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Twilight is taking tea, just like she used to with the princess. She's the princess' faithful student actually. Did you know that?

Winner of the 4th Panic Fiction contest for the Quills and Sofas Speedwriting Group. Originally conceived and written in half an hour. This version here has undergone some very slight refinement.
The prompt was 'What's That Smell?'.

Chapters (1)

Twilight takes a bath to forget.

Second place in GaPJaxie's Happy Stories Speedwriting Contest, where it was conceived and written in 60 minutes.

Now with a reading from StraightToThePointStudio!

Chapters (1)

It's been a hundred years since Twilight was crowned. Most of her original friends are gone. Now, only Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy remain, each with a spark of something special keeping them past their time.

But unlike Twilight, neither of them has a claim to true immortality.

Winner of the 15th Quills and Sofas Speedwriting contest. The prompt was "A Worthy End." The contest was a two-parter, and each chapter was written in an hour, and then expanded slightly afterwards.

Chapters (2)

The relationship between Celestia and Hydia, the Queen of the Lamias, goes back quite a ways: Hydia was the first of Equestria's enemies that Celestia consigned to Tartarus instead of killing, after all.

But as the centuries roll on, their relationship changes somewhat.

This was going to be my entry in the 193rd Writeoff competition, "How the Mighty Have Fallen," but I didn't get it finished before the deadline. Then along came the My Little Pony Renaissance Contest with its theme of "Change," and, well, here we are!

Chapters (1)

The smallest things can make the biggest changes in our lives.

A routine medical procedure reveals a previously unknown link between the King of the Changelings and the Prince of the Crystal Empire. With this knowledge now revealed to them both, will they find a way to contend with the change?

Or is it simply easier to keep things the way they are?


Rated Teen for mentions and discussions of conception and paternity.

Thanks to happytime27 for the pre-read.

My entry in the My Little Pony Renaissance Contest.

Cover Art Borrowed from racingwolf.

Featured From 6-29-2021 to 7-4-2021. Thank you all.

Chapters (3)

Set shortly after the final scene of Season 9.

Months after the end of it all, Spike and Ember have a conversation on a familiar, lonely cliffside. Because even when it's over, the friendships we made along the way will go on. They look different—everything is different—but if you look hard enough, you might still be able to recognize the same magic. Faded, but still growing.

✔ Fimfiction Featured Box – June 17-20, 2021
✔ Reached the Top of the Featured Box

Cover Image: "Everything's Clear Now" by Tamersworld

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Appointment with Evil

This takes place decades after the end of FIM Season 9 Episode 26 with Twilight established as monarch of Equestria, and can be read as a sequel to Appointment with Evil or as a stand alone story.

An unexpected visitor crashes Day Court, alerting Twilight to something being seriously wrong in the Crystal Empire ...

Chapters (14)

Something strange is happening down in the Everfree Forest, so Luna goes to investigate, but is unprepared for what, and indeed who she is going to find.

* Featured at #3 on the banner 05/20 - 05/21 - thank you all! *

Chapters (5)

Luna and Celestia's fight took a rather different turn from in most universes. Instead of assuming a corrupted form, Luna took those who supported her and left for the moon, where she and her followers still live a thousand years later. But sooner or later, worlds must collide, and when the ponies of the moon meet the ponies of Equestria, the sisters' conflict won't be so easy to resolve.

First in the Worlds-verse, and a part of the greater The Powers That Be multiverse.

Featured on 4/15/2021

Co-written with Anon e Mouse Jr.

Chapters (28)

When a blizzard descended upon the Crystal Empire, everypony felt their fear of the unknown return. Twilight and her friends were instantly on the next train, and found the Crystal Empire almost as if it had never been saved in the first place. Fortunately, the crystal ponies were standing strong against the onslaught, and their city was not in danger.

That did not mean Twilight was not in her own danger, as she walked the short distance to the protected part of the capital.

Chapters (50)