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After living through a long alicorn life, Twilight's time finally comes. All of her old friends have passed on, but she still has her daughter Nyx by her side at the end. Before she reunites with everyone else, they share a moment.

Nyx is an original character from Past Sins by Pen Stroke. Credit goes to him for her creation. This is my tribute to her and that legendary story which is one of the most loved on fimfiction.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash was not a pony built for emotional talks, long train rides, and deep conversations. She often considered herself to be the exact opposite of those things.

While in the company of three very different ponies, Rainbow begins to wonder what she's meant to do when the situation calls for anyone but her.

CW: the death tag is for a character dying of cancer. No physical on-screen death occurs in the story. This story could be rated E however needs a T rating to get the death tag.

Entry for the Renaissance Contest. Preread by the ambidextrous and enigmatic SunlightRays, the vigilant and incomparable applejackofalltrades, and the ingenious and ineffable wishcometrue. Cover art by the glorious and confluent Mushroom.

Chapters (2)

Twilight Sparkle and her friends have conquered every challenge sent their way. They've won battles, forged bonds and expanded the lessons of friendship to far beyond Equestria's borders. But when the march of time brings forth some very troubling realizations, Twilight seeks advice from perhaps the only pony in the whole world who could help her.

My submission to the The My Little Pony Renaissance Contest. Originally part of a larger story, I felt that with a little tweeking, I could make a pretty good one-shot. At least, I hope it's a good one-shot. :twilightblush:

Chapters (1)

Spike wants to be left alone after the funeral. But Discord won’t do that. He’s going to help his old friend through his loss. And that will require a few surprises…

Chapters (1)

In a memorial museum inside the futuristic city of Ponyville, lay the memories of what is considered the greatest ruler of Equestria to date. A collection of memoirs left by the long-gone Princess. Of the millions of letters and thoughts recorded by Twilight, seven have achieved infamy. Believed by many to be addressed to the legendary bearers of Harmony themselves, scholars have long debated the meaning behind the strange words.

Who were they? What was their relationship to her? Nopony knows anymore, all that's left are the myths and legends, and of course, Twilight's Heartfelt words.

Check out this wonderful audio rendition done by Straighttothepointstudios on youtube.

Chapters (1)

Zecora welcomes Celestia and Twilight to tea with mixed feelings. Celestia, after all, was the first pony to ever call Zecora a friend, but she's also one of the few creatures who knows the truth, a truth that Zecora feels certain Celestia wants to share with Twilight...

This was going to be my entry in the 200th Writeoff contest, "Looking Back," but once again, I couldn't get it finished in time. And the cover art is by Andy Price, of course.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle's entire purpose as a young mare was building friendships and saving the world. Now her friends are gone, and all of her enemies thwarted. What's left for her? She sits in her royal library centuries later, moldering away with her beloved books, until Spike arrives one day to say goodbye. Goodbye!? Princess Twilight Sparkle is left to figure out what happens when your life plan runs out of steps, and how she can get back to the life she misses. Throw in one long-forgotten foe who truly understands the meaning of "change", and you're in for one heck of a ride!

Come back to Equestria with Twilight Sparkle as she explores it hundreds of years in the future, and learn the true meaning of friendship all over again.

Written for Dezmo's "My Little Pony Renaissance Contest",

The My Little Pony Renaissance Contest


Chapters (6)

Most Pegasi can fly. Some can't. I'm one of them. Oftentimes this fact gets me down. Other times it crushes me. I try to make the best of it. When I can't, I pretend I do. Fake it 'till you make it.

There's nothing I can do to change that, but at least I have friends to help me through the rough spots. Even if they don't know just how bad it actually is.


This was inspired slightly by PrinceWhateverer's song "Promises", partly by a few different pictures I saw off Google... :twilightsheepish:
I just can't seem to find them again to use as cover art.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle lives through a long life as an alicorn, but eventually that great lifespan comes to an end after five thousand years. Now she is able to reunite with her friends, her true friends that could never be replaced even after so long.

Author's Note: This goes by the theory that Alicorns are not immortal but simply live longer. Please do not start an argument over this as neither of which have been officially stated.

Made Popular Stories 9/17/20-9/19/20. And Featured!

Chapters (1)

During a harsh snow storm, Applejack finds a filly. Half frozen to death, she brings her home. After a night of warmth and love, she awakens to find the filly is gone.

What happens that morning brings both happiness and sadness to two ponies lives.

Cover Art by Aurelia of Raspberry Studios

Chapters (1)