestria after buying a Bleach weapon at Comic-Con...somehow.

(I dunno how that works. How in the heck does buying a Bleach weapon take you to Equestria of all places?!)

Parody on Displaced fics.

Chapters (10)

Iron Penn is one of the best authors in the world, and some of the girls have a few questions for him. At the end of it, the girls learn more about him than they would ever care to know.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Rarity's Romance Advice

Audio reading by Scribbler Productions

You've been helping Applejack on the farm for the past few weeks after arriving in Ponyville. While on the farm, in between tasks, you notice the girl who allowed you to work there. There's a certain kind of beauty about her that can only be achieved by work in the hot sun. She's curt in attitude, but also gentle. No matter what she does, she's sincere in her actions. And that cute way she calls you sugarcube... You don't know exactly when, but you've developed a crush on Applejack.

Which means that one day, you need to tell her just how great she is. What you don't expect is for her to tell you the same.

Chapters (1)

She's a prostitute. He's a recent college grad. You'd think you know where this is going, but there's a reason for everything, and she's about to find out why for she was called here.

Kinks: reluctant snuggling, selfless care of someone, watching movies with someone else, hot cider drinking.

Featured 6/13/19, 6/14/19

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash has invited you over for a lazy night at her house. How will she spill her secrets to you tonight?

Introducing: a 2nd-person story with only Rainbow Dash's lines to you for a truly immersive experience.

Chapters (1)

A thousand years have passed. Celestia and Luna, revered as goddesses, have been deposed and slain at the cloven hooves of Grogar the necromancer. Equestria is in ruins. Evil reigns.

Grogar, before his death, imposed a new religion based on the worship of a woman named Faust, who rules as a mythical being known as a human over the ponies. The ponies interpret her to be ruthless and fierce, and worship her with living sacrifices, awaiting the day when she will come.

But after one of their profane rituals to appease her, an arch-priest of the religion wonders: if their religion is true, why has Faust...not come yet?

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Rainbow Dash Confesses Her Love to You

You've been going through a tough time lately. Every day you come home exhausted and hurt, and your mind is at its all-time limit. The only recluse you have is in Fluttershy, your loving, caring girlfriend.

During a restless sleeping fit one night, you're aware of her voicing her true feelings to you.

Now with an audio recording by LolidereBrony

Chapters (1)

When Starlight Glimmer went back in time to stop the Rainboom from happening, who would have guessed that so many people from alternate dimensions would stop her?

Chapters (1)