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In a moment of weakness, Chrysalis had more than a taste of Shining Armour's love. 11 months later, Twilight Sparkle finds herself a brand new niece by way of 'A small foal in a basket on my door step'.

Special thanks for the picture by Awilldrawforfood1
Now edited with DoomManta.

Chapters (11)

Rarity has had some tough luck at love. Blueblood, Trenderhoof... Now that she's been set up on a blind date by Rainbow Dash, all she hopes for is that it won't end in utter embarrassment.

She didn't account for having already impacted their life in a major way.

Rated Teen for Horse Romance. Coverart by myself.

Chapters (6)

Learn of how one of Equestria's greatest villains came to be. Learn of the creation of Discord and follow how he became the God of Chaos due to the heartbreak of following his true love found in that of one pony, or should I say, one celestial pony.

Cover Artist: http://www.furaffinity.net/gallery/negativefox/1/

Chapters (9)

Every year, a funeral is held for Celestia’s dearly departed daughter, Aurora. Every year Aurora grapples with the consequences of facing her mother and the public eye once again.

Rated T for themes of death - albeit lightly touched on. Constructive criticism is always encouraged.

Chapters (2)

An army marches upon Canterlot with a single intent.

Kill the Princesses.

I appreciate the story being shared around, commented on, liked, enjoyed, all that jazz. :ajsmug:
Check out my profile for more fun little dark stories.

Chapters (1)

Whenever Time Turner touches a pony, he knows how and when they are going to die.

This makes living a regular life rather difficult.

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia writes a report to her teacher on what she has learned about mortality.

On EQD Sept. 7, 2012.
Hungarian translation by Shidotoku
Spanish translation by SPANIARD KIWI

Chapters (1)

Luster Dawn returns home to spend Hearth's Warming with her mother--who is very curious to hear how her former student is doing.

"Death" tag is for discussions of death and dying.

All chapters are complete and edited, and will be posted daily.

Preread by Krack-Fic Kai, FanOfMostEverything, Shrink Laureate, and Matt. Thanks, everyone!

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to Kiss of the Dark

Six months after the events of Kiss of the Dark, Twilight is deep into her pregnancy with Sombra's child. The foal is due any moment now, and she grows more excited by the day.

However, her memories of Sombra still haunt her. Torturing her in her dreams, making her feel guilty for the things she's done with him....

Once Celestia catches wind of it, she takes it upon herself to help her former student once more. After all, its best that they fix things once and for all before the foal arrives...

Cover by AmberSolaen/Starburst Dawn.

Reading Kiss of the Dark before reading this story is recommended, but not required.

Chapters (4)

King Sombra survived his defeat, but just. By the time he returned to form, Twilight became the newest princess of Equestria and the Crystal Empire was restored to its former glory.

He cannot take over Equestria the same way he tried before, but he has a card up his sleeve. Twilight won't see it coming, and Sombra might gain a powerful ally in the process.

And it will all begin...with a book.

Edits on Chapter 1 done with the help of TempesttheDragnix.

Major props to InuHoshi-to-DarkPen for letting me use this. That artist is really good.

Chapters (20)